a daily scoop of my life
Friday, July 29, 2005
lagi maniak banget sama lagu ini, di-repeat nonstop di winamp, dan cuma track ini doang hahahaha

personal review:
a /really/, and i mean /really/ great album. to all Josh Groban and Russel Watson lovers out there, i truly reccomend this group. think of Josh Groban, then times four, then greater range of voices (combination of bariton and tenor), yup, that's them. their version of Unbreak My Heart (Regressa A Mi) and My Way are very interesting, other songs I'd highlight would be Nella Fantasia. very sweet, calming, yet their vocals stay extremely powerful.

quoting from: http://www.shopireland.ie/music/reviews/B00061WY0C/
Simon Cowell searched for two years to find four good looking guys who could sing opera. After sending William Hung and Justin Guarini packing yet again, he came up with David Miller, a tenor from the USA, Sebastien Izambard, a self taught singer/songwriter from France, Urs Buhler, a Swiss tenor who used to sing in a rock band, and Carlos Marin, a baritone from Spain.

Outfitted in Armani, they started out together to try to build a bridge between American Idol pop and Three Tenor opera. Il Divo, or the male divas, put together a collection of romance themed tracks in English, Italian and Spanish, and like any American Idol collection, they decided on a baffling array of songs, from Sinatra to Braxton to soundtrack music.

While they can certainly sing, they are unlikely to convert fans of classical music to pop, and unless they can also perform magic, teenaged fans of pop music are unlikely to start digging out their parents' Madame Butterfly and Carmen after listening to this album.

Still, if anybody's going to sing operatic arrangements of pop music, it might as well be a group of good looking, sharp dressed young men. It will be interesting to see what comes next from Il Divo.

you can find more reviews there.

my favorite would still be this next song though. i love the reffrain, makes me curious to see their live act. as Quentin Tarantino might have said, "Two words for you. Power House.". I wonder if this album would be released in Indonesia.. I surely am waiting for their second album. Officially an Il Divo fan now!

Il Divo

Le canzoni non si scrivono ma nascono da sé
son le cose che succedono ogni giorno intorno a noi
le canzoni basta coglierle ce n'e' una anche per te
che fai più fatica a vivere e non sorridi mai

le canzoni sono zingare e rubano poesie
sono inganni come pillole della felicità
le canzoni non guariscono amori e malattie
ma quel piccolo dolore che l'esistere ci da'

passerà, passerà
se un ragazzo e una chitarra sono li
come te, in città
a guardare questa vita che non va
che ci ammazza d'illusioni
e con l'età delle canzoni

passerà su di noi
finiremo tutti in banca prima o poi
coi perché, i chissà
e le angosce di una ricca povertà
a parlare degli amori che non hai
a cantare una canzone che non sai come fa
perché l'hai perduta dentro
e ti ricordi solamente
passerà ....

in un mondo di automobili
e di gran velocità
per chi arriva sempre ultimo
per chi si dice addio
per chi sbatte negli ostacoli
della diversità

le canzoni sono lucciole che cantano nel buio

passerà prima o poi
questo piccolo dolore che c'e' in te
che c'e' in me, che c'e' in noi
e ci fa sentire come marinai

in balia del vento e della nostalgia
a cantare una canzone che non sai
come fa
ma quel piccolo dolore che sia odio, o che sia amore

passerà, passerà
anche se farai soltanto la la la
passerà, passerà
e a qualcosa una canzone servirà
se il tuo piccolo dolore
che sia odio o che sia amore
yeayyy! akhirnya dah merasa yakin mo pake apa! pak petrus emang top dahhh! *thumbs up* kenapaaaa dulu kita ga diajarin dia pas RPL sama PPL...

kisetsu wa iro wo kaete ikudo meguroudomo
kono kimochi wa karenai hana no youni yurameite
kimi wo omou

kanade au kotoba wa kokochi yoi senritsu
kimiga sobani iru dakedeii
hohoenda hitomi wo nakusa nai tamenara
tatoe hoshi no mabata kiga mienai yorumo

furi sosogu komorebi no youni kimiwo tsutsumu
sorewa boku no tsuyoku kawaranu chigai
yumenara yume no mamade kamawanai
aisuru kagayakini afure asue mugau yorokobiwa
shinjitsu dakara

The love to is alive in me everyday
For love, you are aside of me everyday

nokosarete kanashii kiokusae sotto
kimiwa yawarakete kureruyo
hashagu youni natsuita yawarakana kazeni fukarete
nabiku azayakana kimiga boku wo ubau

kisetsu wa iro wo kaete ikudo meguroutomo
kono kimochi wa karenai hana no youni
yumenara yume no mamade kamawanai
aisuru kagayakini afure mune wo someru
itsumademo kimi wo omoi

The love to is alive in me everyday for love
You are aside of me everyday

even though the colors of the seasons change over and over again,
This feeling stays bright, like a flower eternally in bloom
I think of you.

The verses have a pleasant sound to them
If you're next to me, then it's ok
I'm smiling to keep myself from sinking into the depths of your eyes
even on nights when it's so dark you can't see the sparkling stars

Like the sprawling shadows the sun casts through the trees
I'll surround you
This is my undying vow to you
If it's a dream, don't dismiss it as a dream
The pleasure that is heading towards a tomorrow flooded with loving brilliance
That brilliance is the truth, so..

The love to you in alive in me, everyday for love
You are aside of me every day

Even the sad memories left behind,
You gently quiet them
Like two children frolicking together we've grown close
Blowing along in a soft wind,
You, the bright one, steal me away

Even though the colors of the seasons change over and over again,
This feeling stays bright like a flower
If it's a dream, don't dismiss it as a dream
This heart is dyed in a flood of loving brilliance
I'll forever think of you

The love to you is alive in me everyday
For love, you are aside of me everyday

romaji by: Kashin
translation by: faithfulmoder

ya Alloh kangennya sama anak2...

kemarin akhirnya dah ketemu user. hehehe lucu sih, user (sebagaimana normalnya) minta ditunjukin kalo dipencet ini keluar apa, terus entarnya gemana, kalo klik yang laen juga gemana. penyelia (pake bhs pak ibam nih) gue langsung ngomel2, bilang kalo sesi pertemuan kemaren cuma untuk progress report. jadi cuma buat gue nunjukin apa yang dah gue buat. terus dia ngomel2 bilang ke mereka bahwa kalo mo tau ini dipencet hasilnya apa, abis itu apa dan gemana, katanya suru tunggu sampe user testing. pas itu terserah mereka mo ngapain, emang ada jatah waktunya. hahahaha gue cinta dah sama si bapak, gue jg pening soalnya pas ngadepin user2 yg sempet rada bawel itu.

sesuai dugaan, ada requirements dadakan, yang potensial ngubah database design gue. alahmak sompreeeeettt... supervisor gue ikut ngomel, kenapa baru hari begini bilangnya. mereka bilang mereka masih mo mikir2 lagi, mo liat apakah policy yg udah ada itu masih dianggap penting ato ga. duh bismillaaaaah dianggep dah nggak, jadi gue ga usah ngubah aneh2 lagi.

revisi2 seperti biasa ada, tapi minor semua. sebelum makan siang tadi dah kelar semua. jadi sekarang gue lagi musingin dokumentasi. masa' bikin ERD pake Visio bingung sendiri. asli mending pake Paint deh kalo dah begini. perasaan dulu pake Visio bisa kok, apa karena versi 2003 terus jadi sok2 keren dan malah ribet yah? *geleng2*

selain itu, lagi pusing gemana cara menggambarkan middle layer yang gampang dipahami. kayaknya sih paling enak dibikin kayak sequence diagram, tapi gue ga tau deh itu notasi masih boleh dipake ato ga untuk gambarin yg gue mau. duhhhh ga ada ilmu ga ada ilmuuuu gemana iniiii...

untuk teman2 yang mengerti, jadi ceritanya pan aye suru gambarin 3 layer. presentation layer, application layer, data layer. dah kebayang sih, enak tu kayaknya per fungsi/usecase. tapi gambarnya pake apa nih? UML punya notasi yang mengakomodasi kebutuhan gue ini gak? kalo iya apa tuh namanya? tadi gue liat2 lagi sequence diagram mustinya bisa sih.. (jadi pake konsep elu tuh, ndun, yang garis2nya dah jadi nama method) tapi saya raguuu uuu uuuu... duh mabok.

dua hari ini perut keisi sama dedaunan mulu. kalo kata didit, gue lagi jadi kelinci hahahaha apa coba. kemarin siang makan salad (yg naujubillah mahalnya.. ampe kaget pas keluar tagihan, baru ngambil duit di ATM langsung abis lagi). malem makan sushi 2 potong. ni siang makan salad lagi. ini gara2 dua hari ini ga bodyCombat. kemaren karena gue keluar kantor dah jam 7, late for class. dan semua karena apa coba? karena gue sibuk milih warna untuk tampilan yang gue bikin hahahahahaha asli dah.. sejam milih warna doang XD kalo hari ini gara2 mo nonton lanjutan Trading Spouses minggu lalu. yes you heard it right, it's "TRADING SPOUSES". kok ada yah orang bikin reality show kyk gitu?! menarik sih, jadi dua keluarga ini tukeran nyokap. yang satu keluarga African-American yang tajir mampus, yang satu lagi keluarga bule miskin yang tinggalnya di desa banget dan ke mana2 ga pernah pake sepatu.

asli gelo banget. nyokap yang item stress di keluarga satunya setelah ngeliat ini keluarga sibuk yoga pagi dan malam, dengan anak2 yang kayak buntut ortunya dan ga punya pendirian, ke mana2 dah kayak small tribe yang ga bisa kepisah satu sama laen, tidur pun semua sekamar, ga pernah pake sepatu, furniture bener2 seadanya sampe ruang keluarga mereka kosong bahkan tanpa sofa, senengnya meditasi, suka ngamen bareng di jalan, wah asli... gue ikut puyeng ngeliatnya. sementara nyokap yang bule frustrasi di keluarga satunya yang semuanya seneng bangun siang (dia setengah mati ngajakin yoga pagi buta), dengerin musik hip hop (iya lah ya..), all hip and cool, keluarga normal lah hahahahaha makanya penasaran nonton lanjutan episode-nya. plus extreme makeover jg ntar malem, wekekekeke

oh well itu dulu deh. kehidupan lagi tidak begitu menarik (kayak biasanya iya ajah :P).
Thursday, July 28, 2005
lousy morning.

bangun jam 6.30, badan sakit semua setelah kemarin ngehajar cardio 45 menit (burned 350 cal though, woohoo!), plus latian paha, triceps, biceps, and shoulders. sholat subuh, bikin sarapan, terus liat jam masih jam 6.50. tidur lagi di depan TV sampe jam 7.10.

bangun, mandi, mulai lah berdandan. sampe detik itu masih oke, ngaca, semua dah bagus. mulai lah masang contact lens kanan. and what happened? ga tau itu contact lens bereaksi sama maskara ato apa, yg jelas felt like burning. sumpah serapah dah keluar semua, tangan kiri masih megang contact lens yg kiri, kanan berusaha ngelepas contact lens kanan.

contact lens kanan lepas, contact lens kiri ilang.

ambil kacamata, merangkak di kamar mandi, nyari2 contact lens di lantai, wastafel, dan ga ketemu. bueteh.

oh well, pake kacamata, dress up, pas mo berangkat baru menyadari kalo bawaan gue hari ini seabrek-abrek pantaran ada tas ke gym plus buku whitten yang cukup berat di luar tas ngantor. yo wis, decided to take a cab.

telepon, confirmed my order, terus pretty shocked pas tau booking fee for no reason S$ 5. mo batalin dah ga bisa, so ya sudah lah.. masuk taxi dengan pose kyk transmigran, off we go the office.

sampe kantor, total fee-nya S$ 13.50. buka dompet, ternyata cuma ada S$ 17. hadohh.. ya udah, kelar bayar, uang kertas tinggal S$ 2. knowing that morning coffee is a must, beli lah cappucino. lagi ngisepin foam-nya, gue ga sadar kalo lapisan foam dah tipis jadi dah nyampe ke airnya. so i burned my tongue.

man.. what is it with this morning. >_<

anyway, ketemu user hari ini, siap2 dibawelin simply karena that's what users do. terus bingung mo ngapain yah.. bikin user manual aja kali ye, sama ngoprek dokumentasi lagi. huahhhh.... pengen bobo.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
i hate PMS. can't control the emotion and got bruises all over my body. X(

thread ttg undergrad program di NUS:


ehuhuehuehuhehe *ketawa ironis* gue keterima lagi nggak.. apa ya segitu jeleknya yah pendidikan di Indo? kita2 mo masuk sono aja susah, sementara yang keterima di sono fretting ngerasa keterima di "dumping ground". aje gile.
selesaaaaaaaiii... selesaaaaaaaaaaiiiiii..... ^_________________________^

terus.. sebulan lagi....nganggur? *air mata banjir lurus* oh no.
paling seneng pake rok sama sepatu tinggi ke kantor, berasa cewek hihihihihi
Monday, July 25, 2005
are dreams just happen to be dreams?
going to new york, or even US has always been my dream. not just "going", but actually "living" there. this is the reason why when yesterday i went to the US education fair, i almost shrieked when i saw the NYU and Columbia Uni stand. i couldn't help but feeling excited, overwhelmed, believe me.. i almost cried hahahaha i even looked at the nyc map they put on their walls, keep on thinking of so many "i wish..".

what i thought of just another US education fair with unknown universities present, turned out to be a fair for ivy leagues! would you believe that there were princeton, yale, harvard, MIT (and i luv their tag "we're not hard, you're just stupid" hahahaha cool!), columbia uni, boston uni, NYU, UC berkley, washington uni, carnegie-mellon, cornell uni, GOD! i got so excited about it, that i stopped almost in all counters. asking for a post-graduate program for the accounting major. i spent the most time -obviously- in the NYU and columbia uni counter hehe i kept on stopping here in there, asking pretty much about the stein business school, wharton's, kellog's, and all those dreamy school.

yet reality strucked me that it might just be dreams. first, the chance for international students to get it were relatively small. i've been reading the brochures last night, looking at the stats and noticed that there are only 12% chance to get in for international students.

two, the highly demanding requirements. good GMAT score, ok.. might work on that. good english, another ok.. might work on that. but then, excellent academic score. darn... i'm not even getting 3.5, whlist AFAIK people getting there are either the excelent 4's or anywhere above 3.8. then "being active on voluntary activities", and how am i suppose to find those activities here? heck, i don't even have time for those! the assignments themselves are already overwhelming, that i couldn't possibly manage time to do anything else knowing the rests of the time might just being used to study for the exams.

three, and finally.... the tuition fee. most unis are asking for anywhere above US$ 50k annually. although i did find some that requires "only" approx US$ 30k. and still... what am i suppose to do? sell the house?! it won't be long till my parents are retiring, and the li'l sis which i predict would get into a private uni instead of public one knowing her passion for anything but academic things (i think i'd suggest her to get into IMD when she graduates).

i almost wept last night, realizing that this may not just be coming true. then looking back to my last year on the junior high, recalling the time when i jumped excitedly after i knew i got the scholarship, then the time when i had to waive it away. could things really be different if i actually took it? looking at her path, i knew i /could/ have gone the same path too, yet i didn't. in the end i finished my education at the al izhar senior high, then entered what was known as the best faculty (in my year back then) at the best uni in indonesia. hey, how could things be better i suppose? that's the best i can get with the fact i chose to waive the s'ship away.

i know i'm not supposed to regret anything. there's always a reason for anything, including why i ended up being in this path. hell, i get to meet my friends, him, endless performances with my band, and more experiences hardly to mention as there are just so many of 'em.

yet i can't help it. realizing that i /could/ have a bigger chance on reaching my dreams, albeit i chose not to back then, how can i not regretting it? *sigh* i feel hopeless..

a girlie way to relax: DROP THE DIET AND GO SHOPPING!
that's what i did last weekend. after one extremely stressful week, leaving me exhausted and on the edge of a frustration, i decided to spend my weekend to induldge myself with food AND go shopping. i did! on friday, i had laksa and nasi kuning for dinner, plus some brownies for the dessert. saturday, fried rice for breakfast, unadon for lunch, and err.. i don't remember what i had for dinner, plus another brownie for dessert. yesterday, a normal toast for breakfast, snacking on kering tempe and brownies, then seafood fiesta for dinner. hell with the diet! i need the carbs to reduce the stress. ^_^ then i went shopping for the last 2 days, spare me... it's the last 2 days of the Great Singapore Sale! i went buying a nice U2 top for me to go to work, a U2 shirt for a significant someone, L'Arc~en~Ciel's USA SMILE Tour DVD, The Phantom of the Opera DVD, Il Divo and Amici albums (sis, you gotta try listening to these 2 groups. opera groups, REALLY great!), 2 white cardigans, and several other things that my mom asked me to buy (isn't it great? i get to get the same excitement on shopping, yet i'm spending someone else's money, hahahahaha).

well it sure worked. feeling pretty charged this morning, as i even arrived at the office on 7.50 AM. get ready to struck my head with all the algorithms once more. really hope i can finish everything /to every single detail/ by the end of the week. got 2 more modules to catch up after finishing the previous 16.

a little note to my juniors: DON'T get stuck up with making interfaces on your six early semesters. you'd feel all f*cked up when you're doing your internship and yet realizing that you have to do the interface AND the engine as well, all /by yourself/. trust me. :P

'kay then, 4 weeks to go till i c y'all. ciao for now!
Thursday, July 21, 2005
some lousy days
getting through some tough days. stress dah sampe ubun2.. gue bahkan ga tau lagi beauty sleep itu apa. i thought yg namanya 'sleeping' itu berarti kita /istirahat/, have fun with our dreams, biarin otak break dulu. and guess what? tadi malem gue mimpi GUA NGODING. EE'!!!! gila.. isi kodingannya aja masih inget sampe sekarang. tidur gelisah banget, kebangun every 2 hours, ganti posisi, tidur lagi, terus muncul lagi segala tag2 HTML dan ASP di mimpi gue. plus variables-nya, method2nya, and all the things yg musti gue kerjain 2 hari ini. I NEEDED THAT FREAKIN' SLEEP!!

kemaren keluar dari kantor jam 7, jadi i guess udah bukan lagi 9 to 5 for me, tapi 8 to 7. apa2an lagi tuh. dah itu terjadi /tanpa/ diminta, tapi karena emang programnya nanggung. kalo gue tinggal takutnya ni pagi sontak gue lupa apa yang mo gue bikin. begitu keluar kantor, mood ke gym dah nol, stamina dah nol. gue cuma mo makan. considering kemaren gue cuma nyentuh roti gandum isi selai kacang untuk sarapan, dan 3 sendok makan nasi pake daun singkong buat lunch (masa' gitu doang S$ 2?!! biasa gue makan di vegetarian counter tu nasi pake kailan pake sawi sama pake daging palsu aja ga nyampe segitu, semprul..). jadilah pulangnya gue berenti di The Coffee Club di depan California Fitness - Orchard, had a bowl of caesar salad with salmon. dah abis, akhirnya dah kenyang, baru gue kepikiran.. tadi di antara salad gue itu ada potongan2 warna merah, yang awalnya gue asumsikan itu tu tong cay. but then again, tong cay emangnya merah? so guess again... gue aga2 curiga itu babi. BLE'EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! ini neh, hasil kelaperan makan ampe ga liat2 lagi. ya Alloh ampuni hambamu yang blodon ini karena ga pake ngecek2 dulu. *long sigh*

pulang akhirnya memutuskan mampir ke HMV dulu, pengen ngedinginin kepala. sampe di lantai 3, lagi diputer konsernya L'Aruku yang SMILE TOUR 2004. gue tadinya ga tertarik beli, until they happened to perform Hitomi no Jyuunin. that was it! gue ga beli kayaknya alamat bakal nyesel banget. alhasil i indulge myself with that DVD, hati sudah mulai sedikit riang, terus jalan lah ke arah Orchard MRT Station. lewat depan Lucky Plaza, i don't know why.. badan kerasa banget capeknya setengah mati. so i decided to take a cab home, something that's /very/ unusual to happen karena normally gue pelit banget sama duit.

arrived at the apartment, taro' barang di lantai terus nggelosor di sofa. doing basically nothing, dan acara di TV jg ga ada yang bagus. mood udah jebol beneran deh... that, plus the lousy sleep. tadi pagi pas weker bunyi, dah kepikiran mo bolos. tapi terus mikirin stress-nya gue kalo gue bolos itu berarti gue basically have nothing to do, i quickly rushed to take a shower. ngaca dan bete karena rambut gue lepek banget. mood untuk dandan juga dah 0. AAAAARRRRGHHHHHHH!!! what is wrong with me?!

kangen sama pacar juga udah taking its toll. minggu depan dah genep sebulan ga ketemu, dari yang biasanya ketemu hampir tiap hari. things would've been different kalo let's say gue di sini ada roommate (varaaaa... kangennya aku pada dirimuuuu...), ato ada temen jalan, dan justru itu. ga ada. gue cuma kehibur kalo weekends adeknya eta dateng, truly cheering me up. biarpun kerjaan gue on weekends ga jauh2 dari housechores, tapi oke lah.. paling ga masih ada yang nemenin. tapi on weekdays.. aduh.. dah lah sendirian, stress mulu, i need him around. i need my friends around. hoah..

hari2 makin membetekan karena i'm running out of baju dalem. apparently yg gue bawa itu either udah bolong, udah melar, udah kucel banget. beberapa doang yang masih layak pakai, sehingga sebagian dah gue buang ke tong sampah. tapi alhasil, terpaksa jadi sering nyuci for the sake ada rotasi baju dalem ini tadi. gue ogeng banget pake side A side B, jijay bajay.. sementara on some health issues, good news karena gue finally drop my caffeine dosage. nikotin jg dah berkurang dan mulai konstan. sehari sekarang kopi cuma secangkir, rokok juga ga lebih dari 4 batang. still have a month to go untuk ngabisin total di rokok, at the very least target gue balik jadi social smoker lagi pas pulang nanti. ini dimulai setelah gue rajin baca artikel kesehatan di koran dan majalah, realizing bahwa "outcome" cewek itu sering bau ga enak banget karena 3 hal: caffeine, nicotine, alcohol. you /do/ notice the first two, don't you? *smirk*

the so-called Kerja Praktek
in the end gue pending bikin dokumentasi, simply karena bingung mo mulai dari mana. dah tau si ini pake waterfall, cuma apakah ini OOA ato structured, i have no clue. gue masih gedeg sama konsep KP itu sendiri. pikir nih ya, kita nyari tempat yang mo nerima kita KP aja udah susah (gue dah mulai dari setengah taun lalu), giliran dapet proyek.. kalo sial ya kayak gue. ga ada metodologi, ga ada dokumentasi untuk fase2 awal, ujug2 dicemplungin ke implementasi. udah gitu, denger2 essence dari KP itu supaya kita ada pengalaman ttg kerja di dunia nyata, jadi KENAPA NILAI KITA DITENTUIN DARI HASIL SIDANG?! jelek2nya malah bisa disuru ngulang!! ee'! terus lagi, kita dipaksain mengimplementasikan apa yang kita dapetin di kampus, yang kemudian gue terjemahkan bahwa semua harus terstruktur, dokumentasinya jelas, namanya jg lingkungan akademis. nah, faktanya, IT'S NOT LIKE EVERY FREAKIN' SINGLE COMPANY DO /THAT/ ALL! gue saben kali nanya hasil analisis dan design, cuma dikasi senyuman manis dan mereka bilang mereka ga punya. karena di sini emang ga pernah pake begituan, langsung hajar bleh di implementasi. dan gue tau ini yang ngalamin bukan gua doang. jadi kenapa kita harus dipaksain nge-"reverse engineering" cuma untuk kebutuhan laporan KP. terus ntar kalo ga memuaskan, pake dibantai pula. nih ya, dah BAGUS kita masih mo bikinin laporan fase analisis sama design sedangkan kita terlibat pun NGGAK di fase itu.

ini semua masih dipersulit dengan faktor PA. kalo hoki dapet yang bangsanya P'Santo sih enak, bener2 dibimbing. lha gua sama anak2-nya P'WCW? email ga di-reply, apa2 dibolehin, yang ada kan malah jadi panik. kalo sekarang semua boleh2, ntar ujung2nya dia baru sadar ternyata ga boleh gemana? for example, gue dikasi ijin untuk KP cuma 8 minggu. gue cek ke ryan, dia jg gitu. sedangkan kalo ngacu ke silabus nih ya, harusnya minimal 10 minggu. yg gue tau sebagian anak2 dah minta di 2 minggu terakhir either setengah hari ato ga dateng tiap hari ke kantor karena emang dah mulai kuliah. lha gua???
gosh..I need to vent.

to girls: some sexual health facts
ini nih, hasil gue ngebaca2 di majalah dan koran:
1. jangan pake pantyliners tiap hari, gue lupa karena apa. poko'e ga sehat.

2. biasain pake underwear yang katun, jangan sering2 pake thong.

3. biasain tidur /ga/ pake underwear, ngasi kesempatan buat organ2 elu untuk "bernafas".

4. kyk yg gue mention di atas, jangan terlalu banyak nenggak kafein, nikotin, dan alkohol (gue ketohok banget baca yang ini).

5. nah.. kalo yg ini pengetahuan buat cowo juga. kind of funny soalnya, as i quote:
"i have orgasms once in a while. but if you ask my boyf, i have 'em everyday."

hahahahahahahahaha either women are such good liars or men are just stupid. *sisi feminist-nya lagi kambuh*

quick review
SMILE TOUR 2004 keren, tapi ga sekeren Shibuya Seven Days I think. mungkin karena yang diambil itu cuplikan dari konser mereka di segala kota, jadi ga ada benang merah antarlagu. sementara kalo Shibuya Seven Days, buat yg udah liat, inget kan jeda antara Farewell sama Caress of Venus? itu kan mampus keren banget, gue sampe sekarang tiap nonton aja masih merinding. Ini ga ada, karena tiap lagu diambil dari konser di kota yang beda2. however, Hitomi no Jyuunin-nya nendang banget!!! that, ditambah mp3 A Silent Letter yg gue pasang di PDA on my way to the office this morning... more than enough bikin gue kangen anak2. :(

'kay then, gotta start working now. i wanna have a good night sleep today.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
"Look at you. You've proved there's a God. And let me tell you, He has one sick sense of humor."

------------------------ Michelle to Suzie when she realized she turned from 32-AAA to 36-C,
taken from Hypocrite in A Pouffy White Dress by Susan Gilman

Monday, July 18, 2005
ga sanggup lagi mikir... berjam-jam menatap lebih dari 2000 LoC, rasanya dah mo muntah.. 20 menit lagi baru bisa pulang, hadohhhh.. lama beneeerrr... situasi kantor yang suhunya di bawah 16 derajat gini jg makin bikin pengen pulang, pengen ngerasain panasnya mentariiiiii..iiiii...

duh stress...
Friday, July 15, 2005
fufufufu.. akhirnya ada yang menghibur gue di hari membetekan ini setelah mengetahui orang2 sini amit2 kepo-nya. supervisor memuji interface yg gue bikin bagus dan rapi, dan kerja gue efisien ohohohoho.. ga percaya sih dia, kalo problem2 awal dah beres ke belakangnya bisa kerja cepet ohohoho..
meskipun keyboard dah ancur2an gue gratakin dg sangat serunya, mana berisik banget ternyata kalo gue ngetik XD
Thursday, July 14, 2005
microsoft laknat. kerjaan 5 jam disimpen ke Visual Source Safe ternyata ga safe, amblas semua. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'!
first of all, although i know this is rather late, my condolences for all the victims in the London Blast. been reading it in the news papers, and one of my cousins was also around the block when the blast was happening. here's the dialogue as she told us:

drika : ma, di sini ada bom! *talking over the phone*
tante pupu: ooo.. gpp kok, di sana biasa lah ada bom.. *ga sadar kalo ini ledakan gede*

hahahahaha anyway, hope the victims' souls rest in peace.

secondly, finally arriving a little earlier this morning at the office so might just sneak out to make a longer entry.

back to the old routine
same day everyday..

6.00 AM: wake up & do my prayers
6.10 AM: go back to sleep
7.00 AM: finally, rise & shine! start making my breakfast (2 pieces of wheat bread with peanut butter plus milk)
7.20 AM: take a shower, make up, dress up
7.40 AM: on my way to the MRT station
8.00 AM: arrive at the Bishan MRT station, wait for about 2 minutes for the train to come
8.15 AM: arrive at the Somerset MRT station, go for the TODAY newspaper queue
8.20 AM: arrive at the office, fill my electric jar with tap water and plug it.
8.35 AM: water's boiled, make coffee, read newspaper
9.00 AM: start working
11.00 AM: get stressed with work
12.30 PM: go for lunch at the vegetarian counter, take a break
1.15 PM: back to work
4.00 PM: get stressed again
6.10 PM: off from the office
6.30 PM: arrive at the Al Falah mosque, do my prayers (bayangin aja tiap hari musti nge-jama' Zuhur ama Ashar, malemnya Magrib ama Isya. kalo ga keburu, malem dah kayak tarawihan nge-qodo' sama nge-jama' Zuhur-Ashar-Magrib-Isya. teler pisan..)
6.45 PM: arrive at the FitnessFirst, go to the locker room, pee & stuff, prepare thing
7.00 PM: start to have a jog on the treadmill, or go for the stairmaster, or just do some weight training
7.10 PM: go for the bodyCombat class queue
7.25 PM: get my ticket for the class, get something to drink
7.40 PM: rock with bodyCombat!

8.40 PM: practically almost dead.

9 PM: take a shower, dress up
9.30 PM: on my way to the Orchard MRT Station
9.45 PM: arrive at the Bishan MRT Station, walk my way home
10.10 PM: arrive at the apartment, wash the dishes, prepare clothes for the next day, etc.
10.30 PM: watch TV, watch DVD/VCD, play with my laptop, have dinner with juice or yoghurt
12 AM: finally tuck myself to bed

this goes on and on and on every single day. except for the days where there aren't bodyCombat classes so i'd be doing weight training (which btw, always leave me with backaches & sores on the next morning --- such as NOW).

i luv routines, that's why i don't complain on being bored with this kind of life. i like it when everything goes on time, when i can stick to the schedule i made up in the back of my mind, and hell.. i can always have fun on weekends.

would we be such boring people if we stick too much to our schedules? perhaps, i suppose. cause i know that i'm quite uptight about these things, one of the reasons why i hate waiting (except for fashionably late people -- it's tolerable) and i hate people who can't go on time.

and this, i suppose, is one of the reasons why i like s'pore more than indonesia in a way. despite the fact the aren't many things you can see here (except orchard, which you'd be getting sick of it if you go there every single day), at least transporation would come on time, people would work on time, people would be productive thus giving a comfortable working environment, hell... now why didn't i take that scholarship back then? T_T

surprise, surprise..the irony
"ohkay, one more goal for myself. this week's been good. now let's say 2 sticks on weekdays and 4 sticks on weekends. i'll reduce that on the following week. that should work."

as i said, that /should/ work.

what i didn't expect was the arrival of one of my dearest cousin here. she's meeting her sister (the one who got stuck in the London blast) here, have a short vacation, before all of them coming back to jakarta. well, we had a chance to meet, i dropped by to her apartment with another cousin (chiko). as we arrived there, she turned and gave us one box (baca: satu slop) each. l.a. lights menthol for chiko, and marlboro lights menthol for me. SATU SLOP for goodness sake! asli ampe cengo' pas liat, ga tau mo nangis seneng ato mo nangis karena merasa tolol.

yup, the irony. just when i managed to reduce the intake, and when the will to stop comes back. *ironic laugh* ini keluarga gue ada apa ya.. mendukung banget gue ngerokok kayaknya, ko gawat abis.. ampe kebawa mimpi tadi malem. nyokap mergokin gue lagi ngerokok tapi ga komentar terus ya gitu aja.. kayak yang cuek2 beibeh. *geleng2*

mom's birthday coming!
quite confused on what to give. it always happen every year. my dad's easier to give, just give him a branded bag or suit or shirts, or /anything/ from the Nautica counter, he'd be happy. but when it comes to my mom... *sigh* the thing, she's a typical women. 3 cupboards of shoes, another 3 of bags, 2 drawers full of watches, with a typical sense of fashion which is giving people a hard time to pick just the right clothes for her. i was thinking of buying her a crystal bell, to add her collections, but haven't found anything nice around here. i've even tried looking around at Swarovski, and still found nothing interesting. ada sih yang bagus, kristal bentuknya ballerina lagi gaya arabesque gitu, tapi harganya oh harganya... S$ 600 aja loh.. ampir setengah gaji gue... terus gue makan apaaaaaa??? oh darn..

tough issue on the internship course - WARNING: geeky talk
is it really that different between the academic life and the real world? why bother taking Anaperancis let's say, if we'd ended up living in a world where the companies would do "check out the problem - check out the money - buy a sufficient software". maaan, why did we bother getting through all of those waterfall, RAD, and those other jargons if most companies just not using it? not to mention that for the sake of the internship report, some of us would have to do reverse-engineering. talking about foolish.. *shooks head* why can't we just keep it real and still get an A for it?

and why am i in this major anyway?? i really should've gone for the Accounting major in the first place. and i really should've taken the scholarship back then. things might just be different, especially when i look at her life. i really envy you, sis. i /could/ have been there as well, and here i am stuck at depok di fakultas laknat yang bikin mahasiswa2nya stress mulu.. *sigh*

and to think there's only a year left. i /still/ have no clue on what to do after this. nyokap masi lebih setuju kalo gue nyoba tembusin ambil IT Auditing di EY, mimpi oh mimpii.. tapi ya gue amat sangat mau nyoba sih. the option of working in singapore, where-ever it is, juga cukup di-approve sama nyokap. meskipun dia kemudian nanya, "terus pacar kamu mau dikemanain?" yang akhirnya bikin gue mikir juga. i don't remember how i used to survive on a long-distance relationship. hell, i even approved of the idea of having an LDR cause i found it challenging. but these 3 weeks being apart, man.. that sure sucks. mungkin kalo di sini gue banyak temen ga akan segitu berasanya kali yah, cuma berhubung di sini bener2 sendirian dan sebagian besar yang udah tuir dan dah berkeluarga jadi ga ada yang bisa diajak clubbing ato simply hang out.

anyway, quite some considerations need to be taken into account. puyeng tiap mikirin.. dah kayak dihantuin gitu, "setahun lagi.. setahun lagi..". enak deh yang pada jago ngoding ato analisa. lulus bisa bilang, "gue mo jadi system analyst!" ato "gue mo kerja di software house!". lha yang kayak gue ini gemana? ngoding bisanya ya bisa biar pun ga jago, tapi ya gitu lah.. ga enjoy. mo pindah jalur, lah.. S1 gue Ilmu Komputer mo diapain dong?

*long sigh* ahhh pusing..

on the weight department
have no clue of whether i've lost some pounds or if i haven't, rarely check the scale. but i've lost my tummy for sure, the pants are getting all loosen sampe musti digulung di pinggang gara2 ga ada slot buat sabuk hahahaha talk about being happy. mulai khawatir sama betis though, kyknya makin gede deh.. mengingat porsi gue jalan di sini yang berkali2 lipat dibandingin di jakarta. hu-uuh..

oh well, gotta start working now. cheers.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
alhamdulillah... akhirnya mulai masuk ke interface.

finally something relaxing... dududududu.. ^^
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
kangen akut.

Monday, July 11, 2005
1,581 lines.... and still counting.

*long sigh*
Friday, July 08, 2005
KENTUUUUUTTTT!!!!! gila ni class-class ko ga ada abis2nya sih?!! BUAHHHH... class baru kelar 5, stored procedure udah 32 and still counting, class masih 1 lagi dan paling banyak sendiri. ini jg ga tau bener ato ga gara2 ga pake design dulu, hantem bleh ke implementasi (dan kenapaaaaaaaaaa orang2 ga ada yang punya dokumentasi, minimal design tertulis lah!). ini baru data layer, presentation layer blon mulai sama sekali, boro2 ke application layer. mo muntah rasanya liat coding-an.. dokumentasi baru bab2 awal, mo nerusin jg bingung, OH TIDAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKK...

*maap lokal geeky banget*

~tapiMendingGiniDaripadaNganggurSihEmang.. :P
and her book is finally out!
after having her telling me a couple of months ago to keep my mouth shut about this, it's finally out!

Metropop: Quarter Life Fear

Primadonna Angela, novel dewasa karya asli, GM 401 05 011, ISBN
979-22-1473-9, 224hlm, 13,5x20cm, ikanova, Rp 30.000

Bagi Belinda, ulang tahun itu mengerikan. Apalagi ulang tahunnya yang ke-25.
Di saat orang lain merasa sukses dengan pekerjaan yang menjanjikan, memiliki
pasangan, punya tujuan hidup yang jelas, Belinda malah merasa tidak punya
apa-apa. Singkatnya, a loser. Tapi saat Jay, mantan kekasihnya, kembali
dalam kehidupan Belinda, Belinda belajar bahwa ia harus berani menghadapi
dunia-termasuk semua ketakutannya.

"...Penulis satu ini justru berangkat dari isu ketidakcantikan, yang terbukti
bisa melahirkan novel Quarter Life Fear. Bukan dongeng yang ber-setting
istana megah, memang, melainkan 'istana kecil' yang ada di keseharian
seorang Belinda. Keseharian kita juga, tentunya."
Jujur Prananto, scriptwriter, Jakarta, Indonesia

"Saya ikut menangis, tertawa, gundah, dan kuat bersama Belinda. Penulis
benar-benar membawa saya ke dalam kamar Belinda, ke dunianya, dan bertemu
semua tokoh dalam buku ini. Ending-nya mengejutkan. Sebagai ibu, saya ingin
bisa seperti mamanya Belinda."
Yureana Wijayanti, Dosen, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

More blurbs:

"Tanyakanlah pada seorang juru dongeng tentang kecantikan. Maka akan berceritalah ia tentang rambut terurai panjang, badan tinggi semampai, kulit langsat dan tentu saja wajah yang cantik. Lalu coba tanyakan padanya tentang ketidak-cantikan. Si juru dongeng akan terdiam, sebab sesuatu yang tidak cantik rupanya tak memberinya inspirasi bagi lahirnya sebuah dongeng. Namun juru dongeng ini pastilah bukan Primadonna Angela. Sebab penulis satu ini justru berangkat dari isyu ketidak-cantikan, yang terbukti bisa melahirkan novel Quarter Life Fear. Bukan dongeng yang ber-setting istana megah, memang, melainkan "istana kecil" yang ada di keseharian seorang Belinda. Keseharian kita juga, tentunya."
Jujur Prananto, scriptwriter, Jakarta, Indonesia

"Buy her book, she's really cute."
Michael Petrosino, musician/self-proclaimed sex idol, Brooklyn, NY, USA

"Addictively enchanting. I want her mom!"
Alexander Christian, Not-your-average-chicklit reader, Bogor-Jakarta, Indonesia

"...quite interesting! Terutama karakter mama yang sangat dramatis dan kemungkinan besar adalah personifikasi diri mbak Donna di masa yang akan datang (hahaha)..."
Lucky Palupi, Researcher, Jakarta, Indonesia

"Ringan dan gampang dicerna, seperti baca komik bergambar. Penyampaian cerita sangat lucu lengkap dengan pernak pernik pendukung, apalagi soal makanan, buat jadi lapar. Btw, nampannya pasti besar banget."
Nengti Arda Rasjid-Borkhataria, Homemaker and Mom-to-be, Den Haag, Holland

"Beautiful. Didukung dengan plot twist yang memukau, menjadi bacaan yang ringan tetapi penuh dengan permainan 'perasaan'. Quarter Life Fear ini sangat menghibur dan mampu menjejali pembacanya dengan ide-ide brilian yang dapat diterapkan -instant- dalam kehidupan sehari-hari."
Andi 'Julian' Saptono, , Internet Usability Expert (Pakar Kebergunaan Internet), Pittsburgh, USA

"Baca karya Donna seperti pijat refleksi. Biar alis berkerut dan bibir monyong saat bagian yang memijat emosi, gak mau berhenti. Setelah buku ditutup dan ditaruh pun, perasaan ringannya terus terbawa. Jarang-jarang saya baca novel pop yang memiliki struktur tiga babak dan timing komedi yang pas. Kalau dijadikan film, siapapun yang jadi penulis skrip bisa leha-leha."
isman hidayat suryaman, penulis buku humor Bertanya atau Mati!

"Here we are following the journey of Belinda, entertained by addictive, funny and witty writing that captures the reality of many women during their soul searching days...Lucky Belinda, she found the Power within herself...There is something to say about a book that makes you read during work hours...;)"
Alissa Jean Tuschall, Human Resources, Palo Alto, California, USA

"Refreshingly witty and so easy to read."
Jessy Dewi Sweeney, Homemaker, Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada

"Sungguh menarik untuk dibaca oleh seorang wanita yang berusia jauh di atas usia Belinda. Cerita ini membawa kita pada kenangan jaman muda, dimana pikiran Belinda yang nakal dan spontan seakan menterjemahkan pikiran kita. Hal yang patut dicatat adalah dibalik ketidaksetujuannya kepada perlakuan ibunya, hubungan antara Belinda dan ibunya sangat menggambarkan kasih sayang yang mendalam di antara keduanya. Membangkitkan keingin tahuan kita untuk cepat-cepat mengetahui akhir ceritanya, sehingga tidak ingin berhenti sebelum cerita berakhir. Sukses untuk penulis berbakat ini."
Etty Sambodo, Ibu dari 3 remaja & guru Bahasa Inggris dan Komputer, Depok-Jakarta, Indonesia

"Saya ikut menangis, tertawa, gundah dan kuat bersama Belinda. Penulis benar-benar membawa saya ke dalam kamar Belinda, ke dunianya dan bertemu semua tokoh dalam buku ini. Ending-nya mengejutkan.Sebagai seorang ibu, saya ingin bisa seperti mamanya Belinda. Si kembar adik perempuan saya yang baru mulai kuliah harus membaca buku ini."
Yureana Wijayanti, Dosen, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

congrats, dearest donna-neechan! hope i can get a copy with your signature soon! *winks winks*
Thursday, July 07, 2005
quoting from a letter by Alfred Lim to TODAY 7 July 2005:

"Women in Singapore today earn high salaries, travel frequently, enjoy fine dining, buy luxury goods, and do it all independently. Perhaps this is at the root of today's failing marriages and failing birth rates - women no longer depend on or need men, as they did in the past.

Women have been given equal education rights and equal roles in the work place. I would also say it is in the nature of women to wish to marry 'up' to a man more successful than she is - yet after marriage, she demands an equal say in decisions."

wahahahahahahaha! go, women!
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
ah.. finally lunch time..

musical baton
don't think i'm gonna forward this to anyone though. got this from nana dearest.

tagged by:

total volume of music files on my computer:
don't remember how big is it in my PC or my laptop. but in my current PC:
127 Mb - 25 songs only hehe

the last CD I bought was:
L'Arc~en~Ciel - Awake, the last copy I found at the HMV. gonna give it to raden though.

song playing right now:
L'Arc~en~Ciel - New World

five songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:
lately it's been:
Eric Bennet & Tamia - Spend My Life with You
TLC - Red Light Special
L'Arc~en~Ciel - Ophelia
L'Arc~en~Ciel - Jyojyoushi
maliq & d'essentials - r u in d mood
heavy stress == a pair of new beautiful shoes! ^^
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
been here before, same stress, same frustration, same fright. and this time much worse. i can only put on high hopes that there'll be a way out, if this is best for me, the way i've thought about it on the past year. *sigh*

bubar deh yang tadinya frekuensi cuma 1 per hari. gue emang ga boleh stress kayaknya.. XP
work work work
busy busy busy
happy! happy! happy!

Monday, July 04, 2005
kalo denger lagunya sih enak banget, pas baca liriknya ko menye bener yah..

Spend My Life with You
Eric Bennet & Tamia

I never knew such a day could come
And I never knew such a love
Could be inside of one

And I never knew what my life was for
But now that you're here I know for sure

I never knew till I looked in your eyes
I was incomplete till the day you walked into my life
And I never knew that my heart could feel
So precious and pure
One love so real

Can I just see you every morning when
I open my eyes
Can I just feel your heart beating beside me
Every night
Can we just feel this way together
Till the end of all time
Can I just spend my life with you

Now baby the days and the weeks
And the years will roll by
But nothing will change the love inside
Of you and I

And baby I'll never find any words
That could explain
Just how much my heart my life
My soul you've changed

Can you run to these open arms
When no one else understands
Can we tell God and the whole world
I'm your woman, and you're my man
Can't you just feel how much I love you
With one touch of my hand
Can I just spend my life with you

No touch has ever felt so wonderful
(You are incredible)
And a deeper love I've never known
(I'll never let you go)
I swear this love is true
(Now and forever to you to you)
Can I just see you every morning when

I open my eyes
Can I just feel your heart beating beside me
Every night
Can we just feel this way together
Till the end of all time
Can I just spend my life with you
Can you run to these open arms

When no one else understands
Can we tell God and the whole world
You're my woman, and you're my man
Can't you just feel how much I love you
With one touch of my hand
Can I just spend my life with you

Can I just spend my life with you
Can I just spend my life with you
(Forever here with you)
Can I just spend my life with you
Can I just see you every morning when I
Open my eyes
Friday, July 01, 2005
try going back and forth in 2 countries, in less than 5 years. man, that sure was tiring...

so i went to batam around 10 this morning, and arrived back in singapore around 2. what is it with indonesians and queueing??? giling.. ngantri fiskal, cuma nunggu 1 orang aja pake serabat-serobot. asli dah.. kalo ga inget2 itu emak2 berjilbab aga2 pengen gue tereakin. sabar dikit ngapa, bongo'.

work officially starts on Monday, can't wait. i'll be dead bored if I keep on going doing nothing like this (apart from going to the gym and doing some window shopping, of course).

istirahat dulu ah..

current tune


ndari, nday, ojochan, nenek, burung, bursky, birdy, wulan

obsessed with new york city, vin diesel, yoshiki hayashi, having an apartment, and keeping things clean & tidy

describes herself as anal-retentive, a workaholic, a credit-card abuser, a faghag, suffering from light OCD

luv luv luv coffee, cigarettes, bodyCombat, cocktails, chit-chatting, making friends, organizing, working, the idea of decorating her own apartment, shopping

freaks out over talks about marriage and having kids

hates fruits, mushy-spoiled-and-stupid guys, cooking, people who are not being ontime/ nosy/ judgmental/ who burp in public

my accounts
View Siti P. Wulandari's profile on LinkedIn

daily walk
yoshiki hayashi!

pak ibam

fafa sayang!
mbak wina

daily surf
planet csui01
planet csui02
planet csui04

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