my membership at mybodygym has finally ended this month. quite some lessons learned: 1. you don't really need a personal trainer if you already know how to do things and you already take notes of your set & rep. 2. a full-crowded class of bodyCombat or whatever shit is faaaaaaaaaaarrr better than a class of only 3 people. they can say that "di sini kami membatasi jumlah anggota supaya nyaman" or whatever things, but still... a full-crowded class is better cause you'll be embarassed to stop on the middle of the tracks (and so you don't stop burning calories!), you'll get all energized coz everybody's screaming & jumping & all that. 3. don't pick a gym that's too far from your home in such a way that you'll come with excuses "ahhh... capek.. males ke gym kalo jauh2 malem2 gini...". pick somewhere near, so you can't make those kind of excuse anymore.
so where have i subscribed now? at the famous celebrity fitness at PIM 2 hahahahaha the process of joining was interesting. because the thing is, i already knew all their tricks to make their fees sound cheap. they insisted that all the fees they offered me only applied if i signed up right away that second. i told them that i didn't give a shit. i needed an extra day to think about it, if by then the fees were back to the so-called "normal fees", then i wasn't going to sign up.
you see, they offered Rp 2,5 million for the joining fee & Rp 1,5 million for the monthly fee as the normal price. it left me flabbergasted. then they said that they were having a promo, and so their prices were going down to Rp 1,5 million for the joining fee and Rp 900k something for the monthly fee. THEN, the salesperson told me that she was going to ask her boss if she could give me an extra discount. In which she went to the customer service counter, pretended to make a phone call (yes, she was pretending, i paid attention.), and came back with her "boss" who told me that he could offer me Rp 297k for the joining fee, and Rp 429k for the monthly fee.
ah yes.. the usual sales trick.
but anyway, i didn't mind with the final price as i paid alot more than that in mybodygym. i finally made up my mind to join the class after looking at the facilities, which was ok; the bodyCombat class (biggest aspect why i wanted to join) which was really fun; and because i can pay the subscription fee monthly (as opposed to paying a year in advance the way i did at the former gym).
to some of my friends, i put down your name for the "Tell Your Friends" list because i was running out of names heheheheh sorry.. but heck, it's worth to try. anyone interested? let me know coz i still have a lot of guest passes. bodyCombat is more like a mix of kickboxing, martial arts, and aerobic. if you're not into that kind of class, they still have the normal Step class, or Hip Hop class if you prefer dancing, RPM class if you wanna burn 1,000 calories in one hour, and even some Latin Salsa class. OR, as some of my male friends had mentioned, you can simply go "ngeceng". quite a lot of sexy ladies and hot guys around there X)
downside of the gym though: 1. you need to bring your own lock for the lockers. 2. personal training sessions are quite expensive. 3. some people in the customer service are not nice enough, i think they can do far better than that. 4. the security guard is scarry..
and this morning, my back is still aching due to the class i took 2 nights ago, and yet.. gonna go for another class this morning. woohoo! :)
Friday, May 19, 2006
sebelum gue diomelin Ilham karena ga apdet2 blog dengan entry yang lebih dari 1 line sebagaimana yang sudah gue lakukan beberapa minggu ke belakang, mending gue apdet sekarang hehe.
so, the latest news: i cut my hair short. awal ide itu nongol memang setelah pacarku komentar supaya gue potong rambut. ide itu didukung dengan beberapa minggu ke belakang gue memang sudah merasakan betapa menyebalkannya spending more than 15 minutes just to blow dry my hair. and it's a dilemma. i knew i could just let it dry on its own, but then it'll stink. bau apek gitu lho. gemana sih, ibarat baju dicuci tapi ga dijemur, baunya ga enak banget kan? jadi serba salah. not to mention, rambut gue meranggas. tiap kelar keramas, bawaannya pengen meratap setelah melihat banyaknya rambut yang berjatuhan di lantai.
so i cut my hair. berhubung ga tau mo potong kayak apa, gue ga berani menyerahkan nasib potongan rambut ke salon2 yang memperlakukan customer-nya kayak sapi di Idul Qurban. sapi dateng, potong dalam waktu singkat, beres. karena itu biasanya yang terjadi kalo gue potong di Lutuye, ga ada 5 menit dah kelar. unless i know what kind of hairdo i'd want, it's too much risk to cut my hair in that salon. i went to Sugi. agak lebih mahal memang dibanding salon2 di deretan Wolter Monginsidi, tapi juga blon sampe semahal salon2 selevel Lu Vaze ato Roger's yang sekali motong bisa Rp 250rb-an. gila ajah.
sampe sana, berkonsultasi dulu lah gue sama si tukang potongnya ini. "mas, saya mo potong. tapi saya ga tau mo potong kayak gemana. pokoknya mo dipendekin. saya bosen layer, udah 4 taun modelnya layer mulu. tapi kalo pendek, gak mau keliatan kayak ABG. modelan kayak nirina apa lagi, bisa pingsan kalo saya dipotong kayak gitu. tapi muka saya bulet, jadi tolong motongnya jangan sampe saya keliatan nambah 5 kg. ini saya tau saya bawel banget, tapi saya juga ngeri kalo ampe hasilnya ga jelas."
and yes, i realized very well betapa bawelnya gue saat itu. how could i not? this is MAJOR decision. a girl and her hair. that's a biggie. at least to some.
jadilah potongan rambut gue yang sekarang. you should've seen my face pas kelar dipotong, gue melihat ke lantai. GOD! tau gak karpet bulu domba yang suka orang beli dari NZ ato OZ? imagine that, tapi warnanya item, terus dicabik2. kebayang tebelnya dan banyaknya? now that was what i saw on the floor. BANYAK BANGEEETTTT... agak2 mo collapse dikit pas itu, menyadari dipotongnya itu sekitar 20 cm. apparently this mas-mas bener2 menyelami arti kata "memotong".
however, pas kelar di-blow, it's not really that bad, i think. i kinda like it actually. merasa terlihat lebih fresh (yang oleh teman2 tercinta gue diterjemahkan sebagai "umur lu berkurang beberapa puluh tahun lah"). and now i can blow-dry my hair in less than 5 minutes, YEAY! dan sudah tidak lagi merontok, senaaaaanggg...
enough about my hair.
am hooked up with "One Phone Call Away", baru setengah buku kebaca dan sudah very much inspired with the writer. basically this book is talking about making networks (dan bukan dalam konteks Jarkom ya, tolong.). the writer mentioned all the details. pentingnya database di PDA, pentingnya milih baju ketika mau pergi ketemu an acquaintance, gemana cara mengurangi shyness, and all those kind of things. verrrrry interesting, and i've truly enjoyed it. setidaknya ada juga buku non-fiction yang gue baca dan bermutu (other than "Bertanya atau Mati" dan "Invisible Trade" yang bikin "Jakarta Undercover" terlihat makin seperti stensil). another book in my list is "stop smoking", the ultimate birthday gift from andin & acun (thanks by the way :)). baru kebaca setengah, mbak & mas, sabar yah.. soalnya ga ada benang merah dari 1 chapter ke yang laennya, jadi ga bikin hooked up untuk baca terus menerus.
am about to graduate in several months. mohon didoakan semoga tidak ada mata kuliah yang gue ga lulus di semester ini, aminnn... as for what to do next, itu lah.. saya masih bingung. Rajasa pasti masih bakal terus dijabanin, tapi terus bingung, kalo pas lagi kosong ga ada jadwal ketemu client, terus gue ngapain yah? masa' idle gitu? jadilah saya sempet mengobrol2 dengan bapak feha mengenai kemungkinan memberikan kontribusi ke fakultas. masalahnya 1 sih, gue ga tau mo ngapain. kalo disuru kerja di PPSI ato Pusilkom jadi programmer, ehm.. denger2 gue termasuk kasus banci. nggak banget lah kalo udah yang teknis2. mo jadi asisten, tadinya sempet ragu karena ga tau boleh ato nggak kalo blon S2. tapi intinya itu sih yang jadi rencana buat sekarang, mo melakukan sesuatu di kampus :)
gue lagi kepikiran sih, kenapa ya ga ada 1 divisi di kampus yang kayak EO-nya gitu. intinya semua event2 yang mo diadain di kampus, baik itu dari Senat, Ristek, EAL, Programming Club, apa lah, di-organize ama 1 divisi ini. jadi emang objektifnya tuh bikin gaung Fasilkom semakin kedengeran, dan tidak lagi dikenal sebagai Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi atau fakultas yang tidak diketahui existence-nya. i think it's about time kita makin banyak bikin acara2 yang emang fokusnya tu ke eksternal, bukan internal2 ajah. ada ide apapun dari mahasiswa ato dosen, bisa disampein ke situ terus ntar tinggal cari siapa yang mo ngadain. jadi ga usah kayak gue kemaren pas DebConf #2 yang kayak anak ilang kebingungan mo taro' ini acara di bawah payung siapa (Senat ato Fakultas, maksudnya).
ato bikin Career Center juga lucu. jual2 database graduate, terus urusin masalah sortir2 candidatesnya. buat yang mo KP juga jadinya bisa ke situ, ga usah pening2 kayak sekarang.
ato bantu Mas Nizar di Kemahasiswaan misalnya. untuk anak2 yang merasa bermasalah dengan surviving di kampus, bisa ditolongin utk dicariin senior yang mo bantu ngasi tutorial. ato buat yang stress bisa diajarin bagaimana menggabungkan kopi dengan rokok hahahahaha canda deng. intinya sih, membantu junior2 yang memiliki kesulitan. baik apakah itu ilmu, duit, ato psikis. kan seru juga tuh.
tuh kan.. mulai kebanyakan ide deh.
as for Rajasa, kami masih terus merangkak. buat yang merasa melihat kami melakukan lompatan2 jauh, duh.. kalo emang faktanya gitu sih gue seneeeeng banget. sayangnya nggak, we're striving but we're striving well alhamdulillah. hectic-nya sih ga usah ditanya. there would always be things i have to do or make every night. kerasa badan jadinya mulai ngomel, dan kerasa saya menuaaa.. perasaan dulu pas semester 4 mo begadang 2 malem juga masih oke2 aja. sekarang baru ketemu 2 client dalem sehari, malemnya dah mo tewas.
however aside from that, i'm enjoying it. and that's the bottom line. working and challenges keep me running. :)
S2 masih binguuuung mo ambil apa dan mo ambil kapan. it's defintely not going to be any soon than 2 years from now. mungkin lebih. tapi apa ya yang mo diambil? kalo MBA tu kayaknya terlalu broad, sayang aja rasanya.. gue pengen yang lebih narrow. Marketing's looking quite interesting. Ato malah mending fokus di Information System? Ato Management? halaaahhh binguuung... Auditing masih tetep minat sih, tapi mengingat fakta kehidupan yang menyedihkan jadi ga pengen. blon lagi pertanyaan "mo di mana?". kemaren sempet ngobrol ama Pak Rifki, dia nanya kenapa ga di MTI aja. the thing is, Pak, gue ogah yang komputer2 lagi. dan kalo ada kesempatan di luar ya kenapa tidak. beliau jadinya malah ngasi saran ke tempat dia kuliah dulu, di Philly, which seems to be interesting as well. the tuition fee is FAR less than the Ivy Leagues (mimpikuuuuu ke New York University... tapi kok tuition fee-nya lebih dari US$ 50k... mo mewekkkk... T_T), dan menurut dia (they gotta pay him for being a good salesman) value-nya dapet rank nomor 1 ketika dibandingkan dengan harganya (rank dari mana gue juga ga tau sih hahahaha). so that's another option. Prasetiya Mulya juga tampak menarik. AAAAAAAAAA... saya binun.
man, 4 years have passed. at this point, everything seems really quick. tapi pas semester kemaren sih kerasa lamaaaaaaaaa banget. dan gue tau banget buat yang lagi SP juga kerasa lamaaaaaa banget kok ga lulus2 hahahaha
yah, buat teman2ku yang masih terus berkutat dengan SP dan TA, ganbatteeeee!
ndari, nday, ojochan, nenek, burung, bursky, birdy, wulan
obsessed with new york city, vin diesel, yoshiki hayashi, having an apartment, and keeping things clean & tidy
describes herself as anal-retentive, a workaholic, a credit-card abuser, a faghag, suffering from light OCD
luv luv luv coffee, cigarettes, bodyCombat, cocktails, chit-chatting, making friends, organizing, working, the idea of decorating her own apartment, shopping
freaks out over talks about marriage and having kids
hates fruits, mushy-spoiled-and-stupid guys, cooking, people who are not being ontime/ nosy/ judgmental/ who burp in public