Another day Staring out of my window Thinkin' 'bout tomorrow Wishing things would clear
No need to rush I ain't gonna worry Any moment my sorrow Is bound to disappear
Chorus: Sometimes I tell myself I'm better off without you And then I have to face the emptiness I feel inside without you And find a way to make it through another day
I need a way to find the truth within me Accept the fact that I love you My blue eternity
I hear they say What doesn't kill you makes you stronger I must have the heart of a lion Sifting through love's remains
Chorus: My love for you is etched Forever in my memory Now I realize that life goes on Even though you're not here with me I wake up looking forward to another day A day of living without you Just another day
That is one of my favorite tracks. Bukan jazz sebenernya, ini lebih soul. But I love Buckshot's voice!!! Duhhh empuk2 seksi gitu, enak banget didengerinnya. Kirain dari namanya tu orang bule, pas denger suaranya either he's black ato a funky white guy with a soul voice :P
Anyway, to anyone yang suka smooth jazz / soul, this album is a must buy! Gue tergoda beli setelah dengerin Meja (yg nyanyiin itu lho "It's all about the money.. dum dum durudum dum..") bawain Aqua de Beber.
This is one of those CDs yang enak didengerin malem hari on your way home. Kemungkinannya memang antara ngilangin stress ngadepin traffic Jakarta, ato ketiduran hahahahaha But seriously, must buy! Track-track-nya campuran smooth jazz dan soul, which explain kenapa ada Spyrogyra dan Tony Bennet, tapi juga ada Kelly Rowland.
why, you say? 1) we get pregnant. for 9 freaking months, big belly which means extra extra weight to be carried, not to mention the nausea and all those pregnancy-symptoms crap. at least that's what i heard. 2) we give birth. no explanation needed here. 3) women do facial and wax. by their own choice.
let me recall the sms i sent to anin, several seconds before the.. the white thingie (yg digunakan untuk mencabut itu) being scraped out of my skin:
"nin, gue nanya mbak-nya wax sesakit apa, masa' dia bilang kayak ditabok jin. mati gak sih.."
2 seconds after, i sent her the following sms:
so to those wondering how painful waxing could be, let me tell you that "ditabok jin" is an understatement. my definition about the pain would be "kayak digaruk pake gergaji".
i'm not the kind of person who swears, at least gak pernah kasar (unless "ee' goreng" would be categorized as kasar). so this time looking at the vocabulary i used on my SMS, you can guess why.
and do you think after that it's over? oh nooooo... there would be the threading. the part where the beautician uses a warm thread (indian thread or some sorts) to pull the left-overs down to the roots. how does that feel? to me, "kayak dikunyah2 macan".
to sum it all, it's as PAINFUL as hell. but, tolerable. kalo ada yang pernah ngerasain di-facial yg dipencetin jerawatnya ampe keluar (something i do every month), tau sakitnya kayak apa kan? this is like... 10x more painful, tapi a lot quicker. kalo dipencet2 jerawatnya tuh udah lah sakit, terus lama pula karena berusaha jerawatnya keluar. kalo ini, sakitnya gawat banget tapi cuma for a second. abis itu ada jeda several seconds utk narik nafas.
ya at least gak sampe keluar air mata lah. gue kalo di-facial ampir selalu sampe keluar air mata, apalagi pas jerawat batu. cuma ya emang rentan keluar sumpah serapah.
gue kemaren itu wax-nya di Qtiq daerah Kemang. kalo boleh milih sebenernya prefer di the famous Narsih di Pulo Raya. tapi di sana bookingnya susah banget, harus 2 minggu - 1 bulan sebelumnya. tempatnya Narsih ini pretty famous karena emang jago dan gak gitu sakit.
di Qtiq sendiri mbak-nya sih baek banget. dan pas gue bilangin ini first experience, dia cukup pengertian lah. dan selama proses juga bisa diajak ngobrol. kalo dia modelan yang dingin gitu gue dah bunuh diri kali, makin stress.
dan gak perlu malu tereak karena ternyata banyak newbie yang tereak. yang minta ngitung bareng mbak-nya pun ada, "1..2..3.. AAAAAAARRGHHH!" hehehe gue gak sampe tereak, tapi itu kasur kayaknya bolong kena kuku gue gara2 tiap kali ditarik, kuku gue dibenemin ke kasur.
dan 1 pengetahuan baru buat gue, ternyata wax juga dilakukan buat cowok. kemaren pas ngeliatin daftar harga, agak bingung kenapa ada "M" dan "F". including di harga brazilian dan bikini wax. akhirnya gue tanya, "mbak, emang ada ya cowok yang brazilian wax?". dan dijawab, "lha itu yg lagi di dalem sekarang itu cowok lagi brazilian wax."
i SO did not need to hear that information.
karena mau gak mau abis itu jadi ngebayangin. dan setelah ngelewatin sendiri prosesi waxing-nya, semakin gak kebayang cowok macem apa yang kuat di-wax.
and so, there goes my first experience of waxing. will i do it again? i think so. although mau nyoba di Narsih next time. as painful as hell, but the result worth it. seneng aja jadi bersih dan higienis rasanya. sama kayak facial lah, sakit banget tapi kalo dah liat hasilnya juga pasti seneng dan mau2 aja disuru lagi hehehe
Thursday, October 04, 2007
the fate of bosses without an office-boy
beginilah nasib bos2 yang OB-nya baru berenti: kami kerja bakti.
jadi ceritanya OB gue berenti sekitar 2 minggu yang lalu. begitu dia berenti, langsung deh gue banyak berteriak di kantor. teriakan pertama terjadi ketika gue mo pipis tiba2 melihat ada kecoa mati di dalam bak mandi. teriakan kedua terjadi ketika gue menuju ke toilet tiba2 ada tikus lewat. teriakan berikutnya terjadi setelah melihat jalanan menuju dapur penuh dengan tapak sepatu. belum lagi terjadi banyak proses menutup hidung karena ini kantor jadi bau. T_T
alhasil karena tidak tahan lagi, tadi pagi kami kerja bakti. gue by choice membersihkan WC dan mencuci handuk tangan + keset + kain pel, bima menyapu dan mengelap2, jojon mengepel dan washing the dishes.
hasilnya? WC jadi wangi lagi. dan banyak benda2 berubah warna! luar biasa! x( WC dari rada cokelat, jadi putih. dinding tegel dari kuning jadi putih. handuk dari pink kusem, jadi pink kinclong, keset dari item jadi cokelat muda.
problem tinggal 1: tikusnya belum ketemu.
so today kalo jadi i'll be having my first experience getting waxed. ngeri banget sebenernya, tapi penasaran abis dan pengen nyoba. hehehehe wish me the courage & luck! (and i mean it.)
ndari, nday, ojochan, nenek, burung, bursky, birdy, wulan
obsessed with new york city, vin diesel, yoshiki hayashi, having an apartment, and keeping things clean & tidy
describes herself as anal-retentive, a workaholic, a credit-card abuser, a faghag, suffering from light OCD
luv luv luv coffee, cigarettes, bodyCombat, cocktails, chit-chatting, making friends, organizing, working, the idea of decorating her own apartment, shopping
freaks out over talks about marriage and having kids
hates fruits, mushy-spoiled-and-stupid guys, cooking, people who are not being ontime/ nosy/ judgmental/ who burp in public