a daily scoop of my life
Sunday, October 24, 2004
current location: rully's place

tadi lagi nyoba nge-rip cd monday michiru gue pake program ntah apa itu lah. pas lagi pick mo output-nya jadi apa, ada tulisan "mp3 (lame)". both of us were wondering maksudnya lame tu apa. dan ternyata...... memang lame. masa' cd 1 aja, nge-rip-nya setengah jam lebih, BEUH. X( this /is/ literally lame.

dan saya pun membabi
thanks to acara buka puasa jumat lalu dan buka puasa kemarin di citapen. perbandingannya gini: kalo lagi di kost, sahur gue would be 1 kotak susu Ultra Milk low fat dan 1 tangkep roti gandum pake selai kacang. buka puasanya would be 1 kotak susu Ultra Milk dan 4 crackers Khong Guan tanpa rasa atau 2 risolesnya Mbak Yem. makan malem would be nasi yg utk orang normal bisa abis dalam 4 suap plus cah sawi putih ato sayur apa lah.

NAH giliran di rumaahh, sahurnya masih sama sih susunya, tapiii.. makannya tu either cake cokelat (yg Lira acclaim itu low fat soalnya semua bahannya non fat, Lira ini my good friend yg bikinin kuenya), atau nasi pake lauk. buka puasanya ga kalah seru, mulai dari pempek, risoles, lemper, ato apa lah. sementara makan malemnya juga makan beneran, nasi with kerang atau ayam atau ikan ato apa deh.

jumat lalu buka puasa bareng di rumah. buka puasa gue: 1 risoles, 1 lemper, 1 serabi, dan teh. solat magrib bentar, then lanjut lagi gue makan 1 lemper, 1 serabi, 1 cangkir kopi. solat tarawih, terus lanjut dg makan malem. i had nasi begana 1/2 porsi (sebenernya sih 1/3, cuma gue ngaku 1/2 biar rully mo ngabisin hehe) dan lontong sayur 1 porsi. pas malem semua orang dah pulang, gue masih ngemil2in serabi lagi.

THEN. on saturday.. sahur sih masih standar, kue cokelat 1 slice sama smoked cheese kiriman dari belanda yang enaknya astonirojim (sindrow TM). masalahnya.. pas buka puasanya itu, beh. 2 lumpia, 2 arem-arem, 1 pastel, dan pempek segambreng. dah niat banget ga mo makan malem, dannnn... pas liat ada nasi uduk dan ikan goreng asem manis, huaaaa... pengen. :( alhasil, beneran makan.

Monday, October 18, 2004
fasting day 4
laper.. and still 6 hours to go, fooh.. *exhales*

sampe hari ke-2 berat gue dg cantiknya udah turun 2 kg (meskipun jadi hal mengerikan kalo polanya kayak gitu. yg ada bulan ramadhan selesai, berat gue tinggal 20 kg hahahaha). tapi kemaren kayaknya aga2 naek lagi setelah makan malem di restoran Sari Sanjaya.

let me repeat: SARI SANJAYA! to all Palembang food lovers out there, you really should try this place. located at Radio Dalam, ga jauh dari toko 2nd bite (the BreadTalk wannabe). i had dinner there last night with the whole big Bambang Utoyo family (minus beberapa cucu yg sedang sibuk belajar utk mid-test masing2), dan asli bener2 puassssss... apparently yg masak itu kayaknya emang orang Palembang bener, kecurigaan gue muncul karena semua waiters-nya jg orang Palembang, jadilah kemaren jadi Hari Berbahasa Palembang hahaha anyway, i tried the pempek (adaan, keriting), otak-otak, burgo, es kacang, while the others tried tekwan dan model, semua berkesimpulan sama: OISHIIIIIII! i had the mie celor, dan gila.. asli dah.. ga kalah sama mie celor-nya Tante Jen, wuaaaaaa... *tears flowing kayak di Yoichi Anak Cita Rasa terus ada naga2 nari2 di belakang* oishiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....

anyway, tadi malem level makan gue sudah sampe titik dari perut yg bener2 rata sampe jadi ada gumpalan besar yg ngejogrok di situ, sampe gue dah aga2 mo muntah. kenyang abis.. tapi dengan hebatnya, jam 9 pagi tadi gue udah laper lagi. wueleh.. gagal ni diet. :P

oh and btw, kenapa ya banyak yg bilang kalo lagi puasa itu ga boleh bilang "laper" ato "aus" out loud? katanya mengurangi pahala puasa, ga nangkep deh gue logikanya gemana. kan tujuan puasa itu di antaranya untuk ikut merasakan penderitaan orang2 yg kurang mampu yg selama ini emang harus puasa karena ga punya duit cukup untuk beli makanan. nah, since when orang2 itu ga pernah ngeluh "laper" atau "aus" kalo lagi ngerasa gitu? ko janggal..

duuuhhh.. pengen shopping!! aaaaa... butuh menyenangkan hati dan melepas stress nihhh.. tapi ga ada duiiit.. huaaaa.. kapan gue jadi miliyuner yah.. T_T

dan terkutuklah ANum!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 17, 2004
have no idea what is it with us in the past week. we reacted on things the way we never reacted before. one disagreement, then another one, followed with another. he started to act childish, then in another case, i'm the one who's acting childish. what is it with this week for God's sake?!

i'm sorry that i kept some things for myself. i don't want you to feel the burden i have now, little did i realize that in some ways you might just thought i'm not ready to share things with you. really, /that/ wasn't my reason. i'm sorry. :(

and btw, 2002 yg punya blog makin banyak aja nih kayaknya yah?
Friday, October 15, 2004
see? things really /could/ go better!
always have faith that 1) God won't give you burdens and problems you yourself can't handle. 2) there's always a rainbow after the rain, meaning that after all of your struggle and your problems, something good would come in the end.

so i was on my way to go to the toilet in the Building C (Gedung C itu maksudnya), and as i was stepping in front of the old student council room, i saw mr. fabulous coming right toward me. i stopped, he stopped, i waved and smiled. then we stepped closer and had a small chat. was quite surprised to see him, and quite sure that he must've felt the same way as i could simply tell from his expression. well, he didn't change much. still the same old good-looking "him" (and let me emphasize on the good looking part, ko gue ga ngeh ya dari dulu2, hahaha), who would go all excited when talking about jazz. yup, we talked about jazz, one thing that managed to keep us tied when we were still together.

we were discussing about JGTC, with the fact that both him and i are thinking of /not/ coming for this year's gig. then he told me about his visit to this year's FE jazz clinic, which was quite a disappointment. they had vocals in the band, and the genre was too pop-ish, which i know very well that he'll never enjoy that kind of jazz. then we also had a long chat about his current final-assignment (Tugas Akhir, in Indonesian). he told me what happened with his previous TA, how it took him a really long while to think about it, and getting through many dialogues with his parents of whether he should continue with it, or make another one as he was very unconfident about it. in the end, he decided to make a new one, which is the reason why he's still getting stuck in this beloved campus of ours, going for his 6th year now.

and that was just it. a really nice 20-minutes-or-so chat of ours.

it's a big relieve for myself to know that we managed to get through that 20 minutes chat. you see, the thing is, i've seen him for several times last week in campus, and it was very obvious that we were avoiding looking at eachother. i was avoiding him because i was well.. quite didn't know how to respond, or even how to say hi. on the other hand, he was avoiding me because... well i don't know. i thought for particular reasons, he hated me. well considering that there are already quite some people hating me, i thought.. oh well.. he's just adding up the number. so... fine.

so now you can see why i'm so relieved when we managed to have that sincere short chat. unless he's a really good actor, i don't think he hates me. and i'm glad. that was a really great thing to find out after all of the problems and matters i've been through, truly cheering up my day.

i was testing myself though, wondering what do i really feel toward him /now/. i was quite worried if those funny tingling flowery feelings would come up again, and yet.. the only thing i felt was "glad that there's nothing bad happening between us." and the only thing i could think of was "emang ganteng ini bocah. ko gue ga ngeh dari dulu yah..". :P that's all.

so yeah, like i've said earlier in this entry, don't worry too much when you feel like your world is crumbling, and God seems to have his own sense of humor when He's having a good time playing with your life. cos really, things would gradually get better. small changes, small improvements, but your normal life would come back.

ahhh senangnya tidak dibenci! :) dan dia bilang gue cantikan loh! *nyengir GR gede abis* ^_______________^
Thursday, October 14, 2004
If I Ain't Got You
Alicia Keys

Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power, yeah
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things
Define whats within and i've been
There before but that life s a bore
So full of the superficial

* And some people want it all
But i don t want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If i ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If i ain't got you yea

Some people search for a fountain
Promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And thats the only way to prove you love them
Hand me the world on a silver platter
And what good would it be
No one to share
No one who truely cares for me

repeat *

If i aint got you wit me baby oh ooh said
nothin' in this whole wide world don't mean a thing
If i ain't got you with me baby

when things got exciting
and so the meeting was set yesterday. oom hendrawan went talking about all the details on how he wanted the software to be, which turned to be quite complicated. well somehow, i got all excited knowing how difficult things would be, how i knew that i'd have to make a reeeeeeeeeeally good time-management to make everything go smooth (this, another 3 projects, numerous assignments, jetto), and how i knew that i'd be under a lot of stress in the weeks ahead. it's the rush, it's the tension, it's the deadlines, it's the craving for all of those, it's the craving for being frustrated and stressed, it's me!

this is abnormal.

oh and btw, i'm finally thinking of resigning from /dilmy. it's hard to keep my commitment both as a PR & columnist to get /dilmy on the go, here in indonesia. been having quite a lot of troubles on sparing time to do things. other than zoom, i haven't made cooperations with any other places, although i have quite some names in my head. the thing is, i'm working alone here. sure there's afid, but we don't make as much contacts and coordination so i ended up doing everything still on my own. there used to be agi, who resigned then. and anto, who moved to netherlands. and also pries, who's gone in a POOF! so yes, it's basically me, handling everything for /dilmy in asia. too many expectations, dreams up high, yet none seemed to be realistic enough. still have to wait for tachmy's response though, whether he approves my resignation or if he doesn't.

when the diet went to be a blunder
mayday mayday! the diet is failing! the diet is failing!

really don't know why. it all started with my PMS, i couldn't stop myself from reaching the fridge, reaching for snacks, or bread, or macaronni schotel (how the hell do you spell this word?), or chocolates, or OREOs, and the list goes on. well.. it's supposed to be a /PRE/-menstrual syndrome isn't it? well it seems to me that now i'm having all kinds of PMS. PRE-menstrual syndrome, PRESENT-menstrual syndrome, and even PAST-menstrual syndrome! i keep getting hungry! 2 weeks ago, i'd manage to stay feeling full with only 2 big meals in a day, and 1 snack. and now, 3 big meals, and several snacking on the middle, EGAD!

thank God it's reaching the fasting month. i /really/ have to lose weight. need to get rid of this big tummy, which lately have become my own joke of "six layers" instead of "six-packs", and get rid of these /arms/ that wiggled when i wave my /hands/ to say bye bye to someone. :(

so it's me and my craving for my own image of a great figure. *grin*

when things went perfect
for him and me. still can't believe that all this started just because "we click". how would i know that we'd be this compatible? to think that now we let our feelings pouring in and out, and feeling happy at all times, yet 2 years ago it was us disliking each other.

good lesson: you really can't predict things.

well it's been going for a month now, things are still going amazing, and going good. been a while since i felt /this/ comfortable being with someone. problems keep arising, especially with our surroundings. but then again, what would life be without problems?

when a class is coming
literally. gotta catch a class now. ciao.
Monday, October 11, 2004
last night was a blast!
hari gue dimulai jam 5-an, dg acara dandan yang cukup ribet. jadi celana item yang pengen gue pake, ternyata dicuci.. bagus.. jadi terpaksalah pake celana item yg dah 1 taun ga gue pake karena kekecilan. ternyata muaaaat! bagus bagus.. terus kaos item gliter2 dari mama ninik, sabuk ungu segede gaban, jaket kulit abu2 dg furry collar, ama sneakers. then went to Ubud dan langsung ketemu mas arman, langganannya si raden urusan styling. pertama dia nawarin gue utk ngacak2 rambut. langsung kebayang di kepala adalah tampang hisashi, so i quickly said no. gile.. ogah gue kalo keseruan kayak gitu. akhirnya dia ngusul kalo dilurusin aja gemana. di bayangan gue kebayang ya lurus terus dikakuin gitu. ok lah pikir gue... ternyata apa? dicatok aja lho sodara-sodaraaaa... hadohhhhhh... i didn't pay Rp 50k for dicatok dong coba?! bah. anyway, yaaa.. ga jelek2 amat sih hasilnya, soalnya pacar ngomentarin i looked okay. cuma gue ga gitu suka soalnya jadi ribet. tiap mo ngapa2in, gue takut rambut gue kenapa2, beuh.. raden dan dimas kemudian menyusul, dan hasil di raden sih keren abissss! bener2 hisashi, tapi hisashinya bertampang bule hahahaha

then quickly put on some make ups, yg selama proses bikin didit geleng2 karena sekarang dia baru ngerti perjuangan kami2 para wanita utk looking all beautiful (which some times itu ya demi kalian2 juga, wahai para lelaki! kalo kata sate: JECH!) ternyata emang ribet. this was followed with my trip straight to Club 27, blok M, ditemenin didit. nyampe sana, ternyata ga serame yg gue bayangin. gue dah kebayang kayak cerita anak2 ttg L'Aruku Nite, alhamdulillah ga kayak gitu, paling cuma sekitar 500-an orang lah kalo ditotal jendral semua, ga nyampe kali malah.

sempet khawatir sebenernya manggung bakal kayak gemana. utk pertama kalinya, kita manggung tapi sebelumnya belum pernah sekalipun latian bareng malik. risky abis, cuma ya guenya jg dah pasrah sih.. abis mo gemana, maliknya lagi sakit, mo dipaksain latian ntar kalo pas manggung suaranya abis malah berabe. dg gantengnya satu hari sebelum manggung, 1 korban lagi: boy. dia pake ngalamin demam dulu, dan bener aja.. pas nyampe di lokasi, mukanya masih pucet banget. duhhhh.. ko sempet2nya yah ada kejadian2 kayak gini. however..

it was a blast! penonton dah mulai panas pas Banzai manggung. sesuai dugaan gue, THEY ROCK! asli giliiiing! seneng banget deh pas liat, akhirnya kesampean juga liat patria nyanyi. ga sempet liat keyboardist-nya though, kealangan ama orang laen (in times like this, i really regret the fact that i'm kinda short). well whoever he was, he surelly did a damn great job! ga detail banget sih kayak yo-chan (emang susah tapinya siiih), tapi seriously itu udah keren banget!! wuaaaaa... puas lah denger mereka maen Weekend, Rusty Nail, Longing, ama Dahlia.

abis Banzai tu Zeal, yg cukup kontroversial gara2 si Hendy manggung pake helm. dasar gila tu anak. tapi overall, mereka juga keren banget! baru abis itu giliran kami2 dari jetto. asli paling seru sendiri pas ngegotong alat. soalnya pas lagi nyiap2in itu, penonton lagi pada duduk lesehan, jadi we had to get through, dan "we" ini referring ke jetto lengkap dengan crew2nya (prabha, didit, andra, plus anak2 kirie & kyuuto). jadi lah kita serombongan melewati penonton, masuk ke panggung dg alat2 segambreng. begitu dah siap, penonton mulai berdiri, langsung ngerangsek mepet ke panggung which trust me.. bikin panggung jadi PANAS. literally. blon lagi didukung dg lampu sorot yang sumpah panasnya, mak jannnn...

we started with Anata no Tameni dan Route 666 yg ya.. anggep aja jadi pemanasan lah. pas Lose Control, dah mulai makin panas. ehhh begitu Honey, langsung deh rame. Ga usah ditanya kondisi penonton pas Driver's High ama Stay Away, wahhhh tuobh dah! puas banget manggungnya, meskipun khawatir ngeliat boy yang udah keliatan kliengan ga keruan gitu. so all i can say is, MAKASIH! buat yg kemaren dah nyempetin mo dateng!

oh another thankie to dear sis yang ternyata perhatian banget sampe inget kalo gue mo manggung jadi nyempet2in nge-sms, ama pacar yang bela2in dateng dan berpengep2 ria ikut dalem gerombolan penonton yang aga2 ngajak moshing hahahaha thanks, hun. i really appreciate it. :)

me and my so-called life
jadi inget pas sma, gue punya email address:

sementara phies punya... lupa apa, tapi ada kata2 "ihavenolife"-nya lah.

well.. it's been 2 years now and nothing seems to change quite much. still the same craving for perfection, still the same totally stressing-out life....or maybe i should just say it as the so-called life. and still enjoying it as much as i hating it. *grin*

life can't be anymore beautiful than this. keteteran sama tugas2, kuliah jg dah mulai mabok ngejer (apalagi ANum dan TBA), projects terus berjalan paralel, yet at the same time masih nyempetin utk hang out with the Jetto family, nyisihin waktu buat pacar, and even having Girls Nite Outs.

i luv my life. *smirk*

campus dearest..
gue ga tau apa yang salah dg pola pendidikan di indonesia, ato mungkin Asia, tapi kenapa kita dibebanin banget sama kurikulum yah? maksud gue, kayaknya tuh beraaaaaaaaaaat banget. in such a way that kalo denger GPA temen2 gue di US tu pada bisa 4.0, asli gue tercengang2. tapi pas gue denger bahan mereka, alahmak... aga2 jauh dibanding kita2 di sini kayaknya. ya pikirin aja, bisa sampe ada banyak mahasiswa2 Jepang yg bunuh diri cuma pantaran failed a test ato ga keterima di uni yang dia pengenin, ato a couple of friends yg nyeritain kehidupan kuliah mereka di S'pore sambil nangis karena pada kelewat stress, d'oh.. merasa ada yang salah gak? di sini juga, kenapaaaaa kita musti diwajibin ambil mata kuliah-mata kuliah yang kita ga suka, dan bahkan kita cukup yakin korelasinya kecil sama profesi ato bidang minat yang kita pengenin. sebut aja deh, kalo dalem kasus gue: Kalkulus 1, Kalkulus 2, ALin, ANum, BAHHHH!!! kenapaaaaaaaaa mata kuliah model2 begitu musti diciptakan?? bikin stress, jelek2in IP, dan gue NGGAK SUKAAAAAAA. >_<

bentar lagi puasa loh!
ayo ayo.. bikin target utk puasa taun ini:
1. tarawih lebih dari 10x
2. turunin berat badan
3. tetep fitness on weekend mornings & body combat on thursday evenings
4. biasain zikir abis subuh ama magrib, dan harus bisa dipertahanin sampe selese ramadhan ntar


current playlist
1. Javier - October Sky
2. Alicia Keys & Usher - If I Ain't Got You
3. James Taylor Quartet - Stepping Into My Life
4. R. Kelly - Ignition (remix)

bbrp udah lama sih, tapi lately kalo lagi didengerin wuah... enjoy.

Now, usually, I don't do this but uh....
Go head' on and break 'em off wit a lil' preview of
the remix....

Now I'm not trynna be rude
But hey pretty girl I'm feelin' you
The way you do the things ya do
Reminds me of my Lexus coupe
That's why I'm all up in ya grill
Trynna get you to a hotel
You must be a football coach
The way you got me playin' da field

So baby gimme dat "Toot toot"
And lemme gi' ya that "Beep beep"
Runnin' her hands through my fro'
Bouncin' on twenty fo's
While they sayin' on the radio

It's the remix to ignition
Hot and fresh out the kitchen
Mama rollin' that body
Got ev'ry man in here wishin'
Sippin' on coke and rum (rum)
I'm like so what I'm drunk (drunk)
It's the freakin' weekend
Baby I'm about to have me some fun (fun)

Bounce (10X)

Now it's like "Murda She Wrote"
Once I get cha out them clothes
Privacy is on the do'
But still they can hear ya screamin' mo'
Girl I'm feelin' whatchu feelin'
No more hopin' and wishin'
I'm about to take my key 'n'
Stick it in da ignition

Repeat Hook

Repeat Chorus

Crystal poppin'
In the stretch Navigata
We got food everywhere
As if the party was catered
We've got
Fellas to my left (left)
Hunnies on my right (right)
We bring 'em both togetha
We got drinkin' all night
Then afta the show
It's the afta party
And afta the party
It's the hotel lobby
Yeah, around about four
You gotta clear the lobby
Then take it to ya room and
Freak somebody

Can I get a "Toot toot"
Can I get a "Beep beep"
Runnin' her hands through my fro'
Bouncin' on twenty fo's
While they sayin' on the radio

Repeat Chorus(2 times)


Girl we off in this Jeep
Foggin' windows up
Blastin' the radio
In the back of my truck
Bouncin' up and down
Strokin' round and round
To the remix
We jus' thuggin' it out
Monday, October 04, 2004
np : Faithless - Winterlove

starting to get overwhelmed with work. realized that when i tried to schedule a team-meeting for the sake of one of the school's projects. one team-mate is only available on Thursday afternoon, another on Thursday morning, then another one on Wednesday morning, tsk..tsk..tsk.. *shooks head* and finally our beloved faculty of computer science - university of indonesia has finally showed its true nature. so many things to do, so little time. even one of my friends from another facutly once asked "what are you guys (referring to fasilkom students) made of? BATTERIES?!!". *lol*


small note for my truly beloved: "selamat ulang taun, sayang! wishes-nya baca sendiri di kartunya yah hehehe luv you so much." :)


can't wait till the 10th! not only that i'm eager to perform (it's truly been a while. the last time i performed with jetto was a couple of months ago), i'm eager to see Banzai. heard that they're gonna play "Dahlia", "Rusty Nail", "Weekend", and some more X Japan hits! kyaaaaaaaa! ^_____________^


to sindrow: get your point, jeng. i've deleted your link from my blog. btw, it's time for me to get a shoutbox, don't u think? *grin*


back to work.
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Jiyuu e no Shoutai
kousou eno yuwaku jutai ni sasaya ku
osae teru jyoutai jiyuu eno shoutai

ashidori wa osoku nakayubi wa haya ku
fukigen na hyoujyou te ni oenai shoujyou

isoi de kimi eno meiro wo kake mawaru
dokoe iku ka wakatteta keredo
jyama dake wa shinaide kureru?

kanashii hodo kimi ni tsutawara nai
kono kimochi taisetsu ni trank ni tsume te

mezawari na kyujitsu honpou na kajitsu
ima dake tokubetsu yuruse yo dokuzetsu

tonikaku machijyu no gensou wo oikoshi
sukoshi demo kimi ni

* aitai noni itsumo umaku ikanai
demo negau kyou koso wa nerai wo sadame
sukima wo nuke te egawo no kanatae

mou nidoto ima wa modora nai
oikosu kako azawarau youna mirai mitsumeta mama

konnanimo sobani itemo toku
ne dareka jiyuu eno shoutai wo

* kurikaeshi


Invitation to Freedom
the temptation to run wild, it sucks to be stuck in traffic
holding it all in, an invitation to freedom

it's slow going, quick to give the middle finger
a sour face, symptoms beyond my control

hurrying, racing around your maze
where you go is up to you but,
could you stay out of my way?

tragically these feelings, I never make known to you
I'll carefully put in my trunk
an eyesore of a holiday, a good-natured predisposition

Only now, is there a special exception for lashing out
man, the times change so quickly

flying through the hustle and bustle all over town,
If I could just get a little further ahead,

* I want to see you
but it never goes like that
but I wish.
today's the day I set my sights
and slip out a break in traffic
towards a smile

this moment only happens once, the past I passed
gazing at the future that seems to be laughing at me.

even when I'm so close, you're far away
please, somebody invite me to freedom!

repeat *

Artist :L'Arc~En~Ciel
Lyrics :Hyde
Music :tetsu

translated By: Brian Stewart & Takako Sakuma

translation taken from: http://www.afad.nl/larceurope/lyrics.asp
lyrics taken from: http://www.animelyrics.com/jpop/larcenciel/jiyuenoshoutai.htm

ini lagu asli enjooooyyy.... (sori ta, keinspirasi sama entry blog kamu ni, hehe)

current tune


ndari, nday, ojochan, nenek, burung, bursky, birdy, wulan

obsessed with new york city, vin diesel, yoshiki hayashi, having an apartment, and keeping things clean & tidy

describes herself as anal-retentive, a workaholic, a credit-card abuser, a faghag, suffering from light OCD

luv luv luv coffee, cigarettes, bodyCombat, cocktails, chit-chatting, making friends, organizing, working, the idea of decorating her own apartment, shopping

freaks out over talks about marriage and having kids

hates fruits, mushy-spoiled-and-stupid guys, cooking, people who are not being ontime/ nosy/ judgmental/ who burp in public

my accounts
View Siti P. Wulandari's profile on LinkedIn

daily walk
yoshiki hayashi!

pak ibam

fafa sayang!
mbak wina

daily surf
planet csui01
planet csui02
planet csui04

September 2003
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