i think the worst stage of flu is just right in the beginning. elu tau ada slem2 di tenggorokan dan pangkal hidung lu, tapi mo dikeluarin ora isooooo... so what i did was, took a Neozep and got myself to sleep at 7 PM. the result:
1. set my own record for the past year! slept for 12 straight hours hahahaha 2. akhirnya slem2nya bisa keluar semuaaaaa.. ahhhh senangnyaaaa...
sekarang tinggal bagian beler2 ga keruannya, bah.
to bima: ati2, pak. gue khawatir elu ketularan gue. :P
so life's been as hectic as always, luving it! ada sih kadang2 tu waktu kosong, in which badan gue refuse utk tidur tapi ga tau mo ngapain. hence gue ngerjain yang mustinya ga gue kerjain saat itu, ato gue kerjain kerjaan orang laen *wide grin* . . . . coba kamar kost gue lagi jorok, seneng deh.. bakal ada kerjaan extra..
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
ah, almost forgot:
God, i totally forgot this day.
and a bit update on the upcoming Jetto reunion performance: it's gonna be in the beginning of March. Kresikars (gaweannya anak2 SMUN 82), and i predict it's gonna be sometime around the afternoon. more details later on.
marriage and its proposal seems to be the issue that revolves around my friends' blogs lately. namely here and here. it's getting near perhaps for some, or maybe simply because we're about to close a chapter of our lives ("the university student") and entering another chapter. in which that latter chapter could be anything, including getting married.
i personally refuse to make that as my next chapter, considering that that are far too many things to think about before jumping into that chapter. what he wrote, as much as hilarious it sounded, was something verrrry real. i do question /how/ do couples in the movies seem to take marriage proposals very lightly. answering "Yes" in a second or two, then "And they live happily after" displayed on the screen.
ehm.. that's a little bit of an exagerration, yes.
my point is, i do believe that "love" or "feelings" is far from enough when we're talking about marriage. why else parents keep on looking for the 3B's (Bibit-Bebet-Bobot), and the quote "gua kagak makan cinta" becomes common? /if/ only it's allowed, i'd prefer taking a simulation of marriage through co-habitting. that way you can really know how big are the expenses, you can decide whether you can deal with him not putting down the toilet seat or refusing to do the laundry, or maybe you can decide whether you're ready to have kids together. but again, that's an /if/. realizing that cohabit is not even an option for me, i'd go with the endless estimation. predicting the expenses for the house, the car, electricity, water, taxes, etc. it may not be precise, but at least it gives me a rough number of how much should i be getting every month to be financially ready for marriage.
that, plus the "pasrah"-ness that (quoting from Friends' Monica when Rachel moves out & Chandler moves in to her apartment) "i'm living with a booooyyyyyy....". i can imagine: dirty laundry on the floor, food crumbs on the sofa, unwashed dishes since the morning, toilet seat up, unorganized clothes in the closet, non-alphabetical CDs in the rack, dirty car,.. . . . . . . . i wanna cry..
Monday, February 06, 2006
how do you stop a bad habit? especially when it's extremely addictive? cut it off right away? gradually reducing it? because i have no clue.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
one thing i can say about "Solomon's Seal".... PR JAYA. selamat berjuang banget buat Arif, yg tadi setelah beberapa puteran 1 lagu itu senarnya langsung putus hahahahaha
so yes, that's the latest thing i can tell you about my err... ex-band. X) we're not reuniting, at least not yet, although that issue has been our talk of the trade. but we /are/ going to have upcoming performances. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!! wait for us at Kresikars! Klassix masi ditunggu konfirmasinya. ga tau juga deh ntar istilahnya apa.. reunion? tapi masa' bubar setengah taun dah mo reuni? hahahaha
and here's my update. setelah cukup lama tidak berceloteh di blog tercinta ini. lirik yang gue tulis di bawah itu lagu ending-nya "Prime". not a big fan of the movie, tapi it was quite good. 7 out of 10 lah. gue suka dialog2nya, banyak yang ampe gue catetin saking sukanya. plus 1 lagu terakhir itu.
kemaren ke acara wisuda. berulang kali merasa sakit hati. sakit hati pertama terasa pas mo foto angkatan dan meliat kawanan panda-panda itu bertoga semua. untuk pertama kalinya akhirnya tersirat di benak gue, "BRENGSEK! GUA KOK BLON LULUUUUSSSSS....". blon lagi pas liat medali2 Cum Laude mereka. aku mauu.. tapi tak bisa... thanks to OSK yang pake acara ngulang segala X( tapi teman2 tercintaku itu memberikan kado kecil yang berharga banget, i got a CORDLESS MOUSE!!! YEAYYY! apparently they remember kalo mouse yang gue pake pas jaman kita SP itu dah jebol, ga bisa klik kanan. hu hu hu.. makasih ya, teman2ku sayang. eniwei, sakit hati kembali menyeruak ketika Mika tiba2 mendatangi gue, ngajak salaman sambil bilang, "Selamet yaaa...".
mo mewek.
Mikaaaaaaa... gue blon luluuuuuuuuuuuuusss... dan puncaknya adalah pas panda2 itu cerita kalo pas Pak Eko nyalamin mereka, beliau berkomentar yang lebih kurangnya, "Kok Ndari blon lulus?" in which beliau ternyata ngeh kalo gue ama anak2 itu sekelompok mulu. aaaaaaaaaaa.... aku juga ingin pake toga. tapi ga mo beli (lho?). nonetheless, utk semua yang lulus kemarin, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! biar jadi motivasi buat 104 anak laennya supaya bisa semangat utk lulus semester ini semua hehe
acara wisudanya sendiri cukup menyenangkan, seneng aja ngeliat temen2 tercinta itu pada dipanggil satu persatu. dengan 3 panda ee' itu pada cum laude semuah, meninggalkan burungnya sendiri.. *masih pundung*
makanannya juga cukup oke, acaranya lancar, congrats juga lah buat panitia. gue sendiri legaaaa banget akhirnya nyanyi2an dah kelar. akhirnya tu lagu laknat boleh jauh2 dari sesi2 boker gue. masih pake acara meleset2 sihhh.. tapi bodo'lah, yang penting dah kelar. :P
Career Day AIESEC UI is coming! reality strucks.. i'd be working in several months. gile.. cepet ajeh. perasaan blon lama kita ditereak2in supaya ngapalin lagu "Samuedera Laut Ilmu" itu hahaha essay blon kelar, CV ampe pusing gemana cara biar bisa muat di 2 halaman doang, transkrip juga masih dinanti berkat nilai PPL yang blon keluar jadi nahan semua transkrip. wish me luck, people! i am still going to pursue my dream to become an Auditor! woohoo!!! at this point cuma ketakutan kalo bener akhirnya tercapai, ternyata gue malah ga suka. oh no banget dah.
on the mean time proyek2 lagi bikin panik semua. yang satu harus segera masuk percetakan, yang satu mendadak harus presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris pula, blon dikejer2 another client yang ngarepin gue ama anak2 utk sampe implementasi padahal kita udah mo nyerah semua setelah melihat analisis dan menyadari kalo sistemnya butuh kena BPR. ah takuuuuuttt...
ndari, nday, ojochan, nenek, burung, bursky, birdy, wulan
obsessed with new york city, vin diesel, yoshiki hayashi, having an apartment, and keeping things clean & tidy
describes herself as anal-retentive, a workaholic, a credit-card abuser, a faghag, suffering from light OCD
luv luv luv coffee, cigarettes, bodyCombat, cocktails, chit-chatting, making friends, organizing, working, the idea of decorating her own apartment, shopping
freaks out over talks about marriage and having kids
hates fruits, mushy-spoiled-and-stupid guys, cooking, people who are not being ontime/ nosy/ judgmental/ who burp in public