pas encore Twilite Orchestra maenin One Winged Angel, gue ama Sergio dah serasa mo nangis. alah jangankan itu.. baru mulai langsung dibuka pake Liberi Fatali, gue dah tereak2 histeris hahahahaha tadinya mo sok2 bikin review, tapi ada 1 problem utama: gue ga afal judul2 lagunya.
overall, i think the concert went to be AMAZING. terlepas dari masalah sound system untuk band-nya yang menjadi satu2nya flaw ni malem, menurut gue.
buat yang tadi ga dateng, bakal ada siarannya kok di TV. catet..catet.. JakTV 31 Juli 2006 pk. 21.30
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
sibuuuuuuk! dan tentu saja... SENAAAAAAAANGGGG!! ^_^
1 thing i've realized: working is my break from watching TV. *lol*
Thursday, July 13, 2006
sidang ilham
ya Alloh kagumnya gueeeeeeee.... cuma mo bilang, CONGRATS!!! heard from one of the errr.. "tester"? hahaha maksud gue, penguji gituh. anyway heard from him that it's a real "A", am very proud of you, my friend. terlepas dari gue ngerti kali cuma 5% dari yang elu omongin, apalagi pas masuk ke rumus2 planet itu hahahaha
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
wanna keep these links
postingan ga penting, cuma supaya gue gak lupa aja:
You sometimes give in to the urge for payback, while other times you are able to let the past go and move on. Essentially, you lie somewhere between vengeful and merciful, depending on the situation. Of course, certain hurts are going to incite stronger emotions than others, and certain people will make you see red. The secret, however, is learning to control the taste for revenge. Pouring precious energy into elaborate plans for payback is a huge waste of your time and emotions, and you'd be better off focusing on what lies ahead rather than what lies behind. You seem to be able to keep your vengeful tendencies in check part of the time, so why not extend that self-control to all situations? The sweetest revenge is rising above the offender's nasty behavior and showing them that they have no power over you.
well i think the mid-section-to-the-last is crap. everyone knows the sweetest revenge is when you get even, or more.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
back in size!
while my sister was sleeping, i was tidying up the room. preparing clothes for tomorrow, folding dirty clothes, and then i looked at my sister's jeans. tried it on, and voila! I'M BACK IN MY PREVIOUS SIZE!!!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!! ya Allooooh akhirnya kepala 2 lagiiiiiiii.... wuahahahahahahahaha nothing beats fitting the jeans that once fit you back in highschool wuahahahahahahahahaha XD aku senaaang.. aku senaaang..
traveler's notes
1. i luv turkish coffee!. cangkirnya setinggi kelingking, seukuran cangkir espresso kira2. ga pake susu, pilihannya selalu ada 3: pahit, sedang, manis. pilihannya bisa kayak gitu karena gulanya di-grind langsung bareng biji kopi, kita jadi ga perlu nambahin kopi sendiri. rasanya tajem banget & enaaaaaakkkk! kalo turkish tea, gue ga suka. emang dasarnya ga begitu suka teh, tambah lagi emang paiiiiitttttt banget. pilihan rasanya umumnya cuma 2: apple tea atau lime tea.
2. istanbul kebagi 2: asian side & european side. asian side ini modern banget, agak2 serasa kayak lagi di jakarta. macetnya juga persis sama, mobil saling ga ada yang mo ngalah. toko2nya jg serupa lah.. ada Starbucks, Gloria Jean's, Zara, MNG, Apple Center, etc. sementara kalo yang european side, semua lebih tradisional. museum2, istana, dan mesjid2 yang di-preserve terletak di bagian sini semua. macet jg ga seberapa.
3. wanita turki tidak mengenal yang namanya mukena! hal ini dikarenakan mayoritas penduduk itu kan muslim, sehari-harinya pun pakai pakaian yang menutup seluruh aurat. baju paling standar: kaos kaki, celana, semacam overcoat, jilbab. nah.. kalo mereka sholat, ya tinggal wudhu terus langsung sholat aja dengan baju mereka itu. alhasil, setiap kali gue-nyokap-naning sholat di mesjid, jemaah yang cewek pasti ngeliatin kita semua. berkali2 ditanyain kita asalnya dari mana, nanyain yang kita pake itu apa.
4. sholat-nya mereka juga rada lucu. mungkin beda mahzab kali ya? di Indo kan mayoritas mahzab Syafi'i, nah.. gue ga tau juga sih apa di mahzab laen boleh begini: bbrp kali pas gue betiga lagi masuk ke bagian mesjid yang buat cewek, ada ibu-ibu yang posisi duduknya kayak lagi duduk terakhir sholat. gue kira lagi sholat, tapi selama kita lagi memasuki ruangan itu, ya dia melototin kita terus. matanya jg ngikutin ke mana pun kita pegi. tapiiiiii... ga lama kemudian, dia nerusin baca (mulutnya komat-kamit), terus salam ke kanan, salam ke kiri. emang boleh ya? atau ada mahzab lain yang boleh begitu?
5. non-smoking area sangat sedikit di kota ini. hanya beberapa restoran/kafe yang punya, selain tempat2 yang obviously memang bebas rokok seperti sekolah & rumah sakit. sisanya, ya area untuk seluruh perokok in which jumlahnya amat sangatlah banyaaaaaak...
6. sebagian besar pengendara mobil lebih seneng buka jendela daripada pasang AC. either utk hemat AC aja, atau karena ingin merokok di mobil.
7. seluruh WC leher angsa ada pancuran kecil di bagian pantat untuk cebok. tujuan memang bagus buanget, dan gue setuju abis.. ketimbang pake tisu doang. tapiii.. aim pancurannya sering buruk. either rendah banget jadi boro2 nyampe ke pantat, ato terlalu tinggi jadi malah ngaco ke mana2.
8. kotanya bersih, padahal ga banyak tong sampah. i mean, kalo singapore yang naro' tong sampah every 2 meters dan ngasi denda S$ 5,000.- utk yang buang sampah sembarangan, menurut gue wajar kotanya jadi bersih. istanbul ga begitu, sama aja kayak jakarta. susaaaaahhhh banget nemu tong sampah. tapi kotanya bisa bersih. apa pd punya kebiasaan kayak gue ya: nyimpenin sampah di kantong sampe nemu tong sampah?
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
interesting language
eh = demek cowok = way cewek = wayan roti = ek mek (imagine: tukang roti sepeda lewat sambil tereak "ek mek! ek mek! *toet toet* hahahahaah) air = su (irit ya?)
ntar gue tambain begitu nemu yang aneh2 lagi.
no place like home
second day in turkey (hahaha i kept on thinking about the bird).
the food for true indonesians like my father & my li'l sister, this place is hell. they don't have soy sauce a.k.a kecap, royco, and white rice. most foods i've eaten tasted "hambar" (what's the english for that?). for on-diet-people, this is a heaven though. everything is raw, no salt, no sugar, pretty much nothing to make you fat.
let me take an example on my lunch today. the feast started with a big bowl of plain salad. "plain" as in it was basically just a bowl of carrot, cabbage, and the salad itself (GOD my english is getting rusty, what's the english for "daun selada"?). no dressing nor croutons. i did add a bit vynegrette to make it, at least, to have a flavor.
another appetizer was a Turkish version of lumpia. unlike lumpia though, the rice was wrapped in grape leaf, and you eat the leaf along with the rice. me no likey. it's grape. it's fruit. full stop.
then there's a hmmm... it was like peas, carrots, corn, all diced and mixed with cream. me no likey as well, tasted a bit sour.
and finally getting into the main course: lamb kebab. tasted really good, especially considering the appetizers. it was accompanied with some kind of fried rice that tasted pretty awful.
desserts were cherries. big no-no for me.
my dad & my sister couldn't stop complaning because of the foods they've been eating so far. kept on making comments like: "di sini ga ada kecap yah?" "nyeseeeel ga bawa royco." "next time kita pegi ke tempat2 kayak gini, bawa indomie yok."
oh and there's this thing between Turkish and eggs. eggs seem to be the favorite menu at all times. yesterday when i ate at a supposedly-Korean restaurant, had an egg soup for the appetizer, then for the main course i got egg with flour (their version of Fuyunghay, i guess), and "sawi" with eggs. today when i ate at a Chinese restaurant, i had another egg soup, omelette, and other dishes that were mixed with egg. wonder if i'll get "bisul" on this trip.. :(
the trip to the country it was a reaaaaally long trip. i took off from Bandara Soekarno-Hatta at 10 PM on Saturday, arrived at Changi Airport - Singapore at 1 AM. was thrilled to get there because i imagined i'd be able to go shopping, and yet.. it was only a 30 minutes stop over, and most stores were closed anyway. so we only managed to change our clothes, washed our faces & brushed our teeth, and got back into the airplane. then the long trip to Dubai, arrived about 8 hours later, around 8 AM Dubai time.
i was quite impressed with the airport, looked quite much like Changi, with the stores and all that. until i realized that it took me only about an hour to explore the whole shopping floor, DAMN IT. nothing was interesting, not to mention it's all a non-smoking area, and i had 8 hours to kill before my flight to Istanbul.
spent the next 8 hours with walking around, went to the waiting lounge, read magazines, slept for 10 minutes, walked around again, smoked a cigarette to make my body being able to poo, went to poo, got back to the lounge, on and on and on like that. my mom seemed to be pretty frustrated as well. she asked if i had any cigarettes in my purse as hers were in the luggage, but even when i said yes, she realized she couldn't smoke in the toilet, which was something she really needed to be able to do her morning ritual. my dad seemed pretty fine to sleep on those 8 hours, while my sister kept on asking for food hahahaha
8 hours later, on my way to Istanbul, arrived within the next 4 hours or about 10 PM Istanbul time (2 AM WIB). went straight to bed till the morning.
more than 24 hours on the "road", bah.
smokers' city that was the first impression i had when i arrived at Istanbul. and the impression got stronger after spending 2 days here. here's the deal, there doesn't seem to be any non-smoking area, anywhere. everyone smokes everywhere. men, women, old, young, everywhere. even the minute i got out of the hotel, i can smell marlboro on the street. it's far faaaar worse than jakarta.
today was the first day to look around the city.
i went to Topkapi Palace (Ottoman's palace), and found Rasulullah SAW's sword. along with Khalifah Umar bin Khattab's, Khalifah Ali bin Abi Thalib's, Khalifah Usman bin Affan's, and Khalifah Abu Bakar's. then Rasulullah's beard and tooth were also displayed in the museum. being a Moslem who obviously never seen any trace of Rasulullah, as we're not even allowed to draw his picture, I felt somehow really moved looking at those things. a mix of nervous, awe, and excitement.
other places we saw were The Blue Mosque & Sulaeman's Mosque, in which both were ENCHANTING. i'll upload the pictures somewhere later on if i have time. then went to buy a Turkish carpet which was very beautiful, and went to an 8,000,000 litre underground water tank. it was really cool. there were a lot of pillars on top of Medusa's heads.
tomorrow's shopping day! hopefully would find decent things for my friends back home. :) and don't expect food. susah bawa pulangnya.
"odd couple" ever watched an old TV-series titled "The Odd Couple"? that is exactly my situation now. me playing Felix, and my sister playing Oscar. she'd throw tissues, papers, anything on the floor, then i'll pick them and throw them to the garbage. then she'd change her clothes and leave the dirty clothes everywhere she wants. then i'd take them and start to fold them one-by-one. when everything's done, she'd go straight to bed. while i'd be spending the next hour tidying up the bathroom, the bedroom, and our luggage, also to prepare the clothes for the next day.
and finally, my leisure time after spending about 6 hours of non-stop walking (i really hope it burnt my calories!), finally got back to the hotel. am currently watching The Simpson's, which gladly isn't dubbed into Turkish, and am very happy to know that we got wireless internet 24/7 in each room. yeay!
to bima & kuy, i check my emails everyday. so just mail me if there's anything you need to tell me. if there's anything urgent, text me. but don't expect a reply, might won't because it's so damn expensive to send a text message to Indo.
6 hours left to my departure from dubai to istanbul. and boy, that's a reeeeeeeeally long time. this is one of the really good reasons why i luv having my mac around :)
ndari, nday, ojochan, nenek, burung, bursky, birdy, wulan
obsessed with new york city, vin diesel, yoshiki hayashi, having an apartment, and keeping things clean & tidy
describes herself as anal-retentive, a workaholic, a credit-card abuser, a faghag, suffering from light OCD
luv luv luv coffee, cigarettes, bodyCombat, cocktails, chit-chatting, making friends, organizing, working, the idea of decorating her own apartment, shopping
freaks out over talks about marriage and having kids
hates fruits, mushy-spoiled-and-stupid guys, cooking, people who are not being ontime/ nosy/ judgmental/ who burp in public