dieeeet... ...gue rusak negh. rencana bulan Mei ini mo rajin aerobik, even made a fixed schedule for both aerobic & fitness. then put a list of foods i may eat on each breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack. the thing is, i'd have a proper breakfast/lunch/dinner, according to the list. but around 9 or 10 pm, i usually started to get hungry, and that was when i started to go snacking around. biscuits, keripik, even kadang2 bikin Energen yang denger2 gede di karbohidrat & lemak. keren banget deh.. emang sih gue in the end baru tidur jam 1-2 pagi, tapi ga yakin itu lemak2 dah kebakar dalam 3-4 jam itu. terang aja masih gendut begene. jeprut.
-- stop press --
-- eof --
ah jadi inget, gue dapet istilah "jeprut" tu dari siapa yah? pertama tadi mikirnya isman, soalnya biasanya gue dapet istilah2 aneh tu dari dia, i.e.: "ngejogrok".
life can never be "better" both literally and sarcastically. literally better when it comes to my love life. FYI setelah putus 2 bulan yang lalu, mr. fabulous & me barely talked to eachother. finally di salah satu acara kampus 2 weeks ago, kita ketemu, sempet berusaha menghindar dari satu sama laen selama 2 jam, sebelum akhirnya terjebak di kondisi di mana gue ga bisa ngehindar lagi.
dan mulailah kita mengobrol, obviously diawali dengan basa-basi ga penting. ga lama kemudian dia minta gue nemenin dia beliin minum, so i did. pas di perjalanan balik ke kampus itu lah mulai ada conversation2 serius ttg "kita". dibahas lagi kenapa sulit banget buat kita utk being normal friends, which in the end we concluded that it'll be hard for this period of time with the fact that we still "care" about eachother. dibahas juga kenapa dulu kita putus, so on so forth.
well, pembicaraan ga berenti di situ. tapi berlanjut di telepon & sms pada hari-hari berikutnya. dan terjadilah.. JRENG JRENG... what we all know as : CLBK (baca: celebek).
things were going well, we decided to stay in touch, dan buat gue waktu itu yah it was a good start. i wanted to see how things would flow, kalo going good ya i don't see any reason kenapa kita ga balik. maksudnya, pada saat itu gue pengen ya kita jalanin sambil introspeksi masing2 dulu aja. kalo ternyata memang ga bisa, ya sudah.. maybe it's better for us to be just-friends.
to my surprise, by the end of the week, mulai lagi semua adu argumen kita. persis kayak sebelum kita putus dulu, dan gue pusing banget. kepikiran ga berenti, karena dari yang niatnya mo let things flow, malah jadi ga bisa flow naturally lagi. semua kayak kepaksa harus begini dan begitu. aaahhh susah lah jelasinnya. so in the end, akhirnya ya gue state ke dia bahwa "maybe it /is/ best for us to be friends". was glad to know ternyata setelah statement itu keluar, ya kita kayak sama2 sadar bahwa kita emang blon siap utk lebih jauh dari relationship ini (friends). masih terlalu banyak perbedaan di gue ama dia, dan the thing is, tingkat penerimaan ke satu sama laen masih rendah banget.
sekarang masih stay in touch, gladly being friends. *smiles*
another story was what happened between a good friend of mine and me. ini kedua kalinya gue ngalamin, pernah ngalamin kejadian serupa itu pas SMP. so i have this good friend, and we've been friends for quite a while. kita cocok as in have similar interests, similar ways to joke around, we have the same thoughts & way of thinking, pokonya bestbuds lah. quite long ago, we used to talk about the possibilities of us being in a real relationship. the idea finally faded away knowing that we have different religions, and so things just won't work.
a week ago we had the very same conversation, and to my surprise that was the day when he started to act weird towards me. he became alot more affectionate, and definitely /not/ in a "friends" kind of way. on other times, i found him reacted strangely every time i mentioned about D or mr. fabulous. i found the whole situation very awkward, yet i didn't know what to do! i was afraid that if i talked to him about the whole thing, it'll tear our friendship apart. but to let things being the way it was, not only i felt very uncomfortable about it, but i also started to stay away from him, and in the end it'll tear our friendship apart anyway. i told my roommie about this. coincidentally this friend of mine had been sharing his thoughts with my roommie so she knew the whole thing. she finally talked to him, telling him about the awkward-ness i've been feeling. yesterday he and i finally met and talked about it. i told him what i felt, and he apologized. he admitted that he was out of control and promised that he'd be the old him.
and now we're back friends again. oooo, so happy!
as for D, he's coming around in my life again. we started to make contacts as he told me that there's a fat chance that he's going back to Indonesia this summer. and God, i'm so freaked out. i'm happy in one side, i mean.. come on, he has left me for the past 2 years, and i won't deny that i miss him so much! but on the other hand, i have no idea what'll happen if he /does/ come back. i mean, will everything just go back the way it was 2 years ago? or will we be able to hold ourselves and stay as friends? or will we just stay out of touch from eachother? man.. this one matter is driving me nuts!
well, life has never been "better". tugas ga berenti nongol, padahal jelas dah mo finals. dasar kebiasaan banget deh dosen2 fasilkom. minggu depan adalah minggu terakhir kuliah. sedangkan tugas 1 RPL deadline baru minggu depan, denger2 masih ada 2 tugas lagi dari mata kuliah itu. Tugas 2 Jarkom baru dikumpulin kemaren, ehh.. tugas 3 udah di-launch. Tugas 3 Basdat juga harus dikumpulin 2 weeks from now, sedangkan design layout-nya aja gue masih blon beres. Then Probter, sampe detik ini ga jelas tugasnya apa, deadline juga ga jelas, dan gue rasa ending2nya selama ujian kita masih sibuk ngerjain tugas. BLE'E.
dan sate udah ngomel2 nyuruh gue logoff sekarang. so time to go, ciao.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
fruits, fruits, fruits! dan makin banyak kemajuan.
minggu lalu gue pesen rantang for the whole week. waktu itu cuma sempet beberapa kali liat iklannya di dinding kost, so i thought.. why don't i give it a shot. ya wes, selama 4 hari gue makan malem sayur & buah, tanpa nasi, lauk, kerupuk, apa lah. buah sempet kedapetan pepaya ama semangka. dengan sedihnya pas nongol pepaya, pepayanya udah berbuluuu.. hiiii... giliran semangka, baunya naujubillah!!! jadi lah gue makan sambil tutup idung hehehe
kemaren anak2 ngajarin gue makan jeruk. which menurut gue cukup melelahkan. ngupasnya repot, buang2 biji repot, isep2 juga rebel, terus tangan gue pliket semua, aaaaaaa.... mending diperes deh. tapi gpp lah, pengalaman pertama ndari ngupas jeruk hehehe
jadi so far: jeruk, pepaya, semangka, dragonfruit. kita tunggu kita tunggu...
Monday, May 10, 2004
hidup gue lagi so so.. ga gitu menarik. same routine each and every day. kuliah, pulang istirahat bentar, terus ngerjain tugas ampe pagi. other days gue kuliah, istirahat bentar, aerobik/finess, terus ngerjain tugas ampe pagi. BOSAN!
jadi mulai sedih kenapa gue nge-kost.. kalo di rumah, on weeknights i can still go to places, masi bisa rutin ngeliput acara. hiks hiks.. tapi kalo ga nge-kost, nasib tugas2 gue ntah gemana itu mah..
not to mention my diet, in which gue merasa hopeless karena ko ga turun2 yah berat gueeee... makan udah diatur, olahraga udah mulai lagi, tapi ko ga keliatan improvements-nya. normal tu orang mulai keliatan penurunan berat badannya setelah mengubah pola makan dan lifestyle itu butuh berapa lama yah?
tugas basdat makin bikin pusing. gue merasa ga ngasih banyak kontribusi ke kelompok gue untuk pengumpulan kedua, other than bikin sedikit DDL dan bikin design utk layout kasarnya. hueh.
tugas rpl, tugas jarkom, semua udah di-launching. HUAAAA... GUE JIJAY AMA INI KULIAHHHH, AAAARRRGGHHHH..
gue pengen hidup yg santai. tapi dikasi hidup yg santai pas gue stress lagi karena merasa ga ada kesibukan. aaarrgg.. kalo kata Spiderman nih, "it's my gift. it's my curse." *grin*
kerja ntar kayak apa yah..
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
dan sejarah pun telat mencatat...
2 malem yang lalu GUE MAKAN DRAGONFRUIT!
bukan masalah di dragon-nya, tapi masalah di BUAH-nya. huahahahahahaha! although jangan direkam kejadiannya, karena gue mual ga keruan selama ngabisin sepotong buah itu. :P tambah lagi pas ditawarin utk makan potongan kedua dengan dibayar Rp 50k pun gue masih nolak, hehehehe..
ndari, nday, ojochan, nenek, burung, bursky, birdy, wulan
obsessed with new york city, vin diesel, yoshiki hayashi, having an apartment, and keeping things clean & tidy
describes herself as anal-retentive, a workaholic, a credit-card abuser, a faghag, suffering from light OCD
luv luv luv coffee, cigarettes, bodyCombat, cocktails, chit-chatting, making friends, organizing, working, the idea of decorating her own apartment, shopping
freaks out over talks about marriage and having kids
hates fruits, mushy-spoiled-and-stupid guys, cooking, people who are not being ontime/ nosy/ judgmental/ who burp in public