a daily scoop of my life
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
hahahaha bim! tampaknya hasil kita terbalik nih..

You Are 80% Boyish and 20% Girlish
You have a tough exterior - and usually a tough interior to match it.

You're no nonsense, logical, and very assertive.

Sometimes you can't understand women at all, even if you're a woman yourself.

You see things rationally, and don't like to let your emotions get the best of you.

kalo yg ini mah ngiseng. hasil analisisnya lumayan bener laaa, tapi kok pilihannya job-nya ga ada yang bikin gue minat yah? :P

Your #1 Match: ESTJ
The Guardian

You're a natural leader and quick, logical decision maker.

Goals are important in your life, and you take many steps to acheive them.

You enjoy interacting with others, mostly through work related activities.

Your high energy level means you are great at getting things done!

You would make a great teacher, judge, or police detective.

btw utk rekan2 2002, thanks berat utk buka puasanya! been really great!!! serius tadi seneng banget, apalagi dg banyak insiden2 tolol (seperti Gunawan yg mo ke WC tapi bawa2 korek gue for no reason --> in which anak2 kemudian menebak dia mo ngetes kentut dia bisa ngehasilin api ato nggak hahahahaha ; lalu Sate yg tidak menyadari kehadiran ortu Vita di belakang dia *rotfl* ; insiden foto nista sebelum pulang --> dah diapus blon tuh?! asliii.. nggak bangettt...). gonna miss y'all when we graduate!

oh iya utk para koordinator yang sudah terpilih, selamat bekerja! ayo ayo bikin yg bagus buat kita2 wekekekekekek sama to bima, tengkyu dah nganter pulang-pergi. ^^
Friday, October 14, 2005
8 o'clock. my cellphone successfully woke me up. checked the LCD, found "bangunin kuya". called him. first attempt, a very long while until my call reached his voicemail. second attempt, only one beep, and then stranded at his voicemail. assumed that he just rejected my call, meaning that he had waken up. set the alarm to 9 o'clock. go back to sleep.

my cellphone rang. checked the LCD, found "bapakku". answered the phone, telling him that i can go home today around 3.30 pm, heard him fretting, then ended the call.

my hand looked for my glasses. couldn't find it. gave my best effort to guess the time by looking on the clock. 8.45. thinking of going back to sleep, i got 15 minutes left. turned to the left, turned to the right, nungging. and apparently i couldn't go back to sleep. so i chose to "mengumpulkan nyawa" by turning on the TV. lousy shows. stood up and walked to the bathroom.

took a mandi (this has been a discussion between arief and me. he said that "take a shower" refers to us cleaning ourselves using the shower; and "take a bath" refers to us dipping in the bath tub. but there's basically no such exact English words that can define cleaning ourselves using a bucket, bak segede2 gaban, and a gayung.), chose to wear my batik bottom and my favorite "eat make you look fat" t-shirt. had a glimpse on the room, and realized how dusty it has been.

changed the bed sheets, washed the dishes, collect all of my laundry, get everything that i need to bring home ready on the bed, then started to sweep the floor. and guess what i found? A HUGE PILE OF HAIR! EWWWWWWWWWWWW... apparently rina and i been losing a lot of hair, cause i found some long hair (which i assume was hers) and some short hair (mine, obviously).

done. looked back to the room, feeling very happy (i certainly know how Bree feels), got things ready and on my way to campus.

so here i am, finally updating my blog again.

hectic life... tell me something new?
glad to say that after jetto disbanded, i got pretty hooked up with a lot of things to get my mind off things. i was tired of constantly crying anyway. these are 3 among things that i'm involved at currently:

Student Project
for all of you who don't understand, SP is the final project for the students before graduating. it's an alternative for TA/skripsi. i'm once again hooked with the crazy panda-panda. Papa Panda, Panda Sakit, Panda Gebleg, Panda Repot, and moi. currently known as "Burung-nya Panda".

mo nangis ga sih lo?

previously i was known as the "Panda Sekre", as i kept on getting involved in most of the documentation. then it twisted to "Burung", the nickname Sate gave me as he thinks that i look like one. and then "Panda Burung", until they realized that it didn't make any sense. so they changed it to "Burungnya Panda".

gue masih mo mewek.. X( jelek banget tu nama..

berbahasa Indo aja ah..

anyway, SP gue apparently cukup menyita tenaga. mengingat selama 3 taun ke belakang gue senantiasa berkutat di interface, sekali2nya harus ikutan nyentuh kodingan, langsung mabog. kerjanya ngebawelin yg laen mulu, nanya2 ga berenti hehe wish us luck, waktunya dah mepet banget, tinggal 2 bulan kurang. sedangkan riset blon mulai, akhir minggu ini deadline dari PM kalo semua halaman harus dah kelar.

ruang SP jg dah serasa kamar sendiri, gue naro barang seabreg di sini, termasuk velbet yg dibawain nyokap karena dia khawatir kalo gue tiduran di deretan kursi2 yang dijentrek, badan bakal sakit semua. ya emang sih.. dah sempet nyoba, kalo sejam dua jam masih oke. tapi kalo ampe pagi, ancur dah tulang2 (buat bima, ga boleh nyela!!!).

DebConf #2
dilema masih ga berubah. duit ko susaaaaahhh bener yah.. panitia sih dah bikin gue puas banget. gemana nggak? gue tinggal ke singapore 2 bulan, gue dapet cerita dari anak2 non panitia kalo selama gue ga ada itu anak2 tetep rajin rapat. ini jg gue sengaja jarang2 rapat, karena merasa ga efektif dan ngabisin waktu semua orang. and yet, semua tetep jalanin tugas masing2. bangga banget deh ngeliat panitia kayak begini. basically perencanaan semua udah jauh lebih rapi, tapi mentok2 ya tetep di situ itu tu. belum problem dg RMS, serasa ditimpa duren, dia mau jadi pembicara tapi formatnya video conference. kapan lagi coba?! cuma ya itu tadi.. video conference, gue ga yakin kita bisa nyiapin infrastrukturnya. haduh ya Alloh, sekarang ngarep rejeki dari Tuhan aja deh..

yg makin lama makin males. godaan utk cabut semakin kerasa, gue cuma semangat di kelas KoMas (ya gemana ga mo semangat sih kalo senantiasa "GROUP 10!" hadoh..). giliran dah e-commerce, SPK, duh.. kenapa oh kenapa semangat ga kunjung datang.. padahal dah tahun terakhir juga, ko ya malah jadi males.
beuh.. berasa banget deh, "tahun terakhir". giling.. taun depan insya Allah dah lulus.

hp saya tewas...
out of the blue, hp gue ngadat. ini berlangsung sejak 2 malem yg lalu. tiba2 sms pada ngehang, ga bisa masuk. gue pencet menu ini-itu, sontak nge-lag. gue tulis sms, ga bisa nge-backspace. gue pikir "ohh.. kali lagi butuh istirahat...". ya udah, gue charge aja semaleman. bangun pagi, whaddaya know.. tiga keypad paling bawah mati total. bintang, angka nol, sama pager. plus "C" a.k.a backspace. nah.. elu bayangin aja gemana cara mo nulis sms kalo ga bisa pake huruf besar huruf kecil, ga bisa pake spasi, dan ga bisa ngapus?!!!

contoh sms yg gue buat tadi pagi:

as you can see, gue terpaksa pake titik utk memisahkan antar kata, berhubung ga ada spasi dan ga ada huruf besar (tdnya sempet kepikiran mo nulis gini aja: "KliBrSadarKaloKorekLo..." dst.). notice "gwg" ? itu seharusnya "gw", tapi kepencet "g" lagi dan ga bisa gue hapus. KUNYUK!!!!!!!

huuu..huuuuu.... nyawa gue serasa lepas setengah iniiii... huuu... huuu... mo beli hp baru, tapi ga enak mo minta ama nyokap. umur dah 21 jg, masa' apa2 masih minta, jadi suka ga enak sendiri.

mo nelpon juga sama ga beresnya. gue hanya bisa menelpon kalo no-nya itu ada di phonebook gue. kenapa? karena angka 0-nya ga jalan. jadi kalo mo nelpon yang ga ada di phonebook, haruslah nomor telepon yang ga mengandung angka 0.

alhasil sekarang habis2an mengandalkan PDA. what i've been doing is typing sms on my PDA, kirim pake bluetooth ke hp, baru dikirim ke no tujuan. tolol? jelaaass... mo nelpon ya sami mawon, dial-nya dari PDA, terus pake bluetooth baru dikonek ke hp.

pengen ganti ke Motorola E398i, yang warnanya putih itu lhoooo... gue kira harganya bakal sama ama yang item, Rp 1.5 jt-an. masih bisa lah, asal sabar nunggu sekitar sebulan aja deh, kayaknya bisa dapet duit segitu. tapi ternyata... harganya Rp 4 juta aja lho, mas. cuma pantaran yg putih itu pake iTunes.


pengen ganti layout
dah lama kepengen, cuma ga pernah sempet. idenya dah ada lama di kepala. pas liat si bims ganti, wahhh.. jadi pengen. :)

dah ah.. ada panggilan utk mengajar. lanjut lagi ntar. ciao.
Friday, October 07, 2005
my biggest challenge during the fasting month: COFFEE.

i'm craving for one now.. ~_~

current tune


ndari, nday, ojochan, nenek, burung, bursky, birdy, wulan

obsessed with new york city, vin diesel, yoshiki hayashi, having an apartment, and keeping things clean & tidy

describes herself as anal-retentive, a workaholic, a credit-card abuser, a faghag, suffering from light OCD

luv luv luv coffee, cigarettes, bodyCombat, cocktails, chit-chatting, making friends, organizing, working, the idea of decorating her own apartment, shopping

freaks out over talks about marriage and having kids

hates fruits, mushy-spoiled-and-stupid guys, cooking, people who are not being ontime/ nosy/ judgmental/ who burp in public

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daily walk
yoshiki hayashi!

pak ibam

fafa sayang!
mbak wina

daily surf
planet csui01
planet csui02
planet csui04

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