I first met you hanging knickers on the line From that moment on I knew that there could only be one outcome Me and you against the world forever
You have no folks and I'm just a joke But we made a vow That we would never sell each other out A lie detector wouldn't made me doubt you
Now we know that it's us verses the world now Me and you against the world now Look up there in the sky now See the stars well they're shining just for us
Hey now Me and you against the world now Look up there in the sky now See the stars well they're shining just for us
We hitched a ride that would turn out suicide I had my '45 replica gun I didn't think we'd ever need it Didn't know he had a real one loaded
You went in first took the worst couldn't hear me Shouting you To stop above the busy traffic passing by We promised that together we would
Now we know that it's us verses the world now Me and you against the world now Look up there in the sky now See the stars well they're shining just for us
Hey now Me and you against the world now Look up there in the sky now See the stars well they're shining just for us
I went in next took a bullet in the chest So I hit him with the only thing that was anywhere near me A tin of baked beans and a Woman's Weekly I got the cash picked you up and made a dash We didn't make it too far We made it too the parking lot Forty cops in front of us... Guess who got shot
Lying there dying in each others arms Oh you said too me Don't worry about a thing my little sweetheart We're together we shall never be apart
You took a chance on a loser like me But you never let me down And whether we're in heaven or hell I know it's better than separate cells
Now we know that it's us verses the world now Me and you against the world now Look up there in the sky now See the stars well they're shining just for us
Hey now Me and you against the world now Look up there in the sky now See the stars well they're shining just for us
hehehe.. just found the lyric. anyone remember this song?
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
and where can i get that freakin' adaptor back?! ini panitia GJ juga rada gila dah asli..
after getting through one excruiating week, i kept my hope alive that the weeks to come would go much better. yet i was wrong. starting this week quite happy by relaxing myself with watching movies (akhirnya dah nonton Kingdom of Heaven!), having a really great lunch (both in portion size and quality, which also means that i'm really ruining my diet), i end up keep on rescheduling so many things for this whole new week as more appointments and tasks are coming. fcuk. namely today. the first plan was to have lunch with my family (something that i haven't done for a month or so), accompany a luved one to go shopping, and make some reports at nite. i ended up reaching house around 8 pm, managed to take a shower and a quick rest, then went to my drummer's house as i was being told that we're going to have a practice tonite. i predict that i'd be home around 12, then still have to do some reports and get some things ready for tomorrow and the pleno meeting 2 days from now. tomorrow's gonna be as hectic, for more and more reports just have to be made. sia, ppm, msi.. *sobs* then have to get the anaperancis prototype ready as well for this week. 3 performances are coming by the end of the week. 1 on friday evening, 1 on sunday around noon, and another one on the afternoon. it irritates me more to think that the very same person (see one of my previous entries) doesn't seem to going to give much contribution on the SIA report that's due on friday. i've reached a point when i don't even enjoy smoking anymore as it's taking much time and i can't do both smoking and working at the same time.
the mind's keep on working, proven on the fact that i still have troubles on sleeping lately. yet the body's been asking for a rest. like a REAL rest, not just one-two days holiday which in the end would make me ended up working anyway. what is it with this faculty? and to think that only some of us are experiencing this. some others seem to be fine with their schedules. lousy time-management? maybe.
this is starting to be overwhelming. and yet it's my choice. fcuk.
mbok ya sadar ya yang namanya tugas kelompok tu berarti tugas /kelompok/, dikerjakan bersama-sama. kalo ga bisa ngerjain mbok ya at least nanya, dateng, berusaha ngerjain biar sedikit juga. ya ga, fe? asli dah bikin bete.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
bete... lagi banyak pikiran banget, tidur susah, mana capek, mana banyak orang-orang YANG MIKIRNYA RIBET, HERAN. hidup tu udah susah, ngapain dipersusah coba? bah.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
wuedeeee... bete gue langsung ilang. *nyengir*
bueteh.. luck doesn't come twice, i guess. manggung hari ini beda banget ama manggung kemaren, dan yang bikin makin bete adalah karena juga beda banget ama pas check sound. ya bayangin aja, pas check sound, ada monitor utk keyboard segede2 gaban di sebelah gue. suara semua alat kedengeran jelas banget, kecuali vokal. tapi oke lah.. ehhhh pas manggung, ga tau ide tolol dari mana, itu monitor dipindahin ke mana ga tau. EE'! terus gemana cara gue denger suara yang laen coba??? alhasil kemaren cuma patokan ama beat-nya raden, itu juga aga tebak2an, kampret.
terus dg gantengnya, di lagu pertama, senar boy putus. yaa makin ke belakang alhamdulillah sih makin oke, jadi rada nolong. tapi tetep aja, yang namanya manggung paling ga enak kalo baru mulai udah bermasalah, bikin mood nge-drop. dah gitu bass taka ga kedengeran keluar, sementara gue sempet salah kunci, AAAAAAAAARRRGHHHH!!!
terus mo ngomentarin dikit band2 laen: 1. soundwave, SUGOI NEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! GILINGAN PADI! bawain gackt, bawain siam shade, bawain dir en grey, semua ga ada masalah sama sekali, semuanya sumpah keren. bener2 gila nih band! gue doain mereka sukses terus ke depannya. 2. mama rockers, band yang minta ditimpuk pake ee' goreng. ASLI DAH BANYAK BACOT. manggung cuma 3 lagu, ngomong2nya ada sekitar 20 menit kali. ga penting abisssssssssss.... kalo banyak omong tapi bagus oke lah, ehhh ini lagi. bawain 3 lagu x japan, begitu suara2 yang tinggi, antara ngelengking maksa ato pitch-nya off tune semua, TIDAAAAAAAAAAKKKK!!!!!!! gue kan nonton bareng patria-nya banzai juga, kita semua langsung nyuru2 patria ke panggung, biar dia aja yang gantiin vokalis gila itu. dasar miring. emang banzai blon ada tandingannya deh utk urusan maenin lagu x japan. 3. melody maker, ya... penampilan sih niat banget, visual sekuat tenaga (compared to gue dan praba yang cuma pake kaos jetto, raden pake kaos putih, dimas pake kaos item, dan boy-arif pake polo shirt). tapi maennya sendiri (sempet denger di 1 lagu) ternyata biasa aja. ga jelek sih, tapi yaaa.. karena penampilan mereka dah gitu gue expect jauhhhh lebih bagus, ternyata ngga. but oh well.
cape gila ngehajar 2 hari manggung, dan besok masih ada 1 lagi, hadohhhhh... ini CIS gue apa kabar iniiii... :'(
yesterday was a blast!!! thanks for everyone who came to watch. PUASSSSSSSSS... wish us luck for today, badan masih teler banget sebenernya.. manggung lagi nanti jam 18.15 di sports hall atmajaya. c u!
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
asli kalo manggung lusa kayak gini, gue bakal bahagia banget. ^_^
dan kenapaaaaaaa giliran gue lagi banyak tugas gini malah ada proyek2 baru yang menggodaaaa... hueeee... bimaaaaa, gemana iniiiiiii..... X(
an early failure ....of my attempt on quitting smoking hahahaha after 4 successful days with only 2 cigarettes, i ended up finishing 14 cigarettes in total in these 2 days *lol* memalukaaan... bener kata elu, mil, bentar banget tahannya. terima kasih utk acun yang sudah berusaha utk ngambil meskipun gagal. tapi ni sore sisanya semua gue kasih ke satpam, daripada besok bawa ke kampus terus mulai ngebul lagi. duongo. anyway ini semua dimulai dg the sudden stress attack sejak kemarin. hari indah gue dimulai dengan stress tingkat tinggi pantaran DAA. stress bukan karena programnya karena alhamdulillah dah 90% rampung, tapi pantaran ngejer ilmu2 teammates gue yang di mata gue aga2 setinggi langit. panda2 gila itu sukses banget bikin gue ngerasa paling bego sendiri (dan aga2 emang), dan panik naujubillah karena gue amat sangat ga mo ketinggalan dibanding yang laen. mo banyak nanya juga ga tega karena berasa ngehambat banget, alhasil gue stress berat. ditambah lagi dengan spending several hours having a quarrel with a close person yang juga sukses nambahin bete dan stress.
pagi ini juga ga bertambah baik, lagi banyaaaak banget ide di kepala utk debConf #2 yang bikin gue literally having a brainstorm hahahaha asli stress tadi pagi naek banget, kopi hajar 3 cangkir langsung ampe si miptah dah geleng2. pusing nambah lagi karena dg panitia yang udah fixed dan siap kerja, ide2 yang senantiasa mengalir, lampu ijo dari senat masih blon turun. dg gilanya, efisiensi waktu utk ngasih keputusan "YA" ato "TIDAK" bener2 rendah. masa' gue baru bisa dikasih keputusan tanggal 10 juni?!!! setelah ditawar2, baru mo ngasih 27 mei!!! baihaki juga ga bisa ngomong2 ama gue minggu ini pantaran olimpiade bultang. BUSET DAH! berapa susah sih tinggal bilang iya ato ngga?!! gue ga ngerti ini emang prosedurnya lamban, birokrasinya yang SEGITU rumitnya, ato apa sih!? logikanya setau gue sederhana banget.
1. ada utang IT Camp segede2 gaban. 2. semua lagi pontang-panting nyari dana buat nutupin utang. 3. cara2nya macem2: jadi makelar tanah (ha???), tukang transfer video (ha????), pensi (harap berhati2, kawan2ku.. denger2 butuh dana GEDE banget, yg ada ntar nambah utang), workshop2, etc. 4. muncul usul bikin debConf #2 karena: a. dah ada permintaan. b. ITB tidak kunjung bikin2, pdhl ini jatah mereka. 5. panitia sekarang dah ada dan semua siap kerja, sukarela demi bantu nutupin utang IT Camp. 6. tinggal selipin di 1 proker senat, cuma nitip slot waktu ama ttd.
ga sulit toh? paling nggak, menurut gue sih. maksud gue, ruginya di senat tu apa? dan itu aja susaaaaaah banget minta approval-nya. dah pegel banget, dan setelah tadi rembukan, kita putusin mo tetep jalan, di bawah maupun bukan di bawah senat. anak2 KUKSA malah dah nawarin diri utk jadi unit yang nyelenggarain hahahahahaha anyway, tadi dah ngobrol panjang lebar dengan pak ucok (yang keliatan sangat pusing dan ngomel2 mulu urusan utang ini), alhamdulillah dia dah ngasi approval bahwa kalo senat ga mo masukin ni acara di proker, ini jadi proker kemahasiswaannya fakultas aja. which makes me even happier sebenernya, karena insya Allah (amin) kalo ada profit, ya buat kita2 aja duooongsss... huekekekekek ya fakultas kasih bagian lah, tapi sisanya buat kita semua huekekekekekek *mata ijo*
anyway, wish us all the best luck. dimohon dukungan teman2ku tercinta sekalian, baik moril maupun tenaga, kalo ada yang mo nyumbang duit juga kami lebih senang lagi hehehe :D
jetto manggung lusa!! pada nonton yahhh!! jumat jam 16.45 dg asumsi acara ontime, di PSJ UI. ok ok ok?
postingan tidak penting ini akan berakhir di sini.. hehe.
Friday, May 06, 2005
day #1 status: succeeded.
efforts: 1. ampir bela2in ngeluarin Rp 10rb, pdhl harga aslinya cuma Rp 6,500.-. but i didn't. 2. minta ama supir ga jelas, ternyata punya dia habis. 3. ampir minta ama mbak2 yg ikut nunggu dijemput pas kelar acara di senayan tadi, but i didn't.
mood: proud of myself huekekekekek
special thanks to: feha, utk sms2 geblegnya yang cukup motivating XD
and to think that this is only day #1...
the will so finally "the will" comes. in the end it all comes back to my biggest goal in life: to be thin. *laughs* no, really! i seem to be stucked at 51.5 kg (51 kg last night though, you have no idea how happy i was!), no less. one fact that i /do/ know is that i've lost the last 3.5 kg simply because of my strict diet, without getting involved in any sports as a routine. so i knew that /that/ was the only way to lose more weight: get back on track! i've tried to do a usual one hour of bodyCombat, and really it was torturing. i spent just the /first/ 15 minutes catching up my breath, that even the trainer was surprised knowing that i'm known as one of the most active members when it comes to bodyCombat.
that, plus anggita's face when we met last night and she begged me to stop smoking. maaan, that puppy-looked eyes always work well, she's one of my real best friends. and i did promise her that i'll stop. the will went stronger when i even had several troubles on breathing last night while i was working.
i was /working/, get that? if i can't work normally, i'd rather die. if the choice is between that and getting slim, AND smoking, i'd definitely pick the first. *grin* so that's why, wish me luck.
a little indulgement it has always been hard to stay being sane with all those big assignments and projects going. whenever i have a real free time, i'd definitely use it to go out and have a little indulgement on having fun! so yesterday, i watched "janji joni" (which was great!), had a proper lunch (it's an indulgement. at least for me.. hey, i had CHICKEN!), lots and lotsa coffee (even managed to get to know Brew & Co.'s manager hahahaha), and of course: 2 quality hours of chit-chatting with the girl friends. was hell a lot of fun.
at least until i got home at 10 and went working till 1.30 in the morning. X(
R.E.M. been having troubles on sleeping though for the past 2 weeks. always need 30-40 minutes from the minute i jumped onto my bed till i can really get into the wonderful world of dreams. that 30-40 minutes will be spent by me to think of things like:
"laporan anaperancis masih kurang 1 bab lagi..." "design prototype mungkin bagus juga kalo gue bikin begini" "ah shit, prototype utk membership kapan mo gue bikin kalo begini mah?" "kontrak kapan bisa mereka tanda tanganin ya?" "manggung sama tivu tanggal 29 mei, duh blon latian.." "13-15 mei manggung 3 hari beturut2, duh blon latian.." "oh fuck. deadline DAA tgl 12!!" "..."
you get my point.
and it really didn't happen by choice! i /need/ my sleep, and i'm not getting it! to make things worse, by the time i managed to sleep, i become very sensitive with my surroundings. when i heard something making a sound, i'd quickly wake up. and no matter how i try to sleep my way till let's say 10 AM, i'd still be waking up around 6.30 AM. aaaarrrghhh!!!!
an experience or two went to have coffee with one of my seniors a couple of days ago. i really like her, she was a lot of fun, she has this really great confidence, and she was smart (was too obvious to see). i knew her back when i just got into the uni, only knew her name but never really forgot her cause when she gave her speech during the graduation ceremony, to me she was fantastic (pede-nya itu lho, jo. gila.. ga banyak gue ketemu orang sepede dia.. ampe aura2nya kepancar semua geto). we talked about quite a lot of things, especially regarding both our cases. it was shocking to know that there were more victims out there, most of them just don't wanna speak up knowing how embarassing each experience was. while she and i had the same way of thinking, if we don't speak up, no one would be aware that these kinda things really could happen, not just in the movies. hey, i could've been more aware if i knew her case first, yet i didn't and the same thing happened to me.
so far i've been asked to keep my mouth shut. but one, i really want more people to know cause i /really/ don't want the same experience happen to any of my friends. and who knows that maybe there are some more. more people speaking up, the better it is. we can give testimonials and kick that bastard's ass out of town. two, the whole process has been extremely slow. and i don't think i can complain, cause i /do/ know that they've been following up the case. however it's been more than one freakin' month! it's driving me nuts cause i really want things to get over with.
in schedule: jetto @ PSJ UI = 13 May 2005, 5 PM jetto @ Atmajaya = 14 May 2005, 6.30 PM
pada nonton yah?!
today's menu - another meeting @ AIPL - education fair @ JHCC - (prolly) depok, need to drop some medicine for a dear friend who just got sick - finish the anaperancis prototype design - (hopefully) have a normal sleep
Thursday, May 05, 2005
1. been catching up my breath. really can't do sports. i couldn't even stand a 15-minute session of bodyCombat, let alone one hour. 2. getting really costly. 3. promised anggita.
really gonna stop. at least stop being a regular. wish me luck. :)
ndari, nday, ojochan, nenek, burung, bursky, birdy, wulan
obsessed with new york city, vin diesel, yoshiki hayashi, having an apartment, and keeping things clean & tidy
describes herself as anal-retentive, a workaholic, a credit-card abuser, a faghag, suffering from light OCD
luv luv luv coffee, cigarettes, bodyCombat, cocktails, chit-chatting, making friends, organizing, working, the idea of decorating her own apartment, shopping
freaks out over talks about marriage and having kids
hates fruits, mushy-spoiled-and-stupid guys, cooking, people who are not being ontime/ nosy/ judgmental/ who burp in public