i've got an achin' in my bones i've been exposed to what i want to see..
ga ada hubungannya sih, cuma tu baris pertama lirik lagu Dodgy itu cukup mewakili yg gue rasain sekarang.
badan gue sakit semua, hadohhhh... kemaren Danny ngasi training jam 13.30, which A PURE TORTURE, gilaaa tu orang! biasa gue ngangkat 15 lbs utk legs extensor, kemaren dikasi 22.5 lbs. biasa gue dikasi 5 lbs utk squat machine, kemaren dikasi 15 lbs, terus dia cengangas-cengenges puas gitu. dengan muka dah mabog, gue tanya akhirnya, "is there any particular reason why you are unusually torturing today?". dia senyum2 bilang, "hey.. i want you to keep some memories about me on your last few days in S'pore *senyum lebar*". DASAR GILAAAA! anyway, kelar jam 15.00-an, gue istirahat bentar, minum kopi, jam 15.20 daftar utk kelas Body Combat (me and my crazy decision). 15.30 pintu dah dibuka, Sue masuk. gue ga pernah dapet si Sue ini, biasanya dia ngajar di kelas pagi, sementara pagi kan gue ngantor, jadi selalu kedapetan either Julian ato Issey. anyway, Sue ini badan bawahnya sih biasa aja, perut jg ga gitu bagus, tapi lengannya buseeeeeeeet... gede abis, bulky banget, tapi kerennnn.. jelas banget itu ototnya, gue iriii.. anyway, baru masuk, dia langsung bilang, "ohkay, class. today we're going to have a Combat Killer class. we're going to play 10 tracks nonstop. no rest between tracks, what for lah? so get ready, do your best, and good luck."
GILINGAN PADIIII.. i didn't sign up for this!
tapi turned out it was hell a lot of fun. capeknya sih ga usah ditanya, dia bener2 literally nonstop, ga dikasi istirahat sama sekali. ada sih.. sekitar 40 detik buat ngelap keringet, tapi minum aja gue ga sempet. left wing seperti biasa diisi dengan the regulars yg teriakan2nya bikin semangat, dan gue jadi ikutan tereak2. begitu pulang, jalan aja udah gemeteran nih kaki, kacauuu... but really, it was the my best Body Combat class. i think i would really miss these classes, huu huu..
nahh.. malemnya gue dong, sok2 tereak2 selama Inul sama Temple of Sound manggung. alhasil begitu pulang, suara gue yg udah mulai sembuh, sekarang balik jadi "suara Reza" lagi deh. aaaaarrrrghhhh!
I've got an aching in my bones
I've been exposed to what I want to see
The fuse is burning somewhere; it's drenched in heat
it's where I long to be
There's always two sides you don't have to suffer
If this is heaven then send me to hell
So stay in the light, don't take your eyes from the prize
Hey, they've got the bell
If it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me
It's good enough for two, it's what I want to see
Sing a song as the sun does rise
if you don't ask questions and you don't know what
There's a bridge to the other side
don't take your eyes from the prize
There's always two sides you don't have to suffer
If this is heaven then send me to hell
So stay in the light, don't take your eyes from the prize
Hey, they've got the bell
If it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me
It's good enough for two, it's what I want to see
There's always two sides you don't have to suffer
If this is heaven then send me to hell
So stay in the light, don't take your eyes from the prize
Hey, they've got the bell
You'd like me to buy mind,
The situation may never find ---------------------------------------------------- Good Enough / Dodgy
ada yg tau cara ngebuang space segede2 gaban di bawah itu?
WOMAD 2004 - Fort Canning Park, Singapore
lunch with SingTel's pak boss & bu boss
shakin' your bootie... clubbing di Zouk ama Phuture ga kesampean, clubbing in Fort Canning Park pun jadi hahaha WOMAD 2004 ROCKS! gilaaaaaaaaaa! last weekend was the best ever! gue kebagian nonton Yasmin Levy (Israel), Inul (Indo), Temple of Sound (UK), dan this last one i mentioned asli nendang banget! itu bener2 audiences akhirnya pada turun ngedeketin panggung, and we were movin', shakin', woohoooo! wah bener2 deh... asli gue ngerasa basi banget ga pernah denger ini grup sebelumnya. sampe ada ibu2, kayaknya orang lokal sini, pake shorts sama tank top, parah banget goyangnya sih.. ampe jadi tontonan orang2 di belakang dia terus pada ngakak semua. lagian sih, aga2 ga nyadar gerakan sama umur hihihihi tapi serius deh, bener2 kebayar banget gue ga sempet ke Zouk (meskipun sempet ngomel2 sendiri gara2 dua bulan di S'pore masa' iya sih ga bisa nyempetin 1 malem aja ke sono, pdhl semua orang dah recommend, gebleg.), puaasssss...
but of course, yg ga kalah hebatnya: INUL DARATISTAAAAAA! itu juga gilaaaaaaa! asliiii parahhhh! staminanya sinting, 45 menit non-stop dia bergoyang sana-sini. sayang ngebornya dikit banget, gue aga2 curiga emang dikasi warning ama panitia kali yah, jangan kelewat seru soalnya yg nonton tu dari bayi sampe oma-oma, ga enak juga ngeliat pantat di mana2 gitu. dia bawain Dewa's "Separuh Nafas", "What's Going On", Shakira's .... lupa gue judulnya, Goyang Senggol, Laksamana Raja Laut (eh? salah yah?), terus yg lagunya di album paling baru itu lho.. yg "Bapak-bapak Ibu-ibu.. etc etc", and bbrp lagu laen. Suaranya ternyata emang bagus, gue dah sempet ngeh sih pas liat bbrp show dia di TV, tapi pas denger aslinya emang bagus banget. Cocok banget sama musik rock-dangdut. Mana orangnya cantiiiiiik banget, AND I MANAGED TO TAKE A PICTURE WITH HER!!! wuehehehehe kapan lagiii coba gue foto sama Inul, meskipun sebel karena kita lagi liat ke kamera yang kiri, dia liat kamera yg kanan, dan ternyata foto yg jadi malah kamera yang kanan, hu-uhh.. another thing, dia emang modest banget lah orangnya. pas kita2 pada ngedeketin dia abis manggung (it was me & my cousins, several TKWs dari Indo, some more Indons, and even bule-bule), bodyguard2nya dah pada bilang supaya ga usah pake acara foto2, tapi dia sendiri yg alus banget bilang, "ngga, gak papa kok." padahal dia ngomong gitu dlm keadaan lagi dipapah kayaknya teler banget abis manggung.
gue ga tau gue jadi demen banget ama dia skrg apa karena nasionalisme gue yg ketantang banget pas kemaren (gile.. nonton artis dari negara sendiri di negara laen), ato emang simply musiknya dia emang enak (ga kayak most dangdut yg gue notabene ga pernah suka, ini emang lebih dicampur ke rock), but she was fantastic! itu bule yg nyamperin dia abis manggung sambil ngegendong anaknya jg ampe komentar,"you were great!". wahhh gileee beneeer... fans-nya dia kebanyakan emang orang Melayu sih. si Yasmin Levy jadi jauh bgt perbandingannya, dia kan yg musiknya very mild, jadi orang nonton tu sambil santai, piknik, makan2. begitu Inul naek, langsung deh merapat ke panggung yg namanya Indons, orang2 Melayu, sama several bule yg emang found her great. sempet ngobrol sama salah satu penonton yg duduk sebelah kita, "she was fantastic!". dia bilang kalo dia masih muda mungkin pengen ikutan goyang, tapi sekarang kayaknya tu tulang bisa remuk semua kalo ngikutin goyang Inul. tapi dia jg ngomentarin kostumnya kenapa celanaya musti ngetat banget mana pake mengkilat2 di bokongnya gitu "it's very seductive". hehehehe yaaaa namanya jg mo Goyang Ngebor, bu!
satu yg sempet rada' lucu tu pas Inul nanya something like "you want me to drill now?" atau "you want to see me drilling" ato semacam itu lah. hahahahaha parah! terjemahan bebas abissss..
tapi bahasa Inggris dia lumayan kok, at least masih bisa dimengerti ama penonton. Purwacaraka yang ngiringin, which emang jagooo yah tu orang. *thumbs up* "What's Going On" sempet jadi menarik banget buat bule2 situ. Soalnya kan lagunya lagu Western jadul, tapi ga disangka pas tengah2nya dibikin dangdutan hahaha
wahhh asli.. gue masih kelewat enthusiastic nih..
Friday, August 27, 2004
Ice Kachang by in-a-chord
yay yay
yay yay yay
yay yay yay yay yay yaay
yay yay yay yay...
You always say I'm un-romantic
Don't know ways to make a girl tick
I must say you're right about it
For I am truly unpoetic
But I'm not dull
I'm not that stupid
It's just that sometimes --dunno!-- not working
So I didn't sleep
Use my little wit
To write this little bit
You are my Ice Kachang
In this tropical heat (sambal blacan.. sambal blacan.. my hearts melt for you)
You are my favorite dessert (ooh la la!)
So inviting, so sweet (macho macho)
Would you like to bobo chacha
Come along and dance with me
You are my love, my tutti frutti
Someone I'd like to eat
dum dum dum
Everytime when we go dating
First the movies then go shopping
You always hint I'm un-exciting
That has been so since beginning
But I'm not dull
I'm not so stupid
It's just that sometimes I'm a blur kid
So I didn't eat
Use my little wit
To write this little bit
You are my Ice Kachang
In this tropical heat (my heart melts for you)
You are my favorite dessert (ooh la la)
So inviting, so sweet (macho macho)
Would you like to bobo chacha
Come along and dance with me
You are my love, my one akachi
Someone I'd like to eat
Each time I look into your eyes
I see some pretty colors (very nice!)
I wouldn't mind paying any price
I'm kachang over you (I say go, honey dew)
repeat Reff.
Ice Kachang...
hehe ada bbrp lirik yg ilang ato ngaco, maap maap deh. soalnya susah dengerinnya. kalo ada yg minat, mp3-nya bisa diambil di sini. jangan lupa extension-nya di-rename dulu jadi .zip. enjoy!
just when i thought things couldn't have gone better gue keterima jadi asdos DDP! Alhamdulillaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!! Ya Alloh, Tuhan lagi sayang banget ama gue, bnyk banget dikasi rezeki! Sueneng'eeeee... ^________^ asik asik.. bulan ini bisa ada tambahan uang belanja, huekekekekekekek
Thursday, August 26, 2004
1. leher sakit, salah posisi tidur.
2. ngantuk parah, kurang tidur.
3. lupa minum vitamin tadi pagi.
4. coffee-shop lobby belum buka.
5. i ran out of my instant coffees.
6. perut ada blendungnya, krn kmrn pas dinner makan roti pita.
7. laper, tapi kantin isinya makanan berat ato snack ga sehat semua.
8. ac kantor dingin banget.
9. coffee-shop lobby belum buka.
10. coffee-shop lobby belum buka.
11. coffee-shop lobby belum bukaaaaaaaaaaaa..
aaaaaaarrgghhhhh.... one dreeeeadful morning.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Rp 200,000 ( festival depan )
Rp 150,000 ( festival belakang )
Rp 185,ooo ( tribune )
5 OKTOBER 2004
Rp 300,000 ( festival )
Rp 750,000 ( tribune )
12 OKTOBER 2004
Rp 200,000 & Rp 400,000
1 MARET 2005
woohooo! lagi banyak concerts bagus nih. some friends even said kalo L'Aruku
jg mo dateng, semoga bener, amiiiinn! ^^
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
10 minutes nap + 1 cup of espresso (although a double shot would've been a better choice, stupid me).
it went to be a great decision. now i'm fully charged, yeah! with trance music as an extra ingredient, now i'm ready to work.
Monday, August 23, 2004
i am sweating like a pig.
gile.. ini baru nyampe kantor, terus duduk, nyender di kursi, dan heran ko berasa basah di punggung. jadilah gue ke toilet, sekalian emang mo melaksanakan rutinitas pagi. begitu ngaca, liat punggung...eh asli parah.. basah banget sampe jadi tembus. aaaaaaaa... gila ni asli orang2 sini ko bisa ga pada keringetan yah? padahal kan banyak jalan, terus di MRT jg ga bisa tergolong dingin lah considering semua orang desek2an gitu, giliran gue aja deh.. basah ga keruan gini, ee'.
dan kenapa ungkapannya itu tu "sweating like a pig" yah? kenapa ga sapi, ayam, ato kuda nil? dan emangnya babi tu keringetan yah? O_o
Indonesian Open Jazz tokaaaaaaaiiii.. gue ga bisa nonton!!!! kemaren si Indra baru ngirim email promosinya, hueeeeee.. taun ini kelolosan ga nonton dehhhh.. T_T padahal kan ada Tomorrow People Ensemble, dan ada DEVIANA!! kampreeeeet.. asli, ini di minggu2 terakhir malah kelolosan banyak acara banget. dan tanggal 1 Sept Krakatau manggung di GKJ, gue jg ga bisa nonton karena itu pas gue baru landing. ahh.. *speechless*
ini gue paste deh email-nya, siapa tau ada yg minat mo nonton..
To All Jazz Lovers in Jakarta:
Indonesia Open Jazz Festival began in 2001 with two weeks of jazz
workshops, seminars and performances. This regular open air jazz
festival is part of Ms Tjut Nyak Deviana Daudsjah contribution to
increase awareness of local musicians in the creation of great jazz
music. The IOJ 2004 23 – 28 August, is offering a week of workshops,
seminars, dine & jazz, outdoor jazz jamming and indoor concerts with
foreign and local musicians participating under the direction of the
Institut Musik Daya.
The national and foreign artists participating are:
From Indonesia
1. Margie Segers with Benny Likumahua, Sam Panuwun, Jacky & Perry
2. Titi Handayani & Friends – Ahmad Ananda, Doni Sundjoyo, Ramadhani
Syah, Titi Handayani
3. Tomorrow People Ensemble – Indra Perkasa, Nikita Jeffrey Dompas,
Elfa Zulham Syah, Azfansadra Karim
4. The Daya Orchestra
5. The Daya Swara Choir
6. The Cherokee Band
7. Riza Arshad Simak Dialog
8. Sri Aksana Sjuman
9. Tjut Nyak Deviana Daudsjah
10. John Revi Awondatu
11. Martin
The International Musicians are:
1. Peter Steinbach, double bass - Germany
2. Rogerio Bottermaio Quartet from Brazil with Rodrigo Botter Maio (Brazil), Louis Eduardo Costa (Brazil) & Elisabet Raspall Guillamont (Spain)
3. George Perczel, piano - Hungary
4. Hideaki Tokunaga, guitar - USA/Japan
5. John Stowell, guitar - USA
Here is the schedule of activities planned:
Thursday, August 19,2004
IOJ 2004 Press Conference
16.00 Press conference at Institut Musik Daya
Saturday, August 21,2004
IOJ 2004 Opening Concert
20.00 - end Concert with Tjut Nyak Deviana Daudsjah trio Featuring
Peter Steinbach - Double Bass & John Revi Awondatu - Drums
Venue: Nick Mamahit Performance Hall at Institut Musik Daya
Rp. 50.000.- per person and Rp. 20.000.- for Students
Tuesday, August 24,2004
Mainstream - Modern Jazz Workshop
10.00 - 12.00 Instrument Workshop
- Double Bass with Peter Steinbach (Germany)
- Piano with George Perczel (Hungary)
- Guitar with Hideaki Tokunaga (Japan)
- Drums with John Revi Awondatu (Indonesia)
13.00 - 15.00 Ensemble Workshop with all participants
20.00 - 21.00 Concert with Hideaki Tokunaga & Friends
21.15 - 00.00 Jam Session
Wednesday, August 25,2004
Brazilian Jazz Workshop
10.00 - 12.00 Instrument Workshop
- Double Bass with Rogerio Botter Maio (Brasil)
- Piano with Elisabet Raspal Guilamont (Spain)
- Drums with Eduardo da Costa (Brasil)
- Saxophone with Rodrigo Botter Maio (Brasil)
13.00 - 15.00 Ensemble Workshop with all participants
20.00 - 21.00 Concert with John Stowell, George Perczel,John Revi
Awondatu & Martin
21.15 - 22.15 Titi Handayani & Friends
- Ricky Lionardi - Guitar
- Doni Sundjoyo - Double Bass
- Ramadhani Syah - Piano
- Titi Handayani - Drums
22.30-00.00 Jam Session
Thursday, August 26,2004
Duo Vocal & Guitar Jazz Workshop
10.00 - 12.00 Vocal & Guitar Workshop
- Vocal with Tjut Nyak Deviana Daudsjah
- Guitar with John Stowell (USA)
13.00 - 15.00 Ensemble Workshop with all participants
20.00 - 21.00 Concert with Riza Arshad Simak Dialog kyaaaa... ada Riza Arshad! >_< 21.15 - 22.15 Concert with Cherokee Band
22.30 - 01.00 Jam Session
Friday, August 27,2004
Kroncong Music Workshop
14.00 - 17.00 Ensemble Workshop with Kroncong Sakti Irama
20.00 - 22.00 Concert with Rogerio Botter Maio Quartet,The Daya
Swara Choir, The Daya Orchestra with Tjut Deani Daudsjah
22.15 - 23.15 Concert with Tomorrow People Ensemble gue mo nonton iniiiii... - Indra Perkasa - Double Bass
- Nikita Jeffrey Dompas - Guitar sind, ini Nikita-nya SUSU, just incase u don't remember. yg bnyk kontak ama kita jaman2 Alztar, hehe - Zulham Syah - Drums
- Azfansadra Karim - Piano dan ini Adra-nya Shalin loh.. 23.30 - end Jam Session
Saturday, August 28,2004
IOJ 2004 Concerts
16.00 - 17.00 Hideaki Tokunaga and Friends
17.15 - 17.45 The Daya Swara Choir
18.30 - 19.15 The Daya Orchestra with Tjut Deani Daudsjah
20.00 - 21.00 Margie Segers Quintet Featuring Benny Likumahua,Sam
Panuwun & The Pattiselanos
21.15 - 22.15 Rogerio Botter Maio Quintet
22.30 - end Jam Session
We will also sell Indonesia Open Jazz 2004 Souvenirs and Performing
Artist CD's (starting at 15.00 WIB on Saturday August 28, 2004).
Contact us at :
Institut Musik Daya
Jl. Wijaya IX No. 21 Kebayoran
Jakarta Selatan
Tel. +62 21 7209748
Fax. +62 21 7258963
Email: imd@attglobal.net
i don't feel well i'm losing my voice, my throat sore really bad, and all other symptomps that lead me to a flu. bah.
nothing really happened to us. neither he was a jerk, nor i was being a bitch. it had nothing to do with our feelings as i knew that we really cared for each other. it's just that things gone pretty bad because of our differences, and we let the relationship drifted away when we knew that it was for the best. how i wish that things could've gone different. and now i'm seeing him erasing me from his life, and man.. it sure is painful. he didn't say anything when i asked, so i knew that it was true. *sigh* well, i guess, life goes on..
"...soredemo omou anata no koto o
kisetsu ga nagareteitemo...
me o tojite itsumo miteta fuukei no you ni
nando-me-ka no ame mo agatta
setsunai hito yo, kanawanu negai yo
naze kono mune kara ai wa umarete-yuku?
sakimidareta hana wa yurete
shizunda daichi ni furisosogu
ai o toki wa kanadete omoi wa afureru
togiresouna hodo toumei-na koe ni
arukidashita sono hitomi-e
owaranai mirai o sasageyou"
--- Niji / L'Arc~en~Ciel
Friday, August 20, 2004
sometimes users can be such a PAIN IN THE BUTT! >.<
i spent most of my time reading at the office, all the past few days, as i'm being left with quite nothing to do after i finished my last project.
and now.. one HUGE project just came, definitely my most complicated project among the 5 projects i've done so far. then one of the clients just asked for some major changes for their website that i finished a couple of week.
all have to be done in a week, before i go home.
oh, make it 5 days, as i don't work on weekends.
ooh.. how i love life.
real coffees just can't be compared with any 3-in-1 instant coffees. *slurp* ah.. *satisfied*
Thursday, August 19, 2004
SHIT! what is that stupid banner doing up there?! >_<
btw just remembered. what is it with someone's ego? i knew a person who went abroad and gambled whether he'd manage to survive living there or not. after a couple years, i notice how he's been living such a sad life with quite no purpose, something that he'd be able to get off if he would just come home and live a proper life here. i asked why won't he just go home, and he told me, "i don't feel i've gained enough experience. and besides if i go home now, i haven't brought "something" enough to be proud of." so i thought, fine. it's his choice anyway.
well quite a while later, i had a chat with his bestfriend, we were just arranging a schedule for both of us to meet and have a coffee, when we got into the topic about this particular person i mentioned above. i came up asking why is he being so stubborn about staying abroad. and know what his bestfriend said? "well the last time we had a chat, he told that he enjoys the way he lives now. he gets to meet famous DJs, and he gets to go partying."
so much for "haven't gained enough experience".
ego. bah.
aaaaand another morning. nothing special. so i spent last night watching "The Village" with my cousin and Wendy Tan, a colleague of mine. it was a really interesting movie, with dozens of interesting screenshots, not to mention the twisted ending! just don't expect anything like the previous Shamalan's movie "Sixth Sense", cos it's totally different. it's not like it was /amazing/, but yeah.. it was good.
ronald susilo finally lost on yesterday's game. so the coming up battle will be boon sak from Thailand vs taufik hidayat from Indonesia, yeaaaaayy! go taufik! it's been a while since i watched badminton games on TV. nowadays are much less interesting, far from the times when we had susi susanti, alan budikusuma, ricky-rexy, joko suprianto, mia audina, and even trikus minarti. now /that/ was definitely "an" era. it's over now.. even mia audina left and played for netherlands, not to mention that she's still winning her battles so far and going for the semifinal IINM.
well apparently, meta and i went to the same train with T, a fellow frequent-visitor of my blog. meta noticed him, but she wasn't really sure since neither of us have ever met him in person. yet she had a chat with him after we arrived at the apartment, and confirmed: it /was/ him. and he even asked, "ndari was the one who talked 'geblek', eh?". ee'.
i was so happy to find boy and raden online last night. aaaaaaaaaa miss them so much!! i was so tired to be honest, since i haven't fully recovered from whatever symptomps are these, and yet i was too happy that i decided to chat with them for a while, well with boy mostly. he's been having problems, which making me feeling kinda worried since knowing him, he could do quite anything that might be harmful for himself. can't wait till i get back and see him and see the others as well. *sigh*
still getting stuck with Jeffrey Archer's "Sons of Fortune", the book's getting more and more interesting. *back to reading again*
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
It don't mean a thing (if it ain't got that swing) by Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald
What good is melody, what good is music
If it ain't possessin' something sweet
It ain't the melody, it ain't the music
There's something else that makes the tune complete
It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing
It don't mean a thing, all you got to do is sing
It makes no diff'rence if it's sweet or hot
Just give that rhythm ev'rything you got
It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing
ada yg pernah denger lagunya? kalo blon, cari & download! gilaaaa... gue makin paham kenapa itu 2 orang dianggap world jazz maestros. it was amazing! apalagi ella dg scatting dia sepanjang lagu, huahhh... many thanks to my meta for sending me the mp3. :)
and here we go! finally back to work. website OAI akhirnya udah diluncurin, dan sampe sore nanti gue masih harus nungguin segala feedback yg masuk utk ngoreksi website-nya, baru ntar sore dibikin official. senang! so far baru 2 feedback yg masuk, yg 1 minta salah satu menu dibuang karena kayaknya dah ga valid buat departemen ini, terus yg 1 lagi minta ada 1 menu ditambahin & minta dibikinin 1 website lagi buat bagian IS security. cuma pas gue liat website IS Security yg lama, waduh... kok kayaknya aga lebih ruwet yah.. strukturnya susah, data2 yg musti disimpen jg script files (gue ga tau gue punya permission ato ngga utk upload/download, kalo ga boleh terus gemana masukin datanya di website dong?), terus design-nya apa mo dipertahin kayak gitu apa mo diseragamin sama redvine juga blon diputusin. blon lagi tools-nya masih blon jelas musti pake apa, alahmak.. tapi gpp lah, mendingan stress beginian daripada gue nganggur, bisa gila.
the end of an era - a long story era kejayaannya si hepi. yep, utk orang2 yg bergelut di komunitas J-Indo (seperti gue, ria, myo-chan, miss j, anak2 J-band di Jakarta, etc.) pasti dah ga asing sama makhluk satu itu. gue ngalamin gemana pas pertama gabung sama jetto, gue baru ngeh kalo jetto itu disisihin sama anak2 komunitas, dan gue ga ngerti kenapa, ya iyalah.. namanya jg baru gabung. tapi yg jelas gue gerah, ga lucu banget kita maenin lagu2 yg disukai sama anak2 komunitas ini, tapi mereka ga suka sama kita. jadilah waktu itu akhirnya gue mulai email dan telepon anak2 laen (yg notabene pas itu gue baru kenal, maen hajar aja telepon2 hahaha), tanya ada kejadian apa, kenapa jadi begini, etc. i'in yg akhirnya berbaik hati ngasi tau seluruh cerita kenapa jetto ga disukain. pas gue sampein semua ceritanya ke malik & raden (2 anggota jetto yg paling lama selain boy), raden sumpah serapahnya keluar semua karena merasa ceritanya ngaco. malik yg akhirnya cerita ke gue kejadian sebenernya apa. gemana jetto sempet diperes ama hepi sampe Rp 120rb cuma buat manggung 3x doang, terus maennya jauh banget & telaaaaaat abis tanpa pernah ada konfirmasi mereka harus maennya kapan, dan bbrp kejadian laen. entah gemana cara hepi cerita ke yg laen, yg jelas ceritanya jadi laen dan memposisikan jetto jadi band yg "sok artis" (as i quote from several people that time) & sombong. asli gawat banget lah pas itu.
gue akhirnya ketemu sama anak2 kyuuto, zeal, kirie, dan tentu saja bintang tamunya si ibu ria (famously known as pemilik milis Wasaba, dan sekarang DareDarou) hehe anyway, gue lurusin seluruh ceritanya di situ, apa yg gue dapet dari malik gue sampein semua ke mereka. melihat respon mereka pas itu kayaknya mereka cukup kaget pas tau the whole story, dan cerita pun mengalir gemana yg laen ternyata juga pernah kena dimakan duitnya sama hepi, saben manggung ditarikin biaya mulu padahal band dia sendiri ga bayar.
after a while, hepi bikin yg namanya "Happy J-Prock Enterprise", which btw gue merasa itu nama yg tolol banget karena ga pernah ada sejarahnya aliran musik "J-Prock", di mana2 juga "J-Pop" ato "J-Rock", si gile dia. anyway, banyak band yg masuk ke her so-called enterprise, jetto nolak though karena ogah berurusan dia. utk jetto sendiri, puncak kemarahan kita adalah pas manggung di Univ Dharma Persada bbrp bulan lalu. jadwal kita berubah seenak jidat, dari yg mustinya manggung jam 4, akhirnya kita baru manggung setelah jam 8!! bayangkan! gue bertahan dengan hairdo, makeup, dan kostum yg sumpah panasnya setengah mati selama 4 jam lebih, EE'! malik lebih marah lagi karena dia ada janji setelah Magrib yg terpaksa batal. sebelum jetto manggung tu giliran Wasabi ato band laen (Perfect Blue ato apa yah? lupa gue..), dan pas itulah malik manggil kita semua keluar utk ngomong. di situ akhirnya dia bilang kalo dia udah fed up banget dengan kejadian ini, sampe titik dia menolak utk manggung. raden bilang dia ikut yg laen gemana, tp yg jelas mulai detik itu dia mutusin kita ga usah terima tawaran hepi sama sekali utk ke depannya, tiap ada urusan sama dia pasti ada kejadian aneh2. manggung di dharma persada itu memang tawaran dari hepi juga, dan yg ngasi tau kita berubah jadwal juga dia which kita pikir itu aneh banget. kenapa dia yg ngasi tau? seharusnya kan panitia, so we suspected kalo dia ikut andil utk ngubah2 jadwal seenak jidat dan bikin jetto maen terakhir. anyway, gue kasi pendapat gue kalo emang pada mo ga mo maen ya udah gue gpp, karena menurut gue malik got his point. kita bukan band yg jelek yg baru manggung utk kedua ato kedua kali (apalagi malik udah jadi bagian dari jetto dari taun 2000), rasanya emang ga pantes juga kita diperlakuin kayak gitu.
acin dateng tiba2 langsung nyemangatin kita utk manggung, bilang ga rela kalo ga liat kita manggung malem itu. kyuuto malem itu memang termasuk yg jadi korban perubahan jadwal, manggungnya jadi malem juga. sementara di belakang gue sempet liat kalo taya & icil nangis pas tau jetto mikir utk batal manggung aja. lama mikir, akhirnya arif yg angkat bicara duluan, bilang kalo emang ini bakal jadi manggung terakhir kita yg ada afiliasi sama hepi, why don't we gave it our best shot. kepalang tanggung dah di situ, dah nunggu berjam-jam, mending maen sebagus mungkin lah. gue akhirnya jg ngaku ke malik kalo boleh milih gue jg prefer manggung, gila aja.. 4 jam lebih bertahan dengan dandanan kayak gitu terus batal manggung, ogeng banget. dan akhirnya jadilah kita maen "Ready Steady Go!" langsung disambung dengan "Stay Away", ngebawa penonton yg dah mulai ke arah pintu keluar utk balik lagi ke panggung.
anak2 nganggep itu mungkin bukan their best performance (technical problems, as usual), tapi definitely the most satisfying performance. buat gue? NGGA. gila aja, monitor gue kayak bisu gitu sih, ga kedengeran apa2, jadi gue maen cuma kira2 dari pola drum-nya si raden doang, parahhh! ga enjoy. blon lagi gue berdiri di panggung wing kanan belakang, yg penontonnya tu mas-mas tengteng semua, amit-amit asli.. gue salting ga keruan.
anyway, afterwards kita selalu nolak kalo hepi nawarin manggung, cukup sudah dengan si empok gila itu. nah.. kembali ke title cerita gue yg ini, it's the end of her era sejak bu die ini melemparkan topik mengenai "ibu gembira" itu ke milis. ngasi tau betapa dia fed up dengan kelakuan miring hepi ke band2 yg jadi member DD, dan ngasi tau kalo kita udah waktunya buka mata dan do something dg masalah ini. to my surprise, Wasabi ternyata jg jadi korban dia, padahal itu kan band-nya dia sendiri. anyway, sejak die-chan posting masalah ini, milis jadi cukup rame membahas, masing-masing mulai keluar cerita pengalaman buruk mereka dengan mpok satu itu.
it's definitely the end of her era. i won't be surprised if in the end wasabi tell her to drop her job as wasabi's manager.
2 weeks to go wuih cepet banget.. 2 weeks before departing Singapore. perasaan gue agak2 kecampur. tinggal di sini nyenengin karena hidup gue teratur banget, dan gue punya lingkungan baru utk hidup, and it's been great. tapi kangen juga sama jakarta. gue kangen rumah, kangen keluarga gue, kangen masakan & kelakuan miring pembokat2 gue, kangen temen2 gue, dan mostly kangen Jetto. tiap masang lagu2 L'Aruku, wuahhh.. tangan rasanya gerah pengen pencet2 keyboard. gue kangen latian. capek juga latian di sini, keyboard-nya "di" kepala, pengen mencet keyboard beneran.
abis itu, kuliah pula. wuahh.. moga2 bisa bagus deh semester 5 ini. semester 4 kemaren nilai gue sukses banget, gue bahagia lah. C ada seperti biasa, tapi A juga ada beberapa, jadi gue cukup puas. setelah ngulang OSK dan sukses mengubah D gue menjadi A (YEAAAAAAAAY! Alhamdulillah!!! long live p'adhi!), IP gue langsung membaik. IP semester 3 juga langsung naek gara2 OSK dibuang dari situ, dari 2.79 akhirnya jadi 3.125. IP semester 4 kemaren masih tergantung sama RPL gue, tapi so far gue ngitung, kalo RPL gue nauzubilla min zalik dapet C sekalipun, IP gue masih di atas 3, alhamdulillahh.. kerja keras gue kebayar banget. tinggal sekarang perjuangan di semester 5, makin susah nih gue yakin banget, harus bekerja keras yoshaaaaa!
oh btw, utk Enrico, teman seperjuangan gue pas ngulang OSK yg selalu nyodok2in gue tiap gue ketiduran di kelas (hahaha! thank you, en. utang gue udah gue bayar dengan ngasi unjuk catetan gue toh? hehehe), tengkyu banget yah! so glad perjuangan kita ga sia2, congrats to you as well! ^_^
dilema dilema kalo punya temen banyak ya begini ini nih, begitu pergi, list oleh2nya langsung banyak banget. gaji gue sekarang tinggal S$ 600-an, the other S$ 700-nya abis di oleh2 sama 1 jam tangan. dari yg S$ 600 ini pun gue masih harus bayar Danny, baru sisanya itu yg gue pake utk hidup for the next 2 weeks dan beli bbrp stuff yg gue pengenin. ini sih alamat pas pulang gue dah ga bawa duit sama sekali hahahahaha payah banget deh, kesenengan baru punya duit sendiri, gebleg. tapi gila.. kalo udah gini bener2 yakin emang gue musti sekolah di luar, lebih masuk akal kalo mo nabung utk S2 dari gaji gue (i think i've mentioned this before).
Insead ever heard this school? gue lagi mencari2 alternatif selain Ivy Leagues dan menemukan sekolah ini. it's actually the best in Europe, located at one of the small cities in France. gue dah ke website-nya dan cukup menarik, dan.... mereka buka cabang di Singapore! ntar mo coba cari waktu utk ke sana ah. moga2 kalo yg Asia campus ini lebih murah, krn yg di France masih lumayan mahal. 50k Euro utk seluruh course-nya. the good thing adalah karena lokasinya bukan di Paris, jadi living cost mungkin lebih murah. tapi tetep aja.. kalo ada pilihan utk di Singapore ya mending di sini lah, ajuh lebih hemat utk living cost pastinya.
hehe ini gue lagi diliputi semangat '45 utk S2 makanya ga bisa berenti ngomongin. XP
man, several appointments to attend this week. another discussion with Mr. Larry Lam regarding student loans dan gue sendiri pengen tanya2 soal milih a good graduate program gemana. then an interview with Brennan from akatones. wahhh senangnya!
udah ah, it's lunch!
Friday, August 13, 2004
Not A Second Time by The Beatles
You know you made me cry,
I see no use in wond'ring why,
I cried for you.
And now, you've changed your mind,
I see no reason to change mine,
I cried, it's through, oh.
Oh, you're giving me the same old line,
I'm wond'ring why,
You hurt me then, you're back again,
No, no, not a second time.
no particular reason, tiba2 kangen denger lagu2 the Beatles. jadi inget jaman2 SMP kelas 2. it was Anggia, Dece, me, Kartono, Ditto, Arief, all of us the Beatlemanias! asli masa2 kejayaan banget tu dulu, tiappp hari mesti nyanyi2 di kelas. ahhh jadi pengen pulang terus pasang kaset2 rekaman pas SMP itu. hehe jadi inget jahatnya anak2 dulu sama ikky pas dia lagi sayang2nya sama shalin.. *sings* "you're going to lose that girl, yes yes you're going to lose that girl, you're going to looooooose that girl..."
pulang ah.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
oh btw, can anyone tell me what a GMAT really is? so far i've known, it's a test, tapi tes apa, requirements-nya apa, utk apa, ada yg tau?
maaaan, i really need a counsellor. siapa ya yg ngerti diajakin ngomong ttg beginian..
masih ga ada habisnya gue terpana tiap liat graduate programs di foreign universities. how come is it that they have SO many programs, so many specialities, and so many career options? sementara ambil contoh kampus gue sendiri lah, jurusan yg ditawarin utk graduate cuma 2 (MTI & MIK). nyempitin kemungkinan berkarir, dan bikin 1 field jd berjejal-jejal jumlah kandidatnya, sementara field2 laen yg mgkn sama menariknya jadi ga ada kandidat. dan kalo liat top employers mereka di sono, duhh... bikin ngiler... Amex, EY, PWC, JP Morgan Chase, Deutsche Bank, aaaaaaaaaa... mauuuuu...
kalo mikirin S2, selalu pusing.. duit mo dari mana. nyokap sih selalu bilang insya Allah ada (although I'm not sure that she knows exactly how much would we need to pay for the whole course, kl tau kali bisa pingsan dia hehe), asal 4 taun ini bonyok nabung terus. di satu sisi gue lega karena kerja 2 taun setelah lulus gue yakin ga bakal bisa nge-cover expenses utk S2, apalagi kerja di Indonesia. tapi di sisi laen, gue jg ga enak banget kalo ngebebanin bonyok. bisa sih kalo gue mau cari uni yang murah, tapi kalo ntar kualitasnya juga "murah" gemana? another alternatif, gue ga ambil S2, tapi buat gue itu ide lebih dogol lagi. gue sangat ga pede cuma modal lulus dari Fasilkom bisa majuin karir gue, knowing i also want to pursue my dreams and goals to have a really good career somewhere outside the country.
so far on the top 10 universities rank, blon ada yang tuition fee-nya di bawah US$ 30,000/tahun. ada bbrp malah yang 30k itu belum termasuk living cost. nyokap sempet ngusul kalo ke Europe aja gemana, dia kayaknya waswas gue hidup ntar begajulan di US. tapi pas gue liat, yang masuk top 10 itu cuma yg di London (London Business School) ato France (Insead, program2nya menarik banget). dan both unis juga ga kalah gila tuition fee-nya. yg 1 di atas 50k Pound per year, yg satu lagi di atas 65k Euro per year. gilaaaaaaaaaaa!!! alhamdulillah gue lolos SPMB. paling ngga nabung duit yg bisa aja dulu kepake kalo misalnya gue ga lolos SPMB dan ended up kuliah di univ swasta ato di twinning program UI.
some people would just tell me to chill and stop making a fuss since it's still like 4 years away from now. but i can't! it's hard to live with my life being unplanned, dan 4 taun itu tu ga lama, terutama karena kerja gue ikut menentukan gue mo S2 apa, dan ending2nya KP ikut kesangkut paut. gue ga mau serampangan milih tempat KP. KP ga sekedar buat cari nilai, tapi jg buat jual kemampuan. syukur2 setelah KP, supervisor puas dan berniat utk ngambil kita setelah kita lulus nanti. syukur2 tempat KP nanti adlh perusahaan internasional, dan memungkinkan kita ditransfer ke luar negeri one day. syukur2 kita berhasil kerja tetap di tempat kita KP dulu, dan kantor ini yg ngirim & ngebiayain kita S2. in the end akhirnya semua bisa jadi saling terkait, makanya gue mabog mikirin. nyokap jg dah bilang kalo gue ama dia sama sintingnya, mikirin KP dah dari sekarang, pdhl masih setaun lagi. dia mo bantu cari2 koneksi gue utk KP di luar, atopun di dalem tp international company. on these times, i can't thank my mom enough, knowing that in terms of giving good education, she's been the best mom ever.
sempet terpikir mo student loan, tapi kalo inget bahwa pay back loan itu could take years, kok terasa jadi ide yg rada gila. *long sigh*
btw, Probter gue B, thanks to ilham yg udah ngabarin. ga tau mo seneng ato mo sedih. aga2 kecewa sih ga dapet A, meskipun emang ga terlalu berharap karena gue merasa ga terlalu sukses pas ujian. tapi seneng jg karena Probter termasuk yg ga bisa gue prediksi sama sekali, malah sempet nyangka gue bakal dapet C doang. so in the end, alhamdulillah..
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
legaaaa.... buang hajat pagi emang de best deh. speaking of de best, gue jadi inget si ebhest (apa coba hubungannya?), hebat juga dia akhirnya jadi nikah ama rachel maryam. kalo inget dulu pas jaman2 dia pacaran sama si chicha (yg kayaknya sekarang makin sukses jadi seniman hehehe kangen gue ama si asem itu), sambil kelayapan flirtish ke lira, phies, santi, dan entah ke berapa cewek lagi hahahaha boleh bangga deh si chicha sekarang. XD
np: Jamie Cullum - What A Difference A Day Make
been a while yep, been a while since my last entry. ga se-"while" itu sih, cuma considering kemaren2 bisa nge-post sehari 2 - 3x, ya lumayan lama lah gue ga nulis. last weekend was quite a lot of fun! being an extra host to the BBQ party at the apartment. kenalan sama this guy namanya Askar, yg dasar dunia dah sempit banget, ternyata kenal sama banyak anak AIPL karena dulu dia sempet ngerasain sekolah di 70. jadilah dia kenal dhanika, fajar yasin, phies, wuaa.. seru juga.. terus somehow gue cukup nyambung utk bergila bersama temen2 Tia, apalagi yg namanya Suan (ato Swan? tapi kok angsa?), over all it was a success lah.
setelah rombongan temen2 Tia pulang, tinggal lah kami2 yang lebih tuir. gue, Eta, dan her friends yang anak2 scholars dari Indonesia (i could've been one of them if i took the scholarship i got 5 years ago, sayangnya ngga). it's amazing when i talked to them, it's easy to see how smart those people are. semuanya sekarang kuliah either di NTU ato NUS, with various majors. mulai dari economics, chemical engineering, computer engineering, wuaa.. ampe terpana juga. baru ngerti ternyata mereka 4 taun itu harus nyelesein 160 sks, tapi ga boleh ngulang. mabok ga tu coba? jadi misalnya ada mata kuliah yg fail, mereka ga boleh ngulang, harus ambil mata kuliah laen utk nebus, bahhh.. ga enak banget. nyuci otomatis jadi ga bisa juga, mending di UI duongs kalo gitu. :P
Invisible Trade one good book. akhirnya gue beli dan sudah menyelesaikan 2 chapter pertama, tsk..tsk..tsk.. would you believe that some girls can earn S$ 600 for a 10-minute service! buka baju aja ngga!! cuma bantuin the client to do some kinky stuffs, and that's just it. hebaaat.. cara penulisnya maparin semuanya so far juga oke banget, ga vulgar sama sekali, menarik malah buat dibaca. saya senang. tapi masih ada other books yg pengen dibeli, duh kapan gajian yaa..
np: Kelly Clarkson - You Make Me Feel (Like A Natural Woman)
a little "too" much of everything sesuatu itu bagus selama dalam kadar yang wajar, tapi kalo udah "terlalu", i believe apapun bisa jadi buruk. in my case, gue perduli apa kata orang laen ttg gue (one thing that mr. fabulous had always complained from me). gue pikir selama ini wajar lah, namanya jg hidup di tengah2 masyarakat. kita kan nyesuain sama sekitar, belum lagi yg namanya norma2 itu kan emang dibentuk dari pandangan masyarakat gemana. tapi ketika sudah mencapai "terlalu", now.. i believe something's going very wrong. most of the times i'd get all freakish karena si ini bilang begini ttg gue, si itu bilang begitu ttg gue. gue berubahnya sih ngga (gue bisa berubah kalo komentar itu keluar dari orang yg bener2 influential ke gue, ato orang yg bener2 gue sayang, otherwise, no no), tapi gue stress iya banget. semua dipikirin sendiri, pusing sendiri, marah2 sendiri, swear curses, dan sumpah itu ga sehat banget. gue baru ngeh ya belakangan ini lah. gue baru ngeh gara2 kalo lagi diem ngelamun, yg muncul di pikiran gue cuma 3, antara: 1) mr. fabulous 2) my future career 3) what other people think of me. 2 pikiran pertama sih oke lah, ga buruk dan masih bisa gue hadepin. tapi yg ke-3 ini, lama2 emang eneg sendiri. setelah gue pikir2, /apapun/ yg gue lakuin, for some people mungkin ok, tapi for some other mungkin ngga. ya itu hak masing2 lah, tapi kok jadi gue yg pusing?? ini semua gue curiga aga2 berhubungan dg sifat "people pleaser" gue, gue pengen nyenengin semua pihak, bikin semua puas, yang tentu saja.. NGGA BISA LAH, NDAR.
np: Guy Sebastian - Angels Brought Me Here
man.. i really gotta stop this. this, dan ketergantungan gue sama temen2 gue. masalah yang kedua ini ga gitu krusial sih, karena memang belum terlalu ekstrim. it's just that kadang gue jadi lupa gemana to stand up for myself utk ngelakuin hal2 yg gue pengenin, tanpa sibuk consider dulu yg laen pada mo gemana, apa mo ikutan ato ngga, terus getting all worried ketika ga ada yang ngikut. duh telatnya gue... nyadar beginian kok ya baru sekarang. >_<
and another year udah masuk masa2 ngisi IRS, wuah.. bingung saya. dah punya sih list yg pengen gue ambil apa aja, tapi ga tau deh itu mata kuliah pada available ato ngga, we'll just have to see. pengen ngambil Pengantar Akuntansi 1 & 2, tapi kok yg 2 gue liat tadi di website FE ga ada yah.. padahal kalo gue bener niat mo ambil MIS, kayaknya itu 2 mata kuliah bakal termasuk prequisite-nya. pikiran mulai bercabang... MIS menarik, MBA juga, tapi SAP juga kayaknya seru... wuuhh... bingung saya. kuliah oh kuliah..
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
The Streats :: Wednesday, August 4, 2004
M'sia plans laptops for all undergrads KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia is planning to provide laptops to students of public universities and selected private institutes of higher learning, Education Minister Shafie Mohd Salleh said on Monday.
He said that there is a proposal to provide new students with alptops and have the cost deducted from their National Higher Education Fund Coorporation (NHEFC) loans and scholarships, The Star reported yesterday.
Dr Shafie also said that efforts would be made to offer laptops on loan to those who cannot afford it and have no scholarships.
He said that many students were now using their initial NHEFC payment of RM 1,500 meant for books and other materials, to buy cellphones.
"The money could be put to good use by getting laptops instead," Dr Shafie said at an education conference on Monday.
"We want to improve the infrastructure at public universities to ensure a high level of connectivicty. Universities must be wireless so students can log on to the Internet the minute they enter campus."
huaaaaaaaaa.... kita kapan yaaa... *tears flowing*
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
just finished looking at several pictures. pictures of a crowd that doesn't include me. pictures of people around me, yet people i've never been close with, and don't think i'll ever will. pictures of people that suppose to make me feel "hey, i belong here!", yet i don't feel so. pictures of people that i usually say "hi" to, when they pass by. funny that somehow it hurts. i mean it, it really hurts. and it's not just the hurt, there's also the sick-feeling, the enough-of-this! feeling, and even the i-wanna-get-out-from-here-cause-i-don't-belong-here feeling.
boy, why the hell am i here? wish i can just go and leave everything behind. i don't belong here. don't know where, but definitely not here. darn.
a combination of 20 minutes in the stairmaster and 60 minutes in the BodyCombat class is NOT a good idea. now my thighs sore (although i suspect this is also because of the program Danny gave me last Sunday), i'm extremely sleepy, and this is just 8.35 in the morning! aaarrghh! was pretty happy though last night, as i looked at the scale and found my weight back on track. yup, it gained 1-2 pounds over last weekend. but yesterday's i-predict-in-total-would-be-700-cal workout managed to burn it off.
tapi serius alahmakk... ngantuk banget. -_-
btw i'm thinking of watching Inul's concert here. yup, our famously Drilling Queen, Inul Daratista. hahaha not her solo-concert though. it's the Womad 2004 (World of Music Arts & Dance) which is going to be held by the end of the month. various artists all around the world would be performing, and Inul is Indonesian's ambassador. hehe
Monday, August 02, 2004
heads in the clouds kinda hooked up with the Da Vinci Code, gilaaa! gue demen banget tu buku, udah lama ga baca buku yang bermutu. abis ini penasaran sama Invisible Trade. kayak Jakarta Undercover, except that this one speaks about the high-class prostitutes in Singapore, dan 1: itu bukan buku murahan. Jakarta Undercover gue baru baca beberapa halaman aja dah geleng2, ga ngerti sedikitpun kenapa orang2 Indo bisa pada demen ama tu buku. Murahan, kosa katanya buruk banget, instead of a result of a thorough research, gue merasa lebih kayak baca novel jorok. beda banget sama "Invisible Trade", gue sempet baca, dan hooked up baca selama 15 menit (sambil berdiri, abis itu kaki gue tegang) di Borders. Very interesting, ga murahan sama sekali, nunggu gajian abis itu mo beli! Along with "Donald Trump's 11 Secrets" he got from The Apprentice, sama John Grisham's "King of Torts".
bye bye, shoes another boring day at the office. struktur website untuk IAR department udah kelar dari Jumat siang minggu lalu, feedback dari CAFIN untuk website corpdevt baru keluar besok, nicholas sibuk dg launching redvine.vic, jadilah gue nganggur ga keruan. aga2 blessing in disguise, sepatu utk ngantor gue yg tersisa tadi jebol juga, jadi bisa nyempetin keluar kantor instead of mati bosan. sebelumnya kan yg putih yg udah gue buang di Junction 8. sekarang yg Marie Claire abu2, pas nyampe kantor tiba2 solnya keplek-keplek. sempet papasan sama nicholas, dia nanya sambil pasang muka concerned kenapa gue jalan nyeret2 (dia kira kaki gue sakit kayaknya), gue angkat kaki kanan gue, dan "PLOK!" solnya jatoh.
ganteng banget dah.
dia langsung ngakak, gue minta ijin utk keluar kantor beli sepatu bentar. dia malah ngusir gue supaya buru2, yo wis.. ke iSETAN dan bertemu lah saya dengan sepatu ujung lancip, cokelat muda, teplek, yg cantik nan indah itu huehehe gue dah liat itu sepatu dari minggu lalu, waktu itu mikirnya mo beli kalo dah gajian aja. pas dicoba, kyaaaaa...senaaang.. cantik banget! cuma ada problem dengan ukuran. 37 ternyata kegedean, kalo jalan ya lobok-lobok. minta 36, di ujung kaki ternyata ngepassssssss banget. udah puyeng, pas liat2 sepatu laen either ga ada ukuran yg pas, ga sesuai sama kocek, ato simply jelek. jadi ya sutralah.. getting through all the pain for the sake of being beautiful, hahahaha
lesson of the day: jangan beli sepatu merk Marie Claire. yg abu2 ini merk-nya Marie Claire. yg item di apartemen dan sudah siap dibuang karena nyakitin kaki gue juga Marie Claire. bah, kapok.
A CappellaFest '04 went there last Friday. 10 groups were performing, here are my comments:
Nanu, all-female a cappella group, 5 performed that night out of the usual 6. very disappointing. their performance didn't imply their achievement of being Singapore's a cappella community ambassador through their performances in Jakarta & Boston.
Wolu Singers, eight (in Javanese, wolu = eight) Indonesians studying in NTU. they sang a fun song for their opening song (don't remember the title though), which was just great! not to mention their funny dance. second song was Neri Per Caso's Quello Che Vuoi, which was okay. It was good, but it was an almost-exact copy of Neri Per Caso's, so there was nothing special about it. last one was Kopi Dangdut, which well... interesting.
Lao Langs, the replacement of Budak Pantai who was supposed to perform that night. They were okay, but the lead singer (the one who wore an orange t-shirt that night) was out-of-tune. It was reeeeeeeeally baaad. I can't believe that he didn't realize it all throughout the song. At first I thought it was the whole group, but when there was this part when he didn't sing, only the rests of the group, and they were good. Too bad.
ngam, very interesting! For their opening act, they sang a medley of cartoon-jingles, from Pinky & the Brain, My Little Pony, Care Bears, all the way to Ghostbusters. I don't recall the other songs, but I do recall that this is one /really/ potential a cappella group.
In-A-Chord, experience is the best teacher & practice makes perfect, that definitely applies to this group. This formed-in-1987 a cappella group was the guest star for the first part of the festival, before the intermission. You can easily judge that this is one professional group just by listening to the bass-vocal. Unlike the previous groups which most of the times having the bass-vocal covering the rests of the vocal, this group made everything just perfect. Their vocals were so rich, that I couldn't believe that I've never heard of them before. It's easy to see that they're very much used to performing, as they performed looking very comfortable & confident, and made light dialogs with the audiences between their songs. I'd definitely going to look for their previous 3 albums, they're going to release the fourth by the end of this year.
TAG, the winner of the High School Category of a recent National A Cappella Championship. still far from perfect, which is not a surprise considering their age, but they still have a lot of time to catch up.
Upbeat, quite good. Their version of "Take the A Train" was also very interesting (to be honest i kinda forgot if it was this group or "ngam" who performed this song). Overall, ok laah..
Notations, great! consists of 6 people, with 5 among them are actually a member of other a cappella group, this is another very potential group. i'll be waiting for their album, if they ever come up with one day.
Tic Tac Tone, euh... kinda forgot which group was this one. will try to remember, and add up some comments some time later.
akatones, a fantastic closing group for the festival. TWO THUMBS UP! looking at their costume when they first entered the stage, my cousin and i was quite confused. it looked well... so 80-ish. and guess what, turned out that they sang Earth Wind & Fire's "September", HOORAH! wasn't the best choice of an opening act, but it was really good. followed with "Everybody Wants to Rule The World" (which somehow i mistakenly heard as "Everybody Wants to Move Along" T_T), which didn't stop to amaze my cousin & me as they sounded hardly like people, it was like listening to a real TV commercial, with all the music & stuff. they ended their performance with New Radicals' "You'll Get What You Give", which left me being astounded. they were in complete harmony, amazing power, amazing performance! another can't-believe-i-never-heard-of-them-before feeling. most of the personnels born in the 70's, grew in the 80's era, which was why they're singing 80's songs. they clearly stated "No Boy Bands, No Girl Bands, and definitely, No Britney Spears". hahahaha further info about them, click here.
so at this moment, akatones and in-a-chord is definitely on the top of my CDs wish-list. *grin*
ndari, nday, ojochan, nenek, burung, bursky, birdy, wulan
obsessed with new york city, vin diesel, yoshiki hayashi, having an apartment, and keeping things clean & tidy
describes herself as anal-retentive, a workaholic, a credit-card abuser, a faghag, suffering from light OCD
luv luv luv coffee, cigarettes, bodyCombat, cocktails, chit-chatting, making friends, organizing, working, the idea of decorating her own apartment, shopping
freaks out over talks about marriage and having kids
hates fruits, mushy-spoiled-and-stupid guys, cooking, people who are not being ontime/ nosy/ judgmental/ who burp in public