a daily scoop of my life
Monday, February 25, 2008
Hideto Matsumoto, RIP

ampe merinding nontonnya.. terutama pas di footage yg ada gitar Hide ditaro' di atas panggung plus 1 mic. :'( uhuhuhu.. sediiihhh...

I.V. - OST Saw IV
X Japan

Needles are piercing through my skin
I'll tell you the feeling what it's like
Is life just all about deception?

Please don't be a part of a fairy tale,
but you're so young to play with thy own will
Should I trade the breath of my life for freedom?

(In the rain) I'm calling you, dear
(Find the way) Can't you see me standing right here?
(Feel my pain) Life's bleeding from fear
(Find its place) I will give it straight from my vein

Needles are piercing through my skin
I don't fear the fucking life

This never meant I can't sit by
They say as if it takes me somewhere
Just let me swallow the faith by injection
Life better be rushing to my head, my love

I've played with this game before to find a piece of my true self!
I'm lost within!

Back to Reff.

I'm feeling my pain
Do you feel where it's been
Can you cope with history of the world,
when it's sad part of life?
Can set the shadows fade,
forever fade away

Back to Reff.

oh mumpung lagi post video clip J-Rock, check the following. an AMAZING duet of Gackt & Kami during one of Malice Mizer's live performances:

Saturday, February 23, 2008
so tell me.
how do you cure "bisulan" on your ear?
Friday, February 22, 2008
when it comes to these things...
women can be more reasonable.

just minutes ago, I stopped by at BCA Pondok Indah to get some money. my driver parked the car, and not long after I was on my way out. another car was blocking my car (dia parkir paralel di belakang mobil gue, mobil gue yg arah tegak lurusnya.. kebayang gak?). i looked around trying to find a security guard to help me pushing that car back, when the car's driver suddenly approached me, realizing that i was about to go out. he got into his car, starting to mmm.. mundur tu bahasa inggrisnya apa ya?

duh capek ah berbahasa Inggris, dah mabok di kelas IELTS tiap hari -_-;;

anywaaaay, supir gue dengan mantapnya merasa yakin bahwa mobil itu akan terus mundur, mulai lah mundurin mobil gue. di luar dugaan, mobil tadi tiba2 maju karena ternyata utk terus mundur ga bisa, kehalang mobil lain di belakang dia. ketebak dong apa yang terjadi..

nabrak lah mobil gue dan mobil dia.

supir gue turun, berantem lah dengan supir itu. panjang lebar mereka saling nyalahin, ngomel2, dan kemudian supir tadi manggil bosnya.

begitu gue liat ibu bos muncul, ikut turun lah gua, dengan kondisi sepenuhnya sadar bahwa mata supir gue emang siwer total.

Gue (G): Bu, mobilnya ada asuransinya?
Ibu Bos (I): *sambil ngeliat seberapa parah kondisi mobilnya, yg notabene cuma beset2 dikit laah..* Baru aja saya asuransiin.
G: Maaf ya, Bu, emang supir saya yang meleng. Kalau mau saya yang urus gak papa, rumah saya deket sini kok, kita bisa ke sana sebentar.
I: Oh nggak kok gak pa-pa, bisa diurus sama asuransi saya.
G: Bener ni, Bu? Kalau mau saya yang nanggung juga gak papa, emang supir saya yang salah.
I: Bener kok, gak papa.
G: Makasih banyak ya, Bu.
I: Sama-sama.

*jabat tangan*

lalu ngeloyor cabut lah gue, setelah minta maaf juga sama supirnya.

obviously kedua supir pas mo berpisah masih saling memberi tatapan tajam dan pasang muka bete. supir gue pun makin bete setelah di mobil gue marah2in, ngapain juga keukeuh2an kalo emang dia juga salah.

so, persoalan berakhir dengan damai. see? we can be reasonable. kebayang kalo tadi cowok sama cowok (apalagi kalau salah satu cowok adalah bokap gue ato oom gue yang Batak), ujung2nya dijamin ada adegan perkelahian. kalo cowok sama cewek juga biasanya ujung2nya berantem, cowok dg khasnya stereotyping cewek ga bisa nyetir, cewek dg khasnya simply gak mau kalah dan bawel aja.

ato mungkin gue hoki aja gak ketemu sama ibu2 yang rese' dan mood gue juga lagi bukan mood pengen berantem. :P
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
"Jaya Tanpa Pita"
"Di Jember, produsen rokok polos juga bertebaran. Jumlahnya lebih dari 200 pabrikan. Kusnadi salah satunya. Pria 45 tahun warga Desa Sumber Jeruk, Kecamatan Kalisat, ini mempunyai pabrik Tunggal Jaya. Produksinya lumayan, 300 ribu batang per bulan. Merek rokoknya beragam, seperti Gudang Garan, Grandel, Djaram, dan L4, pelesetan brand terkenal."

Source: TEMPO, 17 Februari 2008, p.115

Agak kurang kreatif ya orang kita kalo milih nama... xD
Sunday, February 03, 2008
The Apprentice Season 7 eps 5
i'll give it a:


one of the best episodes I've watched (and I've watched every single episode of Apprentice). it's full of intrigue, drama, and it's real (although people said that it looked like the parody of Soprano's finale heheh)! i feel so bad for Vinnie, i think he's just being the victim of a scenario that went really bad. the girls should've given him more credits for giving alot of good input on their task.

now THIS is the reason why i'm watching the show! bitchy, ruthless, DRAMA.

oh, and i love the Soprano music during Vinnie's entrance and when he went out of the board room heheh

episode recap:
Reality TV World

after-resignation interview:
MSN Video Interview
TV Guide Interview transcript

current tune


ndari, nday, ojochan, nenek, burung, bursky, birdy, wulan

obsessed with new york city, vin diesel, yoshiki hayashi, having an apartment, and keeping things clean & tidy

describes herself as anal-retentive, a workaholic, a credit-card abuser, a faghag, suffering from light OCD

luv luv luv coffee, cigarettes, bodyCombat, cocktails, chit-chatting, making friends, organizing, working, the idea of decorating her own apartment, shopping

freaks out over talks about marriage and having kids

hates fruits, mushy-spoiled-and-stupid guys, cooking, people who are not being ontime/ nosy/ judgmental/ who burp in public

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